2. Day Two.

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Day Two:
I'm awoken by a banging on my door, I stretch out and open my eyes. I lift my head to see the grey room I fell asleep in.

I was hoping it was a nightmare, obviously not.

There's another bang and a sliding window opens halfway down the door "Out here, now!" I do as I'm told, I quickly slip the plimsolls on and rush over to the door, when I get there the man unlocks the door and grabs my arm. I'm pulled to the centre of the circular room "Stay there." I stand in the centre of the room as he unlocks the next door, each door he unlocks reveals another person in grey clothes, only one door is left unopened. The 4 people are each told to wait by me, one of them is a young lady about the same age as me, she's a little bit shorter and has shoulder length dark blonde hair, she gives me a small smile, I smile back.

Okay, good to know I'm not the only person being pampered while those people in the corridor are in cells, but why are the 5 of us special?

5 men walk through the corridor door and grab one of us each, we walk past the cells, up the stairs and round the corner into a mess hall, we're dropped into seats around a circular table with 6 chairs. Food has already been placed on the table in front of 4 of us, a young man is the only one to get nothing, one of the men who brought us in here, I'll call them guards from now on, speaks to him "You won't be eating breakfast today, due to your behaviour." He shakily responds "Y-Yes, Sir."

That doesn't sound very fair.

The woman looks at me and down at my food, I understand she's telling me to eat so I pick up the spoon, I eat my porridge and drink my orange juice. Once we're done we're taken to a different room, a gym, there are mats on the floor, an area full of different types of equipment, ropes hanging from the ceiling and a door on the other side of the room that says on it 'Weapons training'. We're ushered over to a bench, a man with a lot of muscle, in a tank top, jogging bottoms and trainers walks over, he speaks to me "I'm your instructor."

Time to put my SHIELD training to use, I guess. I need to figure out where I am, but I can't get in trouble just yet, I need to blend in for now, right? God I hope I'm right!

One at a time each of them do a little course, first they have to climb to the top of a rope and jump down from the top, then they have to run to the other side of the room and run on the treadmill as fast as they can for a whole 5 minutes, then they have to do as many situps, pullups and pushups as they can in a minute, finally they have to lift a line of weights until they can't lift the next one. I'm last up "New girl! You're up!" I walk over to the rope and look up.

How the hell am I meant to get up there?

I attempt and I mean attempt, to climb the rope, it doesn't work. After 5 minutes of barely making it off the floor, the instructor speaks "Terrible, move on!" I run to the treadmill and step up, he turns it on and keeps turning it up, until I struggle with the speed. It's as fast as I can handle and after just a few seconds I have a stitch, but I don't stop. I don't make it to the 5 minutes, I make it about 3 minutes before I fall off the treadmill, making everyone laugh, they are told they will receive punishment for laughing. I stand up and receive a disapproving look from the instructor "Situps."

That's the first time since entering the room he hasn't shouted his commands, I've clearly dragged his enthusiasm down.

I'm still breathing heavy from the running, but I begin my situps, I'm not bad, I would've been better if I had my energy to start with. Once I'm finished I see a hint of respect on his face. Then comes the pullups, which I don't have the upper body strength to do and the same for the pushups, but I manage to keep trying for the whole minute. Lastly the weights, I pick up the first 1 without a problem, the last one I can pick up is the 5th, I glance at the long line of weights I'm unable to lift "Such a disappointment, you'd better improve." The instructor glares down at me, he then motions to the bench, I sit down while he talks, he tells us about the good we can do if we become 'Special Agents'.

What does he mean by 'Special Agents'?

"HAIL HYDRA!" He salutes, so do the other Agents in the room, those of us on the bench sit in silence watching and waiting to leave the room.

HYDRA...? Shit.

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