21. 11th August 2014 P4.

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11th August 2014:
"We got your letter, what's going on?" "We know the exact location of four HYDRA bases and another one has already been blown up." "By whom?" Pixie pulls the phone from me "By us. We're going to take down these four bases, you can either assist us or leave us the fuck alone. Your choice." She hands the phone back to me.

They probably think she's mad, probably is, but we're all mad here.

I speak "What do you say, Tony?" "Uh, well… Where do we start?" Pilot moves from the front and sits next to me, since we're stationary "Which one should we do first?" He looks around at us all "The cold one? The hot one? The dangerous one? Or the wet one?" "The wet one! ALWAYS the wet one!" We all shout at him "SMOKEY!" He grins "Don't forget you're bikinis ladies." I hear a few laughs through the phone along with "I think we'll get along just great." But I don't know who said it, Pixie speaks "Wet one first then."

After Pilot tells the Avengers a location, we head there. The location they've been given isn't the exact location, it's a bit further away, because we wanted to get there first. So we fly to the location, on the way, we eat our lunches and I get into my uniform. When we arrive, I walk out, to see we're next to a giant lake, the Avengers haven't arrived yet. I notice Pixie looking at me strangely out of the corner of my eye "What you looking at?" "You're hair, it's long." I pull at my hair and realise it reaches down to my breasts.

Too long.

"You're good with daggers, any good with scissors?" Her face lights up "You bet." She grabs the medical kit and pulls out the scissors, she looks at them with disgust "These will have to do." We sit on the grass beside the lake, she sits behind me with her legs either side of me, she dips her hand into the water to dampen my hair and starts cutting. A few minutes later she's done with the cutting and runs her fingers through my hair, she leans close to me from behind, her breath tickling my ear "Beautiful." I hold up the phone to look at my reflection, my hair is now a bit shorter than shoulder length "Much better."

11th August 2014:
We land the quinjet at the coordinates given, when we step out and glance around, we notice we're in a forest, Steve sighs "I don't see water around." Clint speaks "There was water on the east of the forest, maybe we should go there?" We all agree and start walking, Tony considers "What if it's a trap? Scarlet doesn’t seem to know who's side she's on and why would her friends attack us to rescue her, but take out HYDRA?"

Sounds like a trap, but there's only one way to find out.

A deep voice speaks "Because of Airess." A large dark-skinned man steps out from behind a tree a little further ahead "What HYDRA did to her was wrong, Pixie told us, so we decided to do something about it." A younger man steps out from behind a different tree, he has Pale freckled skin and ginger hair "Woah Rock, I've never heard you speak so much." "I speak when it's important." The younger man approaches "Better get moving, eh? Don't wanna to keep the ladies waiting." He sends me a wink and I glare at him, he just laughs and walks away.

He must be the one we heard over the phone, the one who chose to come here first.

We follow them, when we leave the forest behind, we can see another man in a helicopter. But as we walk closer, my heart sinks, Scarlet and Pixie are sitting on the grass, both facing a lake. Scarlet is sitting between the other woman's legs and is leaning against her, Pixie is playing with Scarlet's fingers. The younger man speaks "We found the circus." Pixie whispers something to Scarlet, before standing up and approaching us, she stops a metre or so away from us, the large man to her left, ginger to her right and the new man a bit behind them. Pixie speaks “Let's lay down some rules, none of us try to kill each other or hand each other over to HYDRA, everything we tell you stays between us and when we're done we go our separate ways.”

I don't like those rules.

Steve steps forwards “Alright, now we need to know who you all are." Pixie speaks “Well, you already know Airess and I, here we have Rock.” She gestures to the large man, then to the ginger “Smokey and Pilot.” She then gestures to the new man, who gives us a small smile “We were HYDRA’s Special Agents, we've each got our own skills, so don't freak out if we do something abnormal.” Smokey laughs “Abnormal is pretty normal to us, what's normal is abnormal.” A few Avengers seem a bit confused, but the rest of us get the point.

They don't seem like HYDRA Agents, except Pixie.

Tony speaks “So, why are you going against HYDRA now?” They all speak at the same time “For us.” “Don't speak at the same time, that's weird.” We all look to the helicopter, where the voice is coming from, Scarlet is currently sitting on top of it. Pilot rushes over to her “Get down from there, you could hurt yourself!” “I'm fine, nice view up here.” Scarlet jumps down, landing on her feet, Pixie puts her hands on her hips “Show off.” Scarlet raises an eyebrow and strides over “And who's fault is it, that I show myself off?” “Probably mine.” Scarlet stops a few feet from her “More than probably, you're the whole reason.” “Well I'd better give you a good reason to show off then, eh?”

Don't kill her. Don't kill her. Not yet!

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