16 Girls make no sense (Hiei/Yuko)

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My eyes narrow in on my target and I jump out of the tree in the midst of the girls who are on their way to the hotel after the first match, earning a startled squeal or two. Yuko, who was in the middle of a yawn didn't see me in time and runs straight into me.

"Foolish girl, watch where you're walking." I growl, pushing her back at arms length, finding her much too close for comfort. I try to suppress my face heating up at the proximity of certain womanly parts near my face.

"Oh, hi Hiei." she smiles innocently, making me groan inwardly.

"Don't 'Hi, Hiei' me." I tell her, making her smile drop for a look of discomfort.

"Okay, nothing to see here." the woman I learned to be the oaf's sister says, pushing the grim reaper and the detective's girl along who look back worriedly.

"You bring her back to us safely you hear?" Shizuru calls over her shoulder before they disappear out of sight.

"Hn." I huff before turning my eyes back on the awkward looking human in front of me.

"I'm curious to know how you figured that coming here is even close to being a good idea." I state. "Are you looking to get yourself killed? I thought you had more sense than that." I berate, making her flinch. I'm too angry to care about her unease right now though.

"Well?" I continue when she remains silent. "I'm anxiously awaiting your explanation, because it must be a very well thought out one, I'm sure." I spit in sarcasm.

She visibly steals herself. "If you must know... I was worried." she says, her voice growing tiny in the end.

I stare at her blankly for a moment before clenching my fists, flinching a little as one hand protests loudly. "That's all you can come up with?! Are you daft girl?! What the hell are you so worried about that you rush here without thinking through?! This is no place for you!"

She clenches her jaw before speaking up, "I was worried about you, that's what! I know that sounds silly to you-..."

"Damn right! That sounds simply idiotic." I interrupt. "Why, in this godforsaken world would you worry about me?! You should be worried about yourself! You're more trouble than you're worth!" I hiss, making her cringe visibly.

She takes a deep breath after a moment, trying hard to tuck her emotions away, even though her eyes are shining with a film of moisture. Something I said struck her hard. Damnit. Don't tell me I made her cry.

"You're really cold-hearted to someone who cares for you." she says in a surprisingly calm voice, taking me aback. Care for me? What?

I handle the admission in the only way I know how, "I didn't ask for you to care!" I shout at her.

She steps closer, poking a sharp nail into my chest. "Well I do anyway, and you can't dictate my feelings, so you just deal with it!" she shouts back in my face before turning on her heel and stomping away.

I blink in surprise as I watch her stalk off. What is it with this girl?

"What the hell?!" I yell in frustration, turning on my heel to walk the other way before remembering that she is still a mile a way from the hotel; A mile of danger between her and relatively safety.

Letting out a groan, I go after her. Why does she have to be such a bother?

"Out of my way!" I hear her yell ahead of me, spurring me on.

I rush out of the brush just in time to see her socking a lesser demon in the chin, knocking him out rather effectively. I guess those hours that I put into teaching her how to defend herself paid off.

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now