15. 9th August 2014.

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Day unknown: HYDRA Base:
The girl lays broken at Airess’s feet and she couldn't care less.

HYDRA has finally broken her. I mean fixed! They've fixed her, we've fixed her… right?

“Good job, Airess. Now let's get you both to bed so you can rest, I'll see you in the morning.” We're both escorted to our rooms, Airess doesn't even look at me as we separate.

What have I done?

I lay down on my bed and think about everything that's happened, reassuring myself that I'm doing what has to be done, that this is the way she should be and I need to accept it.

I wake up the next morning, the pair of us are woken later, the sun is already up in the sky, we're taken to breakfast, then to the gym. When we get to the gym it's just us and the boss “Today you're training together, I already know you fight well together but I want you to improve that further. You need to have each others backs, you need to move as one.” He leaves the room so we can train in peace, I take her hand in mine and speak “How are you feeling?” 'Energised.’ “Good, I just want to let you know, that I care for you, no matter what, alright?” She curtly nods.

Well, it's a start, now let's focus on training.

“Okay, let's become one.” We talk about how to work together whilst trying out different moves, every now and again instead of speaking in her mind she accidentally speaks out loud and gets a huge electric shock.

Looks like the shocks have been dialed up too.

9th August 2014: HYDRA Base:
We've managed to follow the direction the helicopter had flown away in, we discuss with the rest of the team. We get back to the hotel we've been staying at to heal our wounds, as best we can, then we get a good night's sleep and come up with a plan in the morning. We get into the quinjet and head for the building we're hoping is the HYDRA base. When we arrive we sneak in, in two groups. We have Stark, Sam and myself going through one entrance. Through the other side is Nat, Barton, Thor and the Hulk. We don't get far before an alarm starts blaring around us so we take up defensive positions and prepare ourselves. Agents start running down the corridors, guns at the ready, we all shield ourselves from the rain of bullets.

Let's just find Scarlet and get out of here.

A few minutes after the fight begins, two feminine figures strut towards us, the shorter one has shoulder length light brown hair, is wearing a black jumpsuit and holding a gun in her right hand, her left hand is intertwined with the taller woman with longer blonde hair which has been left down. She's wearing a black jumpsuit, goggles over her eyes and walks with confidence.

Are we sure that's Scarlet?

They release each others hands, Pixie pulls out a second gun and holds them both facing us, Airess pulls a pair of swords from her back. The pair start walking towards Stark, who is the closest to them, Pixie starts shooting, I try to warn him “On your left!” He kicks the Agent he's fighting, away and strides towards Pixie. She runs out of bullets in her left gun, instead of replacing them she reaches to Airess’s side and pulls a gun off her belt to continue shooting. Meanwhile I've been creeping closer, when I get a bit too close, Airess notices and runs at me with her swords. Pixie stops shooting and pulls out a pair of daggers, she stands back to back with Airess, Stark and I on either side of them.

If they weren't the enemy I'd think they look rather amazing like this.

I speak gently “Scarlet?” She swings her sword at my neck, I manage to duck just in time to keep my head “This isn't you, Scarlet.” She gives me a strong kick in the genitals.

Well, her strength has definitely improved.

I stumble backwards, before I know what's happening someone has ahold of my neck and my back slams onto the floor, I groan in pain. My shield is ripped from my grasp and tossed down the corridor, Scarlet pounces on me, straddling my hips and punches me in the face. The hands around my neck remain, all of a sudden the punching stops and I find the energy to pull the hands from my neck and punch the person behind me, when I look I see it's Pixie. “This really isn't you, Angel.” I look up when I hear Stark's voice, he's holding Scarlet from behind, trapping her, she growls at him and her body spasms.

Was she electrocuted? Is that how they're controlling her?

I draw my attention back to Pixie, I grab her and pull her into a headlock, she can't escape. We stand up, facing Stark, who's still holding a struggling Scarlet. I see a smirk appear on Scarlet's face, at the same time the ladies both manage to overpower us, they knock us backwards and stand back to back once again. Pixie reaches backwards and takes Scarlet’s other gun from her belt, they link arms and Pixie leans back onto Scarlet, she propels her legs upwards and kicks me in the face. I stagger backwards once again, when I look back up they have let go of each other and Pixie is pointing her gun at me.

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