11. 12th June 2014.

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A whole team of Agents, Pixie and I are sitting in a helicopter waiting to land, we're loading our guns with bullets and making sure we have all of our weapons ready. As soon as we land I sling my swords onto my back and pull my goggles over my eyes, I nod to Pixie. She grabs my pinkie in her own and we walk off the helicopter and see dead HYDRA Agents, only about a fifth of them are still alive and fighting. They called us for backup, as we approach the group we're all fighting against, I realise who they are.

The Avengers! Oh no!

I look to Pixie who knows what I'm thinking "Don't forget that they abandoned you, they never came looking for you. You have to help fight, you know what they'll do to you if you don't." She gives me a smile "Maybe it's best if you stay visible for this fight, at least for now." I nod my head and we continue approaching the Avengers, Stark looks up "Who might we have here?" We let go of each others hands and arm ourselves, Pixie takes out a pair of daggers and gets in her fighting stance, I take my swords into my hands I get into my stance.

Breathe, breathe. You can do this, you have to do this.

Pixie speaks "Who we are doesn't matter, what matters is that we're going to kill you." She smirks, Barton looks over to see the pair of us "You don't have to do this." Pixie and I look to each other and nod "Yes, we do." We launch our attack, I take Barton, she takes Stark. I run at him and slash my swords at him, keeping my face emotionless as I fight, he blocks my attacks with his bow, because I'm nervous I'm holding back "You don't have to do this." I don't respond, not just because I can't but because I wouldn't know what to say, I also do everything I can not to look him in the eye. As I fight he's unable to do anything but block.

This is going to be a long fight, I can already tell.

I take a breath and try harder, I manage to get one of my blades around his bow and cut his arm, it motivates me to continue, a small smile appears on my face "It doesn't have to end this way." I decide to put more of my body into the fight, as I kick along with swinging my swords I manage to knock the bow from him, I plunge one of my swords into his stomach, his eyes widen as he sucks in a breath. For the first time I look him in the eye, I start to panic, I quickly pull the sword from him and take a few steps back.

Oh God! Clint, I'm so sorry!

He looks a little confused, but Romanoff's voice breaks the silence "CLINT!" She runs over, but not to him, to me, with her gun pointing at me. She shoots and I manage to block it with one of my swords, she empties the whole cartridge on me as I block all except one which finds its way to my left shoulder. The fighting around us seems to have died down, out of the corner of my eye I see someone run to Barton. Romanoff runs out of bullets and runs at me with daggers ready, I ready my swords and we fight. All of a sudden she lets out a gasp of pain, a dagger has lodged itself in her side.


I move my hand to my mouth to stop myself from screaming, I take a step back and glance at Barton on the ground, our eyes meet "Airess!" I turn to the voice on my left to see Pixie running to me, in one swift move she grabs my hand and runs away with me, I hear the Avengers calling after us, but I keep running, we get into the helicopter and head back to base. We didn't manage to kill any of the Avengers, which I'm somewhat glad about, but they did kill all the other HYDRA Agents accept 4 of us.

12th June 2014:
I'm fighting with a woman, she has light blonde hair which is braided down her back, she wears goggles over her eyes, a full black outfit, she has two guns on her belt and two swords on her back, well, they were on her back. Now we're fighting each other, her with swords me with my bow, it's not a fair fight but I was called over to help once I ran out of arrows, I had already thrown my daggers at two other Agents, then I just happened to pick one of the special HYDRA Agents.

Yeah well done Clint, pick one with swords why don't you. At least she's struggling.

We fight for a bit longer until she manages to cut my arm, a smile forms on her face, I try to convince her to stop "It doesn't have to end this way." She doesn't answer me, but I know she heard me as she kicks me, she manages to knock my bow from hands, before I can react she stabs me with one of her swords. I suck in a breath as I feel the sword slice through my stomach, she looks me in the eye, or at least I think she does, I can't see her eyes. Then her whole demeanour changes, she goes from confident and aggressive to scared, she quickly pulls the sword from me, causing me to drop to the floor and watch as she backs up in fear.

What's she scared of? I've never come across a HYDRA Agent who's scared to kill.

Tasha runs over "CLINT!" She points her gun at the woman who stabbed me, I try to apply pressure to my wound as best I can as I watch her block all but one of Tasha's bullets, then Steve runs over and crouches down next to me "How you doing?" "Eh." "What happened?" "Sword through my stomach." Our conversation is interrupted by Tasha who lets out a gasp, we turn our heads to see her on her knees in pain. I look to the woman who has a hand over her mouth and again takes a few steps back.

Something isn't right.

She looks in my direction and looks like she wants to say something "Airess!" We all look to a woman with shorter dark blonde hair also in a full black outfit, she grabs 'Airess's' hand and they run. I black out.

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