6 The intimidation game (Hiei)

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I blink in surprise at the girl standing in front of me. "What the hell is an arcade?" I demand, making her raise a brow in question. It's irritating, making me feel like an idiot.

To Yuko's credit, she doesn't say anything about it. "You'll find out. It's fun, promise." she vows to which I look at her doubtfully. She looks confident however.

"Fine." I say finally, not sure what made me agree.

Her face lights up, making me blink. Her teeth are so white... "Reiji is waiting outside. Let's go!" she ushers, bounding down the stairs. It's amazing she doesn't go rolling down them.

I sigh, pulling the door closed behind me before following after Yuko. Somehow, ever since I took care of those idiots picking on her brother, the two of them are found regularly knocking on my door for things other than dragging me off to eat with them. It's... curious, for the lack of a better word.


When we reach this so called arcade, to say I'm mildly put off by all the noises and flickering lights is an understatement.

Yuko rushes off to exchange some of her money for different coins before returning, handing a few to Reiji, who smiles brightly before rushing off to one of those noisy contraption, putting a coin in the slot before starting to press buttons like he's gone mad.

"See an interesting game you'd want to try Hiei?" Yuko asks, making my eyes snap to her before glaring around the room. It's filled with teens her age, all either submerged into some kind of game apparently, or talking animatedly with each other.

"Not really." I answer finally, having no idea what could even be remotely interesting to me. I'm still half wondering what even made me come here.

Yuko looks around in thought before seeming to make up her mind. "Let's just try a few things, okay?" she suggests, motioning to follow her.

She shows me several games, one of them consists of her shoving a gun-like contraption into my hands, having me 'shoot' at zombie like creatures. I can find the humor in the familiarity as wave after wave of mindless creatures appear, only to splatter into pieces when coming into my reach.

I suppose it kept me occupied for longer than I realized for when the game ended, I look around to find Yuko gone. Reiji is still amusing himself with some fighting game, battling it out with another boy, but the girl....

I walk deeper into the arcade, where the light grows even dimmer and there I find her perched on a surprisingly lifelike motorcycle, hanging left and then right, making the screen in front of her react accordingly as she races over a virtual track.

She glances back as I step up besides her, looking at the screen in interest as she overtakes another motorcycle.

"I'm going to get a motorcycle when I'm older." she states as a matter of factly, making me raise a brow. "Though don't tell mom. I once told her I wanted to get my license for a bike rather than a car and she is convinced I'm going to get myself killed."

"But I really want to go for it. In fact, when I go to high school next year, I hope to get a job on the side so I can start saving." she explains before faltering as she crosses the finish line in first place. "It's not a silly idea right?" she wonders, sitting up straight and rubbing the back of her head awkwardly, making her hair bounce and giving off a scent of flowers.

"Hn. Who the hell knows? Won't know till you try." I mutter, not really caring, but somehow what I say makes her smile either way. Silly girl.

"The air hockey table is free, want to play?" she asks excitedly, jumping from the contraption to claim a table that is standing near the center, not giving me time to even reply.

I scowl at myself as I find myself obediently walking after her, once again wondering what is possessing me. Well, I suppose I have nothing better to do. I suppose leaving would only leave me bored out of my mind, so that is what must be keeping me here I reason, not sure if I'm trying to convince myself of the fact.

"Defend your goal Hiei!" she calls over the music from the opposite side, bumping a small orange disk into a slot at my end with a, I don't know what the hell it is....

I grab a hold of a duplicate of 'it', and before I know it I am watching Yuko grow more and more frustrated over the fact that she is losing point after point after point. She's obviously too slow to get passed me.

With a growl, she makes a particularly fast shot, that I of course block, but my reaction is, well....

Yuko squeals as she ducks just in time for the puck to go soaring over her head before embedding itself into the wall behind her. She slowly turns her head and gapes at the catastrophe while I silently curse to myself for my lack of restraint, nearly grimacing as I can imagine that being her forehead.

Koenma would have a field day had I struck the human girl instead, no matter the fact that her little brother will be subjected to the gruesome death of his sister. It would mean the end of home cooked dinners.

"Hm?" I hum in confusion when Yuko suddenly starts to roar with laughter. I fail to see what is so funny.

"Oh gosh. I hope nobody saw that." she snickers looking around for employees or anyone that would rat us out. She pauses suddenly when she her eyes focus on something in particular, or rather someone. She looks rather unhappy to see the boy.

"Who is that?" I question, eying the rather uninteresting looking boy. I am unable to hold my curiosity, piqued by her reaction. She jumps at the sound of my voice, making my interest grow. Why is she acting like this?

"A boy from school." she states simply, quickly tearing her eyes away and forcing herself to focus on something else.

"What does he want?" I immediately follow up, crossing my arms to point out I'm not going to let the matter slip so easily.

She sighs, sounding frustrated. "I don't know." she answers quickly, before looking back at me, her eyes larger than usual. "Can we go? I'm out of coins anyway." she nearly pleads.

I stare at her a moment longer, confused how such a boy put such a damper on her previously good mood.

"Fine." I relent, throwing a final glance back, but the boy is already gone from sight.

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now