31. 9th June 2015.

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9th June 2015: Scarlet's family home:
My parents and I are currently sitting in the lounge, watching a film together, when I get a text.

'Party tonight, wear something nice, pick you up at 7' -Tony.

"Looks like they're having a party tonight." My mum smiles "I have the perfect dress for you to wear." I help my mum up the stairs, we walk to my parents wardrobe and she searches through the clothes "Ah, here it is." She pulls out a beautiful dress, it is floor length, black with little silver jewels along the bottom and top. I get out of my current clothes and put the dress on, it's skin tight, but made of a stretchy material, it has no sleeves or straps.

Later that day I get ready, I put the dress back on, wear silver flat shoes, a silver necklace, silver earrings and leave my short hair down "You look beautiful." I kiss my parents and head out the front door, where Tony is waiting, in a tux. He offers me his arm and walks me to his car, we drive to the Avengers Tower "You ready?" "Yeah, this reminds me of my birthday, before everything happened." "We're so proud of you getting through all of this." "Thanks." I give him a kiss on the cheek.

9th June 2015: Avengers Tower:
When we arrive at the tower he helps me out and we head up to the lounge.

Be happy, it's your birthday, all your friends are here, everything's good.

The lift doors open, revealing the party and a load of familiar faces, I see Fury, Hill, Jimmy, Alfie and Oscar. Steve, Bruce, Thor, Natasha and Clint. Rock, Smokey and Pilot. Rhodey, Pepper and Sam. I walk into the room and get hugs all round, then I look to Tony "Where-" I stop speaking as soon as the lift dings, I turn around with a huge smile on my face, stepping into the room, is Bucky in a tux and my girlfriend, who's wearing black boots, black skinny jeans, a black rather see through top and a black leather jacket "Didn't think you'd get me in a dress, did you?"

I could never picture Pixie in a dress, I think she's perfect just the way she is.

I walk over to her and kiss her, she pulls away "There's a time and a place." "Yes, there is." I hug her tightly, then hug Bucky, we smile at each other "You look beautiful, Scarlet." "Thanks, you look great too." He gives me one last smile, before making his way over to Steve and Sam, I grab Pixie's hand "And you, you're perfect." She blushes. which causes me to smirk, she leans close to my ear and whispers "Your pink is showing." She gives me a smirk of her own and struts over to the bar, I follow her.

I am no longer the weak little Scarlet Olsen, who jumped at the smallest sound, who was a friend of the Avengers. Neither am I Airess, the angry HYDRA Agent, who used her invisibility to kill people and had a hatred for the Avengers. No, I am Scarlet, the Invisible Girl. I have full control of myself, with the help of my friends. I have the most perfect girlfriend I could ever ask for and 3 amazing parents. I am an Avenger, plus the pranking assistant of the Assassin trio. And this was my story.

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