12. Day unknown.

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Day unknown:
Pixie pulls me into the helicopter and I sit in a far corner, she sits next to me and speaks in a dangerous voice "You freaked. You had one down but you freaked out, what the hell was that!?" I steady my breathing and try to clear my mind.

Forget about them. Forget about them. They didn't rescue me, I had to kill Clint, I mean Barton. What's happening to me!?

"Oi!" I look up to see an angry Pixie in my face "Stop it. Stop thinking about them. What you should be thinking about is how you're going to explain to the big man why only one will possibly be dead and I highly doubt it  since you went for his stomach! You've failed, Airess! YOU'VE FAILED!" I flinch and turn invisible at the aggressiveness of her voice.

The rest of the journey back happens in silence, terrible silence, I'm grateful when we get back to base, until I'm lead to the boss's office. I step into the office to see a smiling suit man, once he realises I'm not smiling he drops the smile and gestures for me to sit "You're upset about killing your betrayers? About losing some of our Agents? Tell me, what is it?" I hesitate "I-I failed." My voice is small and so is the shock, it doesn't even hurt, he leans closer "Failed? How so?"

He doesn't sound angry, but he will in about 5 seconds.



"Well you see, I..."


"...fought Clint and I..."


"I stabbed him." I look up at the smile on his face.


"But, I-I didn't..." His smile drops once again.


"...kill him." A glare forms on his face "WHAT!?"

I'm dead, this is the end, goodbye world! He's going to kill me, oh God! I don't want to die!

"You didn't kill him!? Where did you stab him, in the foot!?" I vigorously shake my head "TELL ME WHERE YOU STABBED HIM!" I feel myself turn invisible once again, he glares at me and I force myself to turn visible again "Stomach." "Stomach? Stomach! He's going to survive, you know that, right!?" I slowly nod "Tell me he wasn't the only one you fought!" I shake my head "Romanoff." He has a glimmer of hope in his eyes "And you killed her?" I look down at my hands, he deflates "Of course you didn't. Who did die?" "HYDRA Agents." "And which Avengers?" I stay silent "Which Avengers!?" I just shake my head from side to side as he lets out a loud sigh and leans his head against the desk between us.

Don't panic, don't turn invisible, whatever you do don't turn invisible. Don't look weak.

His speech keeps getting interrupted whenever he hits his head on the desk "You're telling me-" "-amongst the group of you-" "-no Avengers died-" "-and the closest to death-" "-was a stomach wound?-" "-What was Pixie doing?-" "-Was she even there?" He lifts his head off the desk to look at me, I see a red mark on his head and I nod "Then I'll be having a word with her afterwards, to see why she couldn't take any out either. But focussing back on you."

Please don't.

"Why did you stab him in the stomach, of all places?" For a few moments I open and close my mouth, trying to come up with an answer, but in all honesty, I wasn't sure. He holds up a hand to get me to stop "Guard!" My guard steps into the office "Take Airess to the infirmary and bring me Pixie." "Sir." I'm lead to the infirmary where a Doctor approaches to look at the bullet in my shoulder.

After a while I'm taken back to his office "Sit." I sit down and swallow hard, I feel fear bubbling up inside me "It seems you've regained your emotions, we can't accept that. You are going back into that machine, I've given Pixie a new controller for your collar which will allow her to choose how powerful it needs to be and how long it will last for, if you follow her orders she wouldn't have to shock you. Do you understand?" "Yes, Sir." "Good, now follow me.”

Here we go again.

We arrive in the white room, full of machines, I remember waking up in this room, but I don't remember falling asleep, it's odd.

I open my eyes and my body relaxes as I'm pulled out of a machine, the chains are removed and I sit up on the table.

This place again, what did I do this time?

"Airess, are you with us?" I look up to see the boss and my guard "Yes, Sir." I feel the tingling sensation of the electric shock running through my body "Do you remember what happened?" "When?" He smiles "That's a no then. Get up, you've got training."

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