17. 10th August 2014.

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10th August 2014: Avengers Tower:
I lean back in the chair as we all sit around the table watching the interactions between Fury, Steve and Scarlet. Scarlet looks menacing as she slowly strides towards them, talking as she moves, she stops close to the glass and leans towards Steve, controlled anger on her face. She speaks in a low, dangerous voice "As soon as I get out of here... I'm gonna kill you." For a moment she doesn't move or react, then a cheshire grin breaks out on her face, making my eyes widen in surprise. She turns away and the guys walk out, I lean my elbows on my knees "This isn't our Scarlet."

How have they changed her so much? They haven't wiped her mind like with Bucky, but they definitely seem to have control over her, they even used a collar. My poor Scarlet...

The guys return and sit with us, Steve speaks "Well, she's definitely different to who we all remember. Barton, you've had the most interaction with her since she's been missing, how does she compare now?" We all look to Clint "When we first came across her, when we didn't know who she was was, she stabbed me. We were fighting and she was struggling, even though I was just using my bow to block her swords. She managed to stab me and she became scared, I was so confused, why would a HYDRA Agent be scared to kill?"

Then I attacked her and Pixie threw a dagger at me and angrily dragged her away.

"The other time we met her is when I figured out that it was her, Pixie was showing her off, showing that she was capable of killing and she was really good at it. I wanted to know why she only stabbed me in the stomach. But she turned invisible and I realised who she was, of course she looked a little different and was so much better at fighting, but it was her for sure." Tony speaks "I fought her when we attacked HYDRA. She was fighting so well with Pixie, they seem to be fighting partners, because you don't see one without the other, until now of course. Scarlet, well Airess, managed to disable my suit's weapons by throwing a dagger at my neck, she almost beheaded me too."

Then I shot her to knock her unconscious.

Bruce speaks up "We should probably get her something to eat." Fury stands "I'll do it, I'll see if I can get anything out of her while I'm at it." We all head into the kitchen, Steve, Bruce and I cook. Fury puts his portion back in the oven to stay warm while he takes Scarlet a portion, the rest of us eat and watch the camera in her cell to see what happens.

10th August 2014: Avengers Tower:
I walk into the room Scarlet is in, she's laying on her back on the floor "Airess." She leans her head to the side so she can see me, I walk over to the cell and open a hatch at the floor, I push the plate of food, cutlery and bottle of water through. I shut the hatch, pick up a chair from the corner of the room and sit in front of the door "Who's Pixie?" "Someone with incredible fighting abilities who can predict your next move."

Wrong question.

"Who was Pixie before HYDRA?" She smiles a little "Now this is why you're Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, because you know what questions to ask." "I'm not the Director anymore." She looks curious "Did they find someone better than you?" "S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't exist anymore, HYDRA compromised us." She smirks "Unknown." I raise an eyebrow in question "Pixie's previous identity is unknown, we weren't allow to talk to each other about the old us." "The pair of you are fighting partners, aren't you?" "Yes, the boss thought the pair of us were best together."

I wonder how many more of the there are in this situation.

"Was it just the two of you?" "No, five." "Who are they?" "I'm not giving you all your answers, you've got to earn them." She glances at the food "It's not poisoned, we don't want to kill you." She crawls over to the food and mumbles "Yet." She slowly eats the food and drinks the water, she stops eating and it looks like she wants to ask a question but she changes her mind.

She's probably been trained to not ask questions, after all she has been with them for more than 2 years.

"Ask away." She looks at me with surprise "You have at least one question.” She hesitates but speaks "If S.H.I.E.L.D is no more then I can't be on the helicarrier, so where am I?" "Very observant, you're at Avengers Tower." "The Avengers have a tower now?" I nod "They've also expanded, we now have two new members." "So I'm replaceable." "No, they only officially joined us a few months ago after a huge mission." She nods in understanding "Rogers said you couldn't find me, so how did you?"

Rogers? Didn't she call him Steve before? They must've trained her hard.

"The team came across you, not knowing it was you, then managed to beat HYDRA to a target, you were there again, they then figured out it was you. As soon as they knew it was you they came up with a plan to rescue you, but you fought back." "I didn't want rescuing! HYDRA is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I am who I am because of them!" "We want Scarlet." "Too bad, she's dead! You're stuck with me now." She smirks, I don't react, she continues "Little Scarlet wasn't strong enough, HYDRA broke her. I'm not so easily broken, try all you want, old man, you don't scare me."

She's not even referring to herself as Scarlet, this might be more difficult that we thought, at least Barnes didn't want that life anymore, she seems to enjoy it.

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