1. Day One & 30th April 2013.

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Day One:
I open my eyes and immediately close them again, bright lights shine down on me. I think back to why I'm in this situation, why I'm laying on a table with the smell of disinfectant in the air.

I was getting everyone out of a building at the centre of the Skylea attack, there was a trapped boy, I had to save him. When I found him my attention drifted to a window, out of it I saw something heading straight for us, so I grabbed him and ran down the stairs as fast as I could. When we were nearly to the front door it crashed into us, the building started collapsing, I told him to run. I tried to get out but I heard creaking, stupidly I turned around, a metal rod from I don't know where impaled me, I was trapped. The bloodloss and the fact that I hit my head on the floor wasn't doing me any favours. I tried to stay awake, I did, I focused solely on Tasha's voice. Clint was coming for me, but I feared he'd be too late, I could hear him trying to get to me but I felt myself fall unconscious.

I didn't think I'd wake up.

I blink a few times allowing my vision to adjust to the harsh lights, I glance around the room, a completely white room, lots of equipment like a hospital or a lab. I look down at my body to see I'm wearing a hospital gown, but what worries me is that I'm strapped down to a table.

Not good, not good!

"Hello?" My voice sounds like it hasn't been used in a while and it hurts, but I need to get someone's attention "Hello!?" I hear footsteps approaching, I take a deep breath to settle my nerves, the door opens to reveal a man in a smart black suit "Good morning." The man speaks in a British accent "Uh... where am I?" "Somewhere safe. We found you impaled under the rubble of a fallen building in the middle of New York city, do you remember that?" I nod "Good."

Hang on a minute if I was impaled why don't I hurt anymore?

"How long have I been here?" "You've been in a coma, your injuries were severe, but you don't need to worry about them any longer. Now, no more questions." He walks closer and picks something up from a table of equipment, he walks closer "I'm going to let you out of these restraints, you mustn't run, fight or turn invisible, do you understand?"

Damn it, he knows I can turn invisible.

I nod, he glares at me "I said, do you understand?" "Y-Yes." He gestures for me to continue "Yes what?" "Sir?" "Good girl." He smiles and unlocks the restraints holding down my ankles, then the one across my torso and finally my wrists. He hands me a glass of water from another table, I down it "Follow me." I slip off the bed, struggling to stand at first, but I manage it after a moment "Hurry up." I use the wall to support me as I follow him down a white walled corridor. We get into a white lift, I look at the buttons, there are 2 floors up and 7 floors down.

I don't like the feeling I'm getting from this place, underground hideout?

The lift stops, the doors open and the environment changes, the corridor is grey, I spot men in black uniforms walking around, with guns. I swallow my nerves and continue to follow the man in the suit, no longer needing the walls for support, he stops outside a door, where a man with a gun stands "Open it." He does as he's told, we walk down a dark staircase, eventually we walk into a black corridor, I hear screaming and cries of pain.

Oh no!

I turn invisible from fear, the man in the suit notices "I told you not to turn invisible!" He slaps me around the face, sending me to my knees and turning me visible.

He has good aim, I was invisible but he still got me.

He crouches down to me "You will do as you are told or you will be punished. Now get up." I stand up and continue to follow him down the corridor, I look from left to right as we pass cells with people in, they watch through the bars. The people are distressed, dirty and injured, the scent of blood fills the air, I feel like I could be sick. We stop at another door, once it's opened we are in a circular room, there are 6 other doors, I'm lead to one and he opens it. He pushes me in and slams the door behind me, I hear the lock click, I turn to look at my room.

I guess I could call this a room, unlike the cells we passed I actually have 4 walls, they only had 3 and I can't smell the blood as much in here.

The room has grey walls, floor and ceiling, a bed, with a small window above it, a wardrobe and a door. I walk over to the door, I open it to see a bathroom with a shower, toilet, sink, toiletries and mirror. I walk over to the mirror and look at my reflection, my skin is paler than usual, my long blonde hair has been chopped off just above my shoulders.

What have I gotten myself into?

I walk back into the bedroom and head for the wardrobe, everything is grey, I grab a grey crop top, jogging bottoms, plimsolls and underwear, I walk back into the bathroom. I put the clothes on the toilet seat and search through the toiletries. After having a well needed shower, I already feel much better, I dry and dress myself, I then clean my teeth, brush my hair and go to the toilet. I even manage to find a shaver, so I shave my underarms and legs, I clean everything up and rub my hair dry. Once I've made myself feel less like a coma patient and more like a human being I move to the bedroom and stand on the bed, I look out of the window, a forest blocks my view.

I have no idea what's going on and why they have me, but Britain is most likely since everyone I've heard speak so far is British. Just relax Scarlet, the Avengers will find me. Just relax. I trust my friends to find me.

30th April 2013: Helicarrier: Conference Room:
"We can't find her." Nat stands up from the table "How can we not find her? She went missing right under our noses!" Clint gently pulls her back down to the table, I explain further "Scarlet has been missing for 9 months now, she could be anywhere on the planet, we can't search everywhere." Nat stands up again "We have to keep looking, we don't know who has her! What if HYDRA has her!? We need to find her!" "How do you suggest we do that? Let's say HYDRA has her, we don't know the location of all their bases, not all of their bases can be seen above ground or they're disguised. She could be anywhere."

I want to find Scarlet as much as everyone here, accept maybe Nat and Stark, but how are we meant to find her when we don't have any clues to where she is. We've been searching randomly for months, we've asked for help from other organisations, we've watched all security footage but we haven't been able to track her. What can we do?

I glance around the table at everyone, deep in thought, with anger and worry on their faces. Stark sits beside me with his head in his hands "I think we need to stop the search, I'll visit her parents, let them know we've had no luck."

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