Chapter 25

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Dresses, Accessories, Makeup, deodorants and perfumes, shoes.

And the perfect hair for the perfect bride.

Sorry, graduate!

Yeah, my bad. Actually looking at Ana right now, you'd think she was a bride rather than someone dressed for graduation. Who am I kidding? My family was known to go over the top at moments like this.

That's why we—all the girls—sat down patiently, watching the makeup artist work on Ana's hair. We had been sitting still, only making comments here and there for the past four hours. Sometime later, I got extremely bored and joined the guys at the game room—Yes, we do have a game room in this obscenely enormous house, I'm sorry if I haven't mentioned it—playing video games like my life depended on it. In a way, it did because I don't think I'd able to endure someone working on my body for four hours just to make me presentable. When I get to graduate, I'll be as simple as can be!

Speaking of graduation and school, I would be resuming after summer; Tess and I, both. I felt a little ecstatic about going back to NYU, having boring lectures, meeting new people and old friends, getting good grades and leaving after completing my degree. Studying English literature wasn't a breeze but I loved the course so I believe I could see myself excelling in it.

I can't believe it's almost being a year since undergoing those surgeries that changed my life. Almost a year I got my sight back. Almost a year Jason left. Almost a year a part of me died as well.

Nevertheless, it's been almost a great year for me. I learned how to be independent. I could cook, drive, read and write, take long walks to the beach, and even ride a bike, which seemed to be the hardest of all (don't ask me how or why).

Life has been a breath of fresh air and an atmosphere of heat at certain times. When I needed to clear my head and think, I sit by the ocean or walk around town, observing people. I also volunteered to read to children at the nearby children's library. Sometimes, I just curl up in my bed, waiting for sleep to grace its tranquil presence. I watched TV a lot too.

Life was beginning to make sense.

"Dude, she has zoned out again. Come on Cassie, don't make our team lose." Charles nudged my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. We were playing against George and Jeremy. Checking the score, I knew they were ahead of us so I had to brush off all thoughts aside in order to win.

And we did! Not trying to brag but I had become a queen of video games. Maybe I should apply for a world video game competition or something. I'm not sure my parents will be pumped about that but I could be more famous and successful as a young adult based on self-made wealth.

Anyways, that is by the way.

We left the game room after being notified that Ana was ready. I met her as we got closer to the various cars leading us to the venue and I must say, she looked spectacular. The sun caused a glimmer on her skin and the white dress making her look like an angel so pure and divine. She smiled at me when she saw how captivated I was and then gestured for us to take a picture together. I had to snap out of my hazy thoughts to comply.

"You look exquisite!" I commented as I got closer. Her face beamed.

"Everyone's been saying I look beautiful, but I guess ‘Exquisite’ has a nicer ring to it." She replied and I rolled my eyes. She was fishing for compliments, I knew.

We posed different styles for the camera and kept snapping away until my mum got agitated and commanded us to get into the vehicle. We shrugged and got in, already comfortable as the air conditioning seeped through. It was the beginning of summer and the weather was becoming hotter by the day.

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