28. 12th August 2014 P2.

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12th August 2014: Avengers Tower:
WOW! I was not expecting any of that to happen.

"Why are your eyes pink?" I blink a few times and manage to get rid of the pink, Pixie growls and lets go of my pinkie before storming off. I turn towards Barton, who's staring at me, I glare at him "Stop staring!" He leans back in his chair, I cross my arms over my chest "So?" I look to Banner "So what?" "What does pink mean?" I feel my cheeks heat up, I quickly turn around and walk into the kitchen, on my way I hear someone speak "Must mean she feels embarrassed." I sit at the island.

I can't just tell them what it means, not now, we're all starting to trust each other, this could ruin everything! I actually love her, I love her... I wonder if my eyes would've turned pink for Romanoff before all of this? What am I thinking!? Don't think about her, I was so mad about her abandoning me, but she did one thing right, I've got Pixie, because she never came for me.

"Hey." I spin round, to see Tony poking his head into the room "You alright?" "I'm fine." He sits beside me "You don't want to talk about it?" "No, I don't and I don't want you prying." "Sure."

That was easy.

He smirks "So... Pixie." "What?" He whispers to me "You like her, I can tell, not by your eyes, but by your body language."

Knew it was too good to be true, they all probably know.

"Fine, yes, I love Pixie, I just-" "Whoa! Love? Y-You love her?" I take a deep breath "Yes, I love her. Throughout everything she's always been there for me, she'd punish me, but she was just doing what she was told to do. She'd comfort me, help me, we'd train together, you've seen how well we work together. When I arrived at HYDRA, I saw it as a hell, I wanted to go home, to all of you, to Romanoff. I was scared, but I wasn't alone, I met Pixie, she gave me a reassuring smile when we first saw each other. She wasn't always the way she is now, yes she's strict, she feels rules are incredibly important, she'll do whatever it takes to complete her missions, but I love those things about her. I'll admit, I don't remember all our moments together, because some of those moments happened in the hours before going in the machine, but even when I was that me, she was there for me."

I don't blame her for any of the pain she has caused me, that was all HYDRA, if I'd gotten someone who didn't care, things probably would've been a lot worse.

I look into Tony's eyes, knowing mine are pink right now "There's nothing you can say or do to change my mind, absolutely nothing. I love Pixie, get over it." "Really?" I spin around to see Pixie, with a beautiful smile on her face and tear trailing down her cheek, I rush over to her and wipe her tear away "Really." I cup her cheeks in my hands and kiss her, then the door opens, I see Thor and I burst out laughing. Confused, Pixie turns to see him, she gets so mad "YOU FUCKING ASGARDIAN! YOU'VE GOT A FUCKING PROBLEM!" He's in utter shock "B-B-But-" "LEARN TO FUCKING KNOCK!" She slams the door in his face.

Oh, I love you.

She looks up at me and whispers "I love you too." I quickly peck her on the lips and turn to Tony, who's bright red and trying to breathe "You lot aren't very good at breathing, are you?" I open the door to the lounge, to be greeted with bodies hitting the floor, they were clearly all leant up against the door, trying to listen to what was going on inside the kitchen. Well everyone accept Thor, who's sitting as far away as possible, I laugh.

I've laughed more in the last few minutes than I have in a long time, this feels nice.

Tony starts laughing with me, now that he's actually breathing again, Pixie just rolls her eyes and leans back against the island, everyone looks at us, confused Pixie speaks "Do you now know why I threw a dagger at him?" Steve responds "Because he invaded your private conversation, twice?" "Correct! He needs to learn to knock! Or even better, he needs to not approach people who are... having a conversation!" Barton and Romanoff look at her suspiciously. I step closer to Pixie, I lay a hand on her shoulder and move my mouth to her ear, like I'm whispering.

I think they've figured it out, maybe we should explain?

She turns to Tony "That room I stayed in last night, is my room while I'm here, right?" His face still bright red and a huge grin on his face, he nods "Good." She grabs my pinkie and leads me to the doorway "Airess and I, are going to continue our very private conversation in my bedroom, if ANYONE interrupts us, I will throw a dagger at you also!" She leans over and whispers to Tony "Tell them." Then reverts back to her normal speech and faces the others "Oh and keep the Asgardian where you can see him, don't want him wandering about, maybe put a lead on him while you're at it. Just a suggestion." We walk from the room, to the lift, she clicks the button for the correct floor. As soon as the doors close, she backs me against a wall.

Sorry, JARVIS!

We start kissing each other, our tongues fighting for dominance, I run my hands to her waist and pull her closer, her hands grab my face. When the doors open, we run down the corridor to her room, as soon as we're in, she shuts the door, I turn her around and push her against it "JARVIS." Pixie looks confused as my British friend responds "Hello there." "Please lock this door, don't let anyone in and turn off any cameras in this room, I don't want anyone watching." "I understand." I smile down at Pixie and start kissing down her neck.

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