4 This is awkward (Yuko)

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"He walked past again." my friend Rei tells me with a sigh. She is very much annoyed at how Mamoru seems to have taken an interest in me since the other day. He has walked our class every day since, trying to catch a glimpse.

At first I thought it was rather sweet, but by now it has gotten a bit... odd.

I open my locker and watch a note drop out. Rei watches over my shoulder as I pick it up and fold it open.

'Dear Yuko,

I have not been able to get you out of my head since the other day. I would be honored if you would meet me today after school. There is something I would like to ask.

Please meet me behind school after classes.

With much love,


"Erh...." I manage to get out. This is the fist time anything like this ever happened.

"What are you going to do?" Rei wonders, looking at the note a bit put off.

I shrug, putting the note away. "I guess I'll go. I don't like him like that. Heck, I hardly know him. I should tell him that. I don't want to lead him on." I explain, making her nod.

"Are you going to wait for me?" I ask, feeling a bit nervous.

She shakes her head. "I'm sorry. Mom wants me home. I got grounded this weekend; accidentally pulled the curtains of the wall when I tripped over our cat."

"Aw." I pout in dismay. "Maybe I can ask Emi?"

Rei shakes her head again, winking with a smile. "She has a hot date with Daisuke, remember?"

"Oh yeah..." I muse, remembering.

Rei pats my arm in comfort. "Don't worry. You can handle this." she assures me. "Let me know how it went tomorrow, okay?"

I nod, taking a deep breath. In three hours time I'm going to have to disappoint a boy.


"Hi." I say rather meekly as I greet a blushing Mamoru. His eyes are wide in anticipation.

"H-hello Yuko. I'm glad you came!" he smiles widely.

I nod. "Yeah, of course." I say awkwardly. I pull at my hair nervously as we both are silent for a moment.

Finally, Mamoru starts to speak up, only for me to interrupt. "Ah, sorry! Uhm, Mamoru. I don't want to get ahead of things, but I believe I know what you are going to say and I have to stop you before you do." I rush out, making his eyes widen in surprise.

I quickly continue, "I'm really sorry, but I really don't feel the same way as you do. I'm flattered, I really am, but I hardly know you and I just... I just don't have any feelings for you. I'm sorry if I ever gave you that impression. I didn't mean to." I finish, taking a deep breath of relieve now that I said what I had to say.

Mamoru stays silent for a moment, taking in the rejection. Finally he seems to find his voice again, "This...this is unfortunate." he states, turning his eyes to the ground.

"I really thought... How stupid of me." he says frowning heavily as he scolds himself. I look at him with pity, but say nothing yet.

I jump when he suddenly kicks angrily at the trashcan standing by the wall, knocking it over and spilling its contents. I stare at it in shock before looking back up at Mamoru.

"Hey cool it!" I call, stepping back as I watch his hands shake a little.

He seems to snap out of it, turning his eyes back up to me, but they look rather empty compared to before. "Oh, sorry about that." he says half-heartedly.

I eye him wearily, stepping back further. "I should go. See you." I tell him, feeling it would be best to leave him be. I don't wait for him to say anything else, but speed walk home, a little disturbed at how Mamoru acted. I never thought him the type to act like that. Shows how much I know.


"Are you okay sweetie?" mom asks me as I cut the sweet potatoes into dice.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Just swamped with homework." I lie. Honestly my meeting with Mamoru is bothering me more than it probably should. But I don't want to tell her what happened. It will only make her worry.

Mom looks at me curiously before shrugging it off. "Alright. Well dad won't be home in time for dinner today, so why don't you fetch Hiei, so he can join us." she suggests.

I nod. "Sure." I mutter, putting the knife down and making my way towards the front door. But something makes me freeze in my track as I glance out the window.

I look closer. I was sure....

I shake my head. Maybe I'm just seeing things? So tearing my eyes away I trod towards the door, somehow hoping Hiei won't object to joining us today, though he hardly ever does so. Somehow, I feel like him being around today will make me feel less jumpy.

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now