Chapter 21

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"I think its better you spent some time here. I'll get the jet ready for you next week." My dad kissed me goodbye before hurrying out to meet my mum who was already in the car at the garage.

Dinner had been a mess if you asked me. The food was delicious but the conversations were appetite destroying.

It was shocking to hear of what my mum had done years ago. I could still picture every word spoken and explanations made.

"What exactly are you talking about? Be sure of your words before accusing my wife." My dad fumed. It felt like mum had been accused of the impossible and dad never agreed to it. We all knew Gemma and her family left America for England because they wanted to find greener pastures, Gemma wanted to further her nursing degree and thought home would work out for them. However, hearing this sounded strange. Why would mum send them away?

"All I'm saying is the truth Matthew. Your wife here arranged for my late ex-husband, my son and I to leave." Gemma explained, I looked deep into her eyes and all I could see was the truth.

"But why would she do that? Your husband had a job and you lived comfortably. It's a little bit twisted if you asked me." my dad commented. I looked at mum, our eyes met but she quickly averted her eyes.


"Please tell us why my mum did that. There had to be a valid reason." This time around, I spoke up. Dad was right! Why would mum decide to send them away if they lived a pretty comfortable life in America.

"It was because of my son's feelings for you!" Gemma replied, "You know how you and Jason became extremely close as children?" I nodded, "Well, your mum wasn't happy about it. Every time we got home after babysitting you and your cousin, Jason would talk nonstop about being with you forever. It was sweet hearing him say those words so I never scolded him. I also felt it would barely last since you were both kids but your mum thought differently."

I glanced at mum again but she kept her eyes focused on the table. The rest listened with rapt attention as Gemma expounded on what had happened years ago.

"Please continue." Taylor urged his wife, earning a nod from her.

"One day, I had just tossed the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, Stephanie and Matt had recently returned from a friend's anniversary party they had attended. While I was still in the kitchen, Stephanie walked in, she looked like she had seen a ghost or something worse. I asked her why she had that look on her face, then she said ‘Have you heard the way your son talks about my daughter? He just told me he would marry her someday!’”

"I thought the reason for her demeanor was because she was astonished by Jason's confidence and confession, so I smiled and told her, he was a sweet little boy who was just infatuated. I also mentioned that his feelings would likely fade away as time progressed. However, she walked right past me without a word. Five days later, there was a knock on my door and I answered. Realising it was Steph, I ushered her in. I can never forget the way she looked around my house. She seemed disgusted that we didn't live in a mansion but in a three bedroom flat. I offered her something to drink but she declined, stating that it wasn't a social visit but that of business. In clear words, she said ‘I want you and your family to leave the country and go back to England in the next two days. I have sorted everything out. Your tickets are ready.’ I was shocked! When I asked the motive behind it all, she said she didn't want my son near her daughter. Apparently she had a list of suitors in mind for Cassie. I tried reasoning with her but she threatened to sue me, make my husband get fired at his office and make our lives miserable. I knew she was capable of doing what she had said. Therefore, I told my husband I wanted to further my education in England and he believed me. That was how we left." By the time she was done explaining everything. Everyone looked bewildered. We all couldn't believe what we had heard.

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