25. 11th August 2014 P8.

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11th August 2014:
I break contact with her pink eyes and look to her leg, I see... two bullet wounds, one went straight through, one is still in her leg, I look back up at Airess "Grab the ball again, one of them is still in your leg." She picks up the wrapped stress ball "Wait, one of them!?" "Yeah, two bullets." Her eyes widen "I've been shot 3 times!?" I nod, she groans loudly and flops onto her back. Firstly I make sure they aren't bleeding, then I get the tweezers ready.

Sorry, Airess.

After a while, the bullet is out and both wounds patched up, I also notice we've gained an audience, but I try my best to ignore them. I look at Airess, who's lying unconscious on the grass, she has no idea she's being watched.

She looks so peaceful, I'm glad we decided to go against HYDRA, but we should've done it sooner. I should've.

I move over, so I'm closer to her hands, I pick up her left hand, to see it covered in blood. I hear a man's voice behind me "She alright?" I talk, but don't turn around, as I start cleaning the blood of her hand "She was just punishing herself for showing weakness." "What?" As soon as the blood is off her hand, I lift it, to show whoever is behind me. I hear a gasp and turn to see Captain America "She did that to herself?" "Yeah, is that not what you were asking about?" "No, she hasn't moved, so I-" "Oh! She's just unconscious, she'll be fine." I jump over her and look at the bloodied wrappings around her hand, I unwind it and clean her hand.

Once she's all fixed up, I look up, to see who's paying attention. The only person looking in my direction is Iron Man, I sigh and wave him over, he notices me and hurries over "She alright!?" "It's gonna to rain, I need help moving her." Relief floods over him and he walks over and picks her up in his arms "You care about her." "Course I do, so do you." "I wouldn't be asking you for help if I didn't." We start walking towards the helicopter and quinjet, which one of them went back for and brought over here "Scarlet is-" "So that's really her name...?" "Yeah, so you've only ever known her as Airess?" "Yeah, we were each given our codenames and told to forget our birth names."

I remember Smokey at social time, almost blew it.

I laugh a little "I tackled Smokey when he almost told us his name, it was the first time we were allowed to talk to each other." "When was it?" "...Unknown." I walk ahead of him and open up the helicopter door, climb inside and he lays her down "Thanks." He raises an eyebrow "You're all polite now, what's wrong with you? Did we leave Pixie in the base and bring someone else out?"


I glare at him, he smiles "There she is!" I roll my eyes "I just... Things aren't the same now. When working for HYDRA, I did as I was told, it was what I was used to. But I couldn't do that to Airess anymore. When I told the others, who didn't know about the machine, they proved to me HYDRA wasn't what we were first led to believe. We couldn't do it anymore, we had to do something about it and we had to find her."

11th August 2014:
I climb into the helicopter and sit down, closing the door behind me "Tell me about the machine." "If she did something the boss didn't like, she went inside. When she comes out, she's different. She doesn't remember the last 12 hours, so she forgets her misbehaviour and how we, I, treated her because of it. But that's not all it does, it suppresses her emotions, except for hatred and anger. The last time she was in the machine the boss wasn't satisfied with her emotions. So he kept putting her back in, until she was like an angry little puppet!" Her face fills with anger, I put my hands up "Whoa!"

So she's angry and hates us because she was put into a machine too many times? That's probably why she hasn't reverted back to normal, like the other two times.

She takes a deep breath and continues "When we rescued her from you we-" "Stole." "Saved." "Kidnapped." "Retrieved!" I open my mouth to retaliate, but she covers my mouth with her hand "When we RESCUED our Airess, we told her about who HYDRA really are, how we'd all fallen into their trap." She removes her hand from my mouth and continues explaining "She said she was trained against the Avengers, as she trusted HYDRA more, she trusted you lot less. Then she mentioned you, she called you Tony." "I've heard that too." "But we can only mention you by code name or surname, she slipped up, she didn't even realise she'd done it."

Maybe it was to do with our connection?

"...connection b-" "Wait, say that again, I missed that." She sighs "She said there was some sort of connection between you and her, that HYDRA couldn't exploit, because they didn't know about it." "She's like a daughter to me." Her expression softens a little "That's good, because... I don't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm trusting you, for her." I smile "Good move. Did she mention Nat at all?" She looks confused "Romanoff." "Oh. She mentioned her.” She scrunches up her nose “Said they had a connection, one HYDRA knew about, they've put her against her more than the rest of you. She hates that woman, blames everything on her. It's not Airess' fault."

That explains their interactions then, because she loved her, she's been forced to hate her.

"Thank you, this all very useful information." I'm about to open the helicopter door, but realise it's raining, everyone else is sheltering in the quinjet "You were right about the rain." I look back to the girls, to see Pixie stroking Scarlet's arm "How much do you care for her?" She shrugs "I'm not sure, I've never been in this situation before."

Pixie is a mask, there seems to be a somewhat nice girl under all that training, hmm...

"You're trusting me, so I'm going to trust you, I'll talk to the others." "Don't tell them about anything but Airess, I don't want rumours about me floating about." "Sure." "You two are getting along now?" We look down at Scarlet, who's trying to sit up, I help her and she looks to me "What did I miss?" "An agreement of trust." She smiles, a much missed smile "Great." She turns her attention to Pixie "They'll love you." She rolls her eyes and pulls a bag out from a compartment "Might as well have some dinner, while we're stuck in here."

This is strange, but might as well try to get to know her a bit while I can.

She pulls out some sandwiches, we sit there eating and talking a little, Pixie and I more than Scarlet, who watches out of a window.

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