16. 9th August 2014 P2.

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9th August 2014: HYDRA Base:
Scarlet pulls a dagger from each boot and gets into a fighting stance, in sync the girls attack us, Scarlet starts by throwing one of her daggers at my neck, to my surprise is pierces my suit and causes a problem “Sir, it seems the suit is damaged.” “Isn't that obvious, JARVIS!?” “Sir, your weapons are offline.” “Wasn't going to use them against Scarlet anyway.” While JARVIS is distracting me, she launches her other dagger at me, I yelp as it embeds itself in the same spot, the point reaching my skin and leaving a sharp pain. I try to pull them out, but can't, she then tackles me to the floor.

She's had some serious training!

She pulls off my helmet and punches me in the face “Please, Angel.” She picks up the sword laying by my head, but before she can behead me she goes limp and collapses onto me. I throw up my hands to catch her, gently bringing her down to lay on my chest, the sword clatters to the ground. I breathe a sigh of relief and lift my head to look around the corridor, Pixie is unconscious, Capsicle and Birdie are still fighting “She alright?” I look to the voice to see Nat, standing a few metres away, gun in hand “You shot her!?” She waves a dart in my face.

Good, she's just unconscious.

“They've changed her, she was prepared to kill me.” I sit up and pull my angel into my lap, Nat couches down beside me “She stabbed Clint in the stomach.” “She was going to behead me.” She reaches out and touches her hair “She's been gone for too long, of course that would change a person, lets just hope we can change her back.” She pulls the goggles off Scarlet’s face “Nat, the other lot doing alright?” I don't turn to Capsicle as he approaches us “Yeah, when I left they were just finishing up.” He presses his com “All Avengers to the main entrance, we've got Scarlet.” Capsicle helps me stand up, with Scarlet still in my arms “You should grab-” I turn to Pixie, but she's gone “Where'd she go?” Capsicle sighs “She was right there, unconscious. Damn it!”

Whoa, angry old man alert!

Nat tries to calm him down “We've got Scarl, let's just get out of here. Please.” He gives in and nods, we start heading towards the quinjet, I soon hear the rest of the team behind us. We get into the quinjet and I lay Scarlet down. The journey is quiet, on the way we give Scarlet another dose, so she doesn't start to wake up, we don't want her murdering us before we get back to the tower. As soon as we arrive back at the tower Thor picks her up and carries her down to a room I designed after the Hulk/Loki cell on the Helicarrier, it's a normal room with a glass cube in the centre, she's placed inside.

I open my eyes to a headache, I groan and push myself into a sitting position. My vision is blurry and my head is spinning, but I push myself onto my feet, one step is all it takes for me to collapse back on the floor "Oof!" I land on my knees, I close my eyes and listen to the voices behind me "It seems to have affected her more than necessary." "Well, she has been out for a whole day." I take a deep breath and open my eyes, I stay on my knees and keep blinking until my vision clears up. I'm in an unfamiliar room inside a glass cell.

Am I on the helicarrier?

I stand up and stumble a little, but manage to right myself. I clasp my hands behind my back, stand up straight, head held high and turn around. I come face to face with Rogers and Director Fury, I can't stop myself from smirking when I see him and his stupid eyepatch "Scarlet, it's good to see you're alive." I scoff.

Like he ever cared.

"We're going to help you, you're safe." "Ha! You're pathetic!" I wait for the shock, but it doesn't come, I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion and put a hand to my neck. The shock collar is gone "We managed to get it off of you, Rogers believed it was shocking you?" I give him a quick nod, I return my hand behind me and put on an emotionless expression, Rogers speaks "Scarlet?" I don't respond or take my eyes off Fury, but it doesn't stop him from talking "Are they controlling you?" He sighs when I don't answer "Scarlet, do you remember us?"

Of course, how could I possibly forget the people who abandoned me!?

Rogers turns to Fury "She wasn't like this when we fought with her and Pixie the other day, she's been different since we located the HYDRA base."

I've seen them before the fight that just went down? I must've done something bad to end up in machine and I'd been doing so well recently. I deserve to be punished!

I give the glass to my left a punch, it doesn't shatter or even crack, but that doesn't bother me, I just needed to punish myself. I return my tingling hand behind my back and look back to Fury, who has an eyebrow raised. Rogers tries again "What did they do to you Scarlet?" Fury smirks and speaks in a commanding voice "Airess!" I immediately stand to attention, hands in fists by my sides "Sir!" He smiles triumphantly "Airess, what has happened over the past few days?"

Might as well reward him with the answer for figuring that out.

"Unknown. The last event was you attacking us." He narrows his eyes "What do you mean unknown?" "Whenever I make a mistake I go into a machine, I then don't remember the previous 12 hours." "But you have the rest of your memories?" "Yes, I just don't remember each time I've had to be reset." Rogers speaks "So you don't remember either time we engaged?" I shake my head "When you attacked HYDRA and brought me here is the only time I've seen you all since you abandoned me in New York." I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him.

They probably put me in the machine because I failed to kill them, better prove myself when I get the next chance.

"Scarlet... We looked for you, we really did, but we couldn't find you and we had no clues to where on the planet you were." I just roll my eyes at him and decide to speak my mind "You did me a favour." I slowly walk closer to them as I speak "I'm no longer Scarlet, the pathetic, weak, little girl, who can't win a fight." I stop right in front of them, with just the glass between us "HYDRA trained me, taught me, improved me... fixed me. I'm Airess. And as soon as I get out of here..." I lean my face as close as I can get to the glass without touching it, I look Rogers in the eye and whisper "I'm gonna kill you." I grin as I see fear spark in his eyes.

Airess 1, S.H.I.E.L.D 0.

I straighten back up and turn on my heel, hands clasped behind me, I hear a door open and footsteps walking away.

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