31 The creepiest of creeps (Yuko/ Hiei)

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Thank you so much for your patience and your support! Your words of encouragement meant a lot to me and I'm slowly getting better.

I'm also sorry to keep you guys waiting for so long to put this part out. I hope you enjoy it. Some might be in for a shock, but maybe you already saw it coming. So, let's get cracking shall we.....

We girls watch from the stands as Kuwabara faces off against the elder Toguro brother. The fight hasn't even begun and is really eating at my nerves already. Glancing at Shizuru, I can't begin to imagine how she must be feeling. Sure she looks calm and collected on the outside like she always does, but on the inside she must be really worried. I know I would lose my mind if my little brother would be facing such danger.

As Kuwabara produces his Spirit sword, now with the extra help of the hilt given to him by his former opponent Suzuki, who posed as Onji in the previous match. I hope this gives him the edge he needs.

He wastes no time in rushing forward, really intent to take this fight seriously, and swings his sword.

Elder Toguro doesn't even seen to budge however and to everyone's surprise, let's Kuwabara slice right through him. I cringe, watching his body be sliced in half from his head to mid-torso.

There is some confusion and even a careful celebration here and there, but something isn't sitting well with me. Someone who should be this powerful shouldn't have been finished off so easily right?

My eyes widen when something suddenly bursts out of the floor behind Kuwabara. It looks like sharp spikes or something and they rush at the boy so fast, no one has time to react until they have pierced right through him!

They slip out of him like flexible tendrils, leaving Kuwabara to crash to the floor, dropping his sword. The tendrils slip back to the floor, returning into....fingers? What the hell?!

We're stunned as another Elder Toguro emerges from the ground. How can there be two of them?

The question is answered when he reveals himself fully, pulling the other Elder Toguro towards him as he reveals him to be apart of his arm. How confusing, but does this mean he can transform his own body in all sort of weird ways?

I have to listen closely and I can hear Elder Toguro explain that he can not only do that, but also move his vital organs around from their original places. That sure is making it a hell of a lot more difficult to end him. What is it going to take?



That guy left us with one nasty little surprise. Perhaps I should have taken this fight. There is no way that fool can win now. He is already slowly bleeding out on the floor.

Elder Toguro stretches his bony fingers again, picking up the discarded hilt before examining it with interest. "This is quite a handy instrument, huh? Is it a momento from Genkai?" he questions, leaving Kuwabara confused.

"Then again, leaving a momento to a pupil so foolish as you, she won't be able to rest in peace, now that she's dead." Elder Toguro continues.

"W-what did you just say?!" Kuwabara exclaims, rising a little.

Elder Toguro puts on a fake look of pity. "What are you so surprised at? Do you mean you didn't know?" he mocks. "Genkai is dead. She's been killed." he states, smirking cruelly.

The human boy turns to look back at us, at Yusuke, but the detective turns his eyes away, afraid to face him head on.

I actually feel kind of sorry for the oaf, for having been left in the dark for all this time. He was the only one of us left out of the loop.

Elder Toguro doesn't give him long to take it in before once again piercing the boy's flesh, right around his heart. "There is no need to grieve. You'll be going where Genkai is soon enough. All I have to do is squeeze my fingers together and pluck out your heart right now." he chuckles in a manic way. Hn, what a despicable creature.

My eyes widen when he decides to hold a 'puppet show' instead, forming one hand to make it look like the younger form of Genkai.

"Once upon a time there was a young man and a young woman. The woman's name was Genkai, and she was a beauty with no equal. And the young man was my younger brother, and he went by the name of Toguro." he starts off like he's reciting a fairly tale. What the hell is wrong with this guy?

I take a quick glance towards the stands, zeroing in on Yuko. She's looking horrified by the spectacle.

Meanwhile, Elder Toguro continues; "The two of them were friends who worked to master the martial arts. However... as the months and years went by, the woman grew hideously older." he says while making the puppet age.

"Brother!" Younger Toguro cuts in, a tone of warning on his tongue.

"It's okay, let me do this." Elder Toguro waves it off before continuing; "Contrarily, the man used the power of the Demon Realm to better his martial arts and retained his youth. And so, the old woman became envious of the man still in his youth and challenged him to a duel. However, as heartbreaking as it may be, she was met with defeat in her challenge." he laughs, piercing the puppet with his other hand to make his point.

"And so, Genkai was killed by my brother and went to heaven. Where she lived happily ever after. All that is left of her now is her legacy; A bloodline left over from a short moment of weakness by my brother. That is how little Aya came to be." he laughs again manically.

I feel my heart sink to my shoes at those words, realizing what he intents to say.

"No!!" a desperate voice screeches through the stadium, making my body jerk in reaction. Yuko is standing, leaning forward as tears run down her eyes in torrents. "That's a lie!! You lie you despicable beast!" she rages as Botan tries to hold her back.

Elder Toguro laughs once more, finding the scene hilarious. "Say hello to great uncle Toguro!" he waves childishly, making her snarl, her eyes burning. I clench my fists. That animal!

Finally the girls manage to pull Yuko back before she collapses into a sobbing mess in the reaper's arms. "Tell me it isn't true. Please." I can hear her wheeze in between cries.

I feel like I'm boiling inside. I have to do everything in my control to keep from lashing out before taking the girl and getting out of here, to erase all this madness from her mind just so she can smile again without a care in the world. But deep down I know there is no going back.

"You bastard!" Yusuke shouts angrily. "There is no way!" he denies. "And you know Ba-san didn't fight out of envy! You're full of lies!"

Elder Toguro doesn't care much about Yusuke's words as he turns back to Kuwabara who struggles back to his feet, his spirit energy slowly rising.

Elder Toguro shoots his arm forward again, forming it more like a drill, but it comes to a stead stop, not piercing energy. It looks like Kuwabara's spirit energy covers him like a shield. And his energy is still on the rise. Remarkable.

"I'm going to... I'm going to make you pay!!!" the boy shouts out in anger. "Burn in hell!!"

With that he thrusts his arm out, making his spirit energy fly at the creature like daggers. It's a move he's never shown before. Looks like he hasn't run out of surprises yet.

Elder Toguro's shredded body falls back onto the tiles. Did he really manage it this time? For all our sakes I hope he has.

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