5. Day Forty-Six.

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Day Forty-Six: HYDRA Base:
I wake up and have a few seconds to get out of bed, before the guard bangs on my door. My body has adjusted to me getting up at a specific, yet unknown, time. The guard gives me five minutes to get ready, so I rush into the bathroom, once I'm ready and dressed I stand at the end of my bed and wait. A few seconds later the guard opens the door and I obediently follow him out, I wait in the centre of the circular room as the other four people file out of their rooms. Today things are supposed to be different, they told us last night.

What have they got planned for us now?

We're lead to the mess hall where we are served our usual breakfast, we're then lead back to our cells, the woman and I share confused looks, we speak with our eyes, she starts 'What do you think's going on?' 'It must be important.' One of the men isn't lead back to his room, he's taken elsewhere, I sit on the end of my bed waiting for what feels like hours, I keep hearing noises outside the room. Eventually the guard opens my door and tells me to follow him, just me. He leads me to an open door, inside is an office, in the centre a desk and two chairs, on one side is the suit man.

I really need to ask his name, actually, bad idea, I'd just get punished.

He gestures for me to take a seat, the door is closed behind me as I sit opposite him "You are further behind the others on your training due to unforeseen circumstances."

He's talking about my coma, they weren't sure how long I would be like that for. I'd like to know, how long was I like that for?

"But you've been catching up quite nicely, the SHIELD training you've had has helped you. So now, you're going to become one of our Agents."

No, I don't want to fight for these guys. I want to go home, I want to see my parents, my friends, my Tasha!

"Don't give me that face!" I look down at my hands "You will do as you're told, you will become an Agent, you will obey. Do you understand?" "Yes, Sir." "Good, you will move on to the advanced training, the rest of your group are going to start with you. From now on, you will no longer be known as Scarlet Olsen, you are Airess." "Yes, Sir." I'm taken from the room once again and taken to the mess hall for lunch, the other four are already here. We eat in silence, but the woman and I keep glancing at each other. Once we're finished we're all lead to the gym, the instructor speaks "I've been told you've each been given your codenames, let's hear them."

Time to finally meet them all.

Firstly one of the men is dragged to the front, he has dark skin and very short dark brown hair, he looks about 40 something, he speaks in a deep voice "I am Rock." Next to stand up is a younger male, maybe mid 20's he has pale skin and short brown hair "Pilot." Next is the last male in the group, he is about the same age as Pilot, he has pale skin, lots of freckles and slightly longer ginger hair "Smokey." Next is the woman "I'm Pixie." Next is me, I shakily stand up and glance at the others "I-I'm Airess." I quickly sit back down, next to Pixie "Good, now it's time for you to learn about each other's abilities."

Good to know I'm not the only one with abilities. But that's also a bad thing, how many people like this do HYDRA have? I need to warn S.H.I.E.L.D, but I can't. Why haven't they found me yet? They must be searching, they must be...

We watch each other's abilities, in the same order as before. Rock stands up and pulls is tank top off, revealing his muscles. The instructor throws a dagger at him, it bounces off him, barely leaving a scratch, Rock doesn't even flinch. Rock then strides over and picks the instructor up with ease, he holds him above his head.

Wow he's so strong.

Next is Pilot, he stands up and pulls his tank top off, he's not muscular like Rock, he also looks a lot shorter than Rock, he turns his back to us, I notice two long cracks down his back. All of a sudden wings push their way through his skin, it makes me jump and turn invisible for a second, Pixie lays a discreet hand on my leg. When I look to her she smiles reassuringly, I manage to smile back. I look back to Pilot and take a better look at his wings, they are each about a metre wide and about half a metre tall, the feathers are the same colour as his hair.

They're beautiful.

The instructor hands him some pieces of metal, together they attach them around his wings, metal wing armour, to protect them. Next to show off, is Smokey, the lights are turned off. The room becomes pitch black, apart from two green glowing eyes, he sends us a wink. The lights are turned back on and the room fills with what looks like fog, it doesn't make us cough, but it does blind us until it disappears.


Next is Pixie, she stands up and shows us some of her advanced gymnastics skills, she then crouches in front of Rock, touches his hands and says a word "Wow." She does the same to Pilot "Flexible." Smokey "Sexy." She then crouches in front of me, touches my hands which are sitting on my lap, she looks me in the eye.

Did she read their minds?

"Yes, yes I did." She stands back up "I can read your current, most focussed on thought. Thank you for the compliments, boys." She sends them a wink before sitting back down next to me.

I need to be careful what I'm thinking about when she touches me then, or I'll just have to trust her.

I stand up and stand in front of them, I turn myself invisible, their faces become confused and surprised, I sit down next to Rock, turn visible and speak to him for the first time "H-Hi." He turns towards me and raises an eyebrow, he speaks in his low voice "You can teleport?" I shake my head and turn invisible again "Invisible." I walk back to the front and turn visible, all of a sudden I hear a bang behind me, I involuntarily gasp, jump and turn invisible all at the same time. When I return to visibility a second later my eyes are wide, I turn to see the instructor "We need to stop that from happening, we need you to only turn invisible when you wish it to happen." He gestures for me to sit back down.

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