5 Pick on someone your own size! (Yuko)

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Reiji and I walk in silence, home nearly in sight. He hasn't spoken a word and I know he feels guilty, which is ridiculous. It was my own fault anyway. When we reach the entrance of our building I turn to face him, having had enough.

"Hey! Stop sulking already. I have rather it be me than you and we're okay, aren't we?" I say with a shrug.

"No." he replies sulkily. "They hit you! How can you say it's okay?!" he says, growing upset.

"Who hit who?" a low voice cuts in, making our heads snap up. We sigh in relief to see Hiei standing there, his hands in his pockets. He just got back from somewhere too it seems. We were afraid that it would be our dad.

"Shiro hit Yuko!" Reiji exclaims, pointing at my face that is slightly swollen on one side, a red mark probably adorning it.

"Who?" Hiei asks, his face rather placid, but we know for a fact he's interested since he's asking.

"A bully that has been picking on grade-schoolers with his clique since the start of the school year. It's really nothing though. He barely scratched me." I shrug.

Reiji growls. "Don't make light of it. This is serious!" he scolds.

"I am being serious!" I counter. "I took a hit for my kid brother. It's what big sisters do. If you think I'm going to let some overgrown child push you around, you have another thing coming!" I tell him, putting my hands in my side.

"You should have walked away, now he's just going to be more angry than before because you hit back. It will only get worse." Reiji complains, making Hiei raise a brow as he crosses his arms.

"Well if he gets worse, I get worse." I rebuke.

Reiji looks at me in disbelief. "You can't take on his posse! You're not strong enough!"

I eye him seriously. "Well I might not be that strong, but they are the true weaklings. The tree won't move because the ant asked it to!"

"What?" he asks, blinking confused.

"I just thought it sounded cool..."

Hiei sighs, seemingly having enough of an obviously pointless discussion. "You're not a tree girl. They don't swell up when hit." he states making me pout. "Now stop being ridiculous and follow me." he tells us before stalking off in the direction we came from.

"H-hey. Where are we going? We need to be home soon." I stammer, but follow nonetheless, Reiji in tow.

"It won't be long." Hiei states as a matter of factly.


"So you're back huh? And you brought a friend with you. Ran home for help? You should have brought someone bigger." Shiro laughs when all three of us come to a stop before him and his four goons, all trying to look tough.

"What's the matter with you?" another guy asks as Hiei stands there coolly, staring at them. "You're a bit creepy no?"

Me and Reiji eye Hiei nervously, wondering if it will set him off, but to his credit, he looks unimpressed.

"What are you looking at?" another asks, starting to get ticked off of Hiei's lack of response.

At this Hiei smirks. "Something I thought I needed to pay admission for to see."

Reiji and I bite our tongues to keep from laughing at their shocked faces.

"You have a big attitude for someone so short." Shiro comments as he steps closer and getting into Hiei's face, not looking amused at his witty comeback. "You'd be smart to tone it down. A tone like that might get you hurt."

"Is that a threat?" Hiei asks amused.

"You tell me." Shiro hisses.

Hiei chuckles, looking at the boy as if he's less then the dirt beneath his shoes. "You simpleton. You are as much of a threat to me as a mere fly. You would not even come within an inch of me. I promise you that."

Shiro and his posse scowl. "Let's put that to the test." he says before swinging his fist.

It doesn't even come close. Hiei dodges without even moving his feet. He didn't even remove his hands from his pockets.

Shiro tries again and again, but Hiei is too fast for him and dodges with minimum effort, not even starting to look winded while Shiro is running out of breath.

The boy growls frustrated. "Hold him down!" he shouts at his goons who have been watching stupidly before.

"Don't touch me." Hiei warns, hand flashing out to grab the wrist of one who reached for him. His grip must be rather tight, because the look on the other guy's face is one of agony.

With a shove the guy is sprawled on the ground and followed by a few moves that look so easily done by Hiei despite these guys being at least a head taller than him he takes care of the rest as well, though causing minimum injury. It almost appears as if he has to take care in not being too rough or he could mess them up real good.

I can't help but be amazed. Hiei is really strong! And he doesn't even look to be serious about this. I wonder what the damage would be if he was. Well, I'm glad he's on our side, let me tell you that.


"That was really cool!" Reiji gushes as he walks beside Hiei, looking up at him with admiration.

"Hn." is all Hiei hums in reply, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he stares ahead.

Reiji looks back at me, his eyes big. "Wasn't he cool sis?" he asks excitedly, looking for some confirmation.

I smile down at him, ignoring the pulling sensation in my cheek when I do. "Yeah, really cool." I agree, making his smile stretch even wider while Hiei glances at me.

I return his gaze before he looks away. "You should put some ice on that." he advices indifferently.

"Ah, right." I muse absentmindedly. My mind is still replaying the one-sided fight. I wonder how he learned to fight like that. He must have a black belt or two, at the least. How does he manage that at such a young age?

"Yuko?" an all too familiar voice cuts through my thoughts, making me snap out of it. I look to find our dad just about to step inside, but having frozen mid-step at the sight of me.

"Uh-oh." Reiji whispers.

I smile rather stupidly at dad. "Yo!" I wave, making him quirk a brow. I'm in so much trouble.

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now