17 Team Urameshi (Yuko/Koenma)

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"Yes, camp is a lot of fun so far." I tell my dad on the other side of the line. "Uhu, I made lots of new friends."

I look at Botan annoyed as she leans on me to eavesdrop on the conversation and try to shove her away. She looks back at me with a pout and I stick out my tongue at her.

"No, there are no boys." I say unwavering, hearing her snicker. "I will, thanks dad.... Talk to you later.... Bye." I hang up the phone and sigh.

"Don't worry Yuko-chan. They are not going to find out. We can always ask Shizuru to pretend being camp leader if it comes down to it. We have this gig covered." Botan assures me as we leave the lobby and go back upstairs.

"I hope so. If my mom finds out the truth, I'm dead." I say as a matter of factually, before pausing. "Hey Botan, do you think I can go check up on Hiei? I just want to make sure he's okay after yesterday."

Botan nods. "Sure. Let's check their room." she suggests, leading the way by pressing the button to their floor.

When inside one of the many hallways the hotel hold, Botan knocks on a door looking like any other before stepping inside. "Good morning!" she chirps, making two boys look up from their breakfast. Both of them look thoroughly confused to see me there. From behind them, the Mask turns around, facing us, not letting on what's on their mind.

"Hey Botan, who's your friend?" the one I know to be Yusuke wonders with his mouth full.

"This is Yuko, she's Hiei's friend. Yuko, these are Yusuke and Kuwabara." introduces, making the boys share a look.

"For real? I didn't know that shrimp could hold a friend, and a girl at that!" the tall one, Kuwabara muses in amazement. Yusuke hums in agreement.

I pull a face, having grown tired of hearing disbelief to Hiei having a friend. "Believe it. Nice to meet you." I greet.

"Amazing~" Yusuke hums. "You sure you're not some powerhouse in disguise? Can't remember when Hiei could be bothered with a human otherwise. Nothing against you kid."

"Yes well..." I start, a little annoyed. "What you see is what you get." I say, trying to stay pleasant. "And I'm pretty sure I'm older than you kid. Don't force me to make you call me senpai." I point out.

Yusuke smirks. "She's got a mouth on her. I like her already."

"You can thank my mom." I say dryly, making him chuckle.

"Hey, that's more skill than I get to thank mine for."

"Ah! Yuko-chan." Botan speaks up, breaking the silence that was about to ensue. "This here is Mask. Also part of the team." she introduces, stepping closer to the tiny form by the window.

My eyes flit towards the mysterious figure. "We met." I tell her. Still Mask says nothing, only stares.

Sensing the tension, Kuwabara's eyes run from their teammate to me until Yusuke claps him on the shoulder.

"Let's go. Gotta go if we wanna see what we're up against tomorrow. Hey, if you want, you girls can tag along. I'm sure we'll meet Hiei and Kurama there." Yusuke invites.

I nod. "Sure, thanks."


Yusuke and Kuwabara were bummed out to see that the match had already ended when we got there, but only just. And after some tense evil eying between what Botan explained to be their main enemy Toguro and Yusuke, they were all ready to go.

"That guy Toguro... What's his deal?" I muse as we march back to the hotel. There is something really odd about that guy. It bothers me.

"Nobody knows for certain. But whatever it is, Yusuke is his target." Kurama explains, looking towards said boy who walks ahead of us with his hands stuck in his pockets.

"I've been wondering Yuko-san, what made you come here? Most humans would stay well clear of an island such as this, knowing what you know now." he wonders, making me look up at him.

Kurama is generally a nice guy, but he's conniving for sure. Since my appearance earlier he has a hint of amusement in his green eyes and makes jabs towards Hiei that for most are not up for grabs. I know that whatever he's trying to make me say is to make Hiei uncomfortable. It seems to be his favorite hobby.

Feeling Hiei's eyes bore into my skull, I reply with; "Don't you know? World domination purposes. I'll make you guys do the hard work before stepping in." I say stoically, making him pause before chuckling.

"Shoot. You are not going to work with me are you?" he asks, knowing I threw in something random just to not give him his way.

"Nope." I say, smiling.



"Koenma-sama..." George starts awkwardly when walking into the room.

I perk up, "Did you bring my fried demon ostrich leg?" I ask, feeling the water run into my mouth just thinking about it.

"Y-yes but..." he falters, annoying me. "You have an important phone call sir."

"Well can't it wait?! I'm hungry dammit!" I scold him, making him shrink into himself. Serves him well. Doesn't he know priorities? But his next words make me freeze up completely.

"Sir, it's Takagi-san."

I gulp. "G-give me the phone." I tell him, receiving the thing I would rather run from right now. I take a deep breath before speaking up, trying to keep my tone light, "Ah~. Aya-san, it's been a long ti-..."

"Koenma!! Where the hell is my daughter???!!!" the woman shrieks into my ear before I can even finish my sentence. I think I've gone temporary deaf on that ear.

Putting the phone to my other ear I ask fearfully, "W-why are you asking me?"

"My mother told me you would know." she answers immediately. "Now speak up!" she orders.

I gulp once more, "Yes ma'am."

Oh snap. What's going to happen next?

I got back from Japan just last night and wanted to post quickly so as not to keep you guys waiting. I bought a Hiei shirt I found in Fukuoka. How cool is that?!

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