4. 9th June 2013.

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9th June 2013: Avengers Tower:
It's Scarlet's birthday, she's been missing for very almost a year now, we haven't been able to find her anywhere, no clues. We've all had to move on, no more grieving, no more saying no to missions. Tony and I are really close now, he's still an annoying idiot, but I can handle him, he's finally calling people via their nicknames again. For months he couldn't be himself, he was broken, he's not fixed now, but he's on the mend, somewhat.

Happy birthday Scarl, we love you.

All of us have now moved into the tower, which is no longer Stark Tower, we now call it the Avengers Tower, since we're all living here. Clint goes home to his family whenever he has more than one day off in a row, but lives with us the rest of the time. Yesterday Tony and myself went to dinner with Scarlet's parents, then went back to their house and watched a film while stuffing ourselves with cake. Today Tony decided to have a party for her, we all have to dress in her style, so Pepper, Tony and I have been working together to buy everyone suitable outfits. We're going to have a little fashion show to start the party off. So I get dressed and head down to the living room, we each walk in and take a seat, with a dressing gown wrapped around us to hide our outfits.

This is going to be so much fun!

First up is Thor, he walks back into the room as he's called, looking slightly embarrassed. His outfit consists of a grey crop top, red glitter shorts and his hair is up in the bun she would wear. Next is Steve, with bright red cheeks, his eyes look everywhere but at us. He has on a red crop top and blue shorts with glittery white stars all over them. Next is Tony, who swaggers in with red tank top and golden glittery shorts. Poor Bruce walks in like he's being sentenced to death, begging us for mercy. He's wearing a green tank top and purple sequin covered shorts. The last man, Clint, strides in with a smile on his face, he's wearing a black tank top with purple scaly shorts. He dances around and when he kicks in the air something flies across the room and we all duck.

What the hell was that!?

He rushes over and picks it up, when I look closer I realise it's a bunny slipper, he puts it back on, I then look to the other guys and realise they're wearing bunny slippers too.

I want bunny slippers! That's not fair! I'm stealing someone's later for sure.

Next up are us girls, first is Pepper, she walks in with a smile on her face. Each of us are wearing the style of dress Scarlet would wear most days which is down to our knees, buttoned all the way up the front with a collar. Pepper's is pale blue with a silver collar and buttons, she's wearing silver boots. Next is me with a dress the same colour as my hair, with a black collar and black boots. Last up is Maria wearing a purple dress with black dots all over it, with black sneakers. Tony speaks "Alright, now that everyone has shown off their outfits let's-" "Wait, not everyone's here yet." We all look to Maria, confused.

We didn't invite anyone else... did we?

"Who's missing?" "Nick." "I invited him, but he's not here, is he? Didn't expect him to come." "Trust me, he's coming." Maria smirks, she pulls out her phone and dials his number, we hear a phone ring, we all look to the elevator not realising it had arrived and someone had stepped out. As soon as we see Fury we all burst into laughter, his eyepatch is covered in glitter and I can see his ankles below his trench coat, he glares at us and clears his throat. We all quieten down "Did you really think I wouldn't come? It's Scarlet after all, now, turn the music up." Tony, with a huge grin on his face, turns the music up as Fury struts in.

We're never letting him forget this.

I notice out of the corner of my eye, Pepper has been taking photographs of everyone and is now recording Fury showing off his outfit. He's got black sneakers on, he undoes his usual trench coat, but keeps it on, revealing black glittery shorts and a black tank top. He looks so weird, but he's owning it. He struts around looking like a pirate who discovered glitter. We all laugh, while he keeps a very serious face, when he stops, Tony hands him a bottle of booze "For Scarlet." They tap their bottles together "For Scarlet."

If only Scarlet were here to see this.

The drinks come out and the party gets into full swing, after a few hours Tony is dancing with Pepper, he's so drunk that when he twirls her he faceplants the floor. Thor and Steve drag him to bed and rejoin the party, they drink Asgardian alcohol. We all get madly drunk as we dance to Scarlet's favourite music.

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