3. Day Two P2.

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Day Two: HYDRA Base:
After the gym, the other 4 are lead in the opposite direction to me. I'm walked into a lab, my guard and I stop in front of the man in the smart black suit, who is walking around talking to people in white lab coats "Ah, there she is!" He nods to the guard, who leaves. I'm pushed onto a stool, he sits opposite me "Give me your results card." I hand him the card I was given before leaving the gym, the instructor rated each hurdle out of 10.

Here comes the embarrassment, think of warm things, think of warm things...

"Let's see... Rope climbing 2, running 4, situps 7, well done. Pullups 1, pushups 3, weights 3. You're not very strong are you?" I shake my head "Are you!?" "N-No, Sir." "Hmm... you've got a lot of improving to do, more than I expected. I thought SHIELD would have trained you." "Well, sort of." "What training did you do with them?" "Knife throwing, sparring-" Show me. I was going to sort the basics out with you first, then let you join the others in weapons training at a later date, but you will show me now." He pulls me up from the stool and pulls me out of the room.

At least if I can show him what I can do he won't kill me for what I can't do.

He pulls me back through the gym where the instructor is sitting, and over to the other door "I thought you didn't want her with weapons yet?" "It seems she may be better at them, join us." The three of us walk into the room, the lights turn on and I look around the room. The ceiling is higher than the other room, the floor and walls are covered in padding, apart from one wall, which is covered in various weapons. I see axes, bats, swords, daggers, guns of all different sizes and so many other weapons I don't recognise. There is also another room with targets and a two way mirror into that room, so you can stand in here and watch someone.

This actually looks kind of fun, don't enjoy yourself to much Scarlet.

The man grabs 2 daggers, a gun and some bullets, he walks into the target room and puts them on a table "You go in there, show us what you can do. But if you try to attack us, you will be punished, severely." I build up the courage to speak out of turn "I wear glasses for focussing." He growls, but doesn't tell me off "So you're saying you can do better than what you're about to show me?" "Yes, Sir." "Very well, we'll have your eyes tested and some goggles fit for you. Now go." I walk into the room, I load the gun with the 2 bullets he has given me. I look at the target, it's a bit blurry, but I line up the shot as best I can and pull the trigger.

Please get a bullseye, please!

I lower the gun to see the bullet has landed about 5 inches from the centre of the target, I shoot again, it lands at about the same distance but on the other side. I then put the gun down and hold up a dagger, I take a deep breath and throw it, only about 3 inches from the centre.

Come on! One last chance.

I let the other dagger fly through the air, it lands only about an inch from bullseye. I turn to the wall, where I know they're watching me from, I walk through the door. The instructor walks in to observe, when he comes back out he tells the suit man how close I got each bullet and dagger "Impressive, those are some handy skills to have, you also mentioned sparring?" "Yes, Sir." He hands me two sparring sticks, he hands the instructor one and motions for us to stand in the centre of the room "Sir, you said she turns invisible, perhaps she should fight invisibly." "Very well."

Okay, put all your skills to use, remember your training with Natasha, make her proud.

I turn myself invisible and look over to the exit where the suit man is standing, blocking the way so I don't escape "You can use all body parts and the sticks. Fight!" Knowing that the sticks wont yet be invisible I make sure I'm extra careful, I block as many of his attacks as I can, he gets a few small hits in, I can't get any hits in, I dodge as much as I can. After a few minutes I can see by his face he can't see the sticks, he has absolutely no idea where I am, so I take advantage of it, I sneak behind him and hit the backs of his legs really hard, he goes down,

Woo! Go Scarlet, go Scarlet!

He gets straight back up and the fight continues, now that I'm fully invisible I manage to dodge and block more attacks than before, as well as getting in more hits of my own, none as good as the first one though. We end the fight when the suit man calls it "Let's stop there." I turn myself visible, currently standing behind the instructor, I'm breathing heavy, he turns around and glares at me "You've got guts, kid. But you definitely need a strength boost, you're pathetic." He drops the stick on the ground and walks over to the suit man to whisper.

I think that went pretty well.

I put the sparring sticks away and return to the centre of the room until they finish talking, the instructor then leaves and the suit man approaches me "Good work, you're definitely wanted here, you will be a great Special Agent." I open my mouth to speak but he holds up a hand "But you need to learn when to keep your mouth shut."

Weird, I haven't been told not to talk in years, people are usually telling me to talk.

I follow him out of the room and back to the mess hall from this morning, he speaks to a man who gets me a bowl of chicken soup and a glass of water, after lunch I'm taken to my room. Since I'm sweaty from the fighting, I get in the shower, I then lay on the bed and rest. While I wait to see what comes next, my thoughts lead me to my friends.

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