39 Different paths (Yuko/Hiei)

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~ Yuko

I wake up in a sweat, my mind foggy and my body sore. My memories seem jumbled and no matter how much my brain is trying to properly organize them, there is no way it can fill in the gaps Hiei left.

"Hiei!" I gasp, sitting upright so fast it's a wonder I didn't pull anything.

Looking around my room that is taken in by darkness, I don't sense him near. Sensui, he went after Sensui. That's right, isn't it?

The door to my room opens suddenly, making light from the hallway flood into the room. "Yuko?! I heard you shout!" my mother states, her face set in worry as she rushes towards me, dropping on her knees.

"Are you alright sweetheart?" she asks gently, petting the matted hair from my face.

"I'm okay mom. I'm okay." I assure her before asking hastily, "Have you heard from the guys? Have you heard from Hiei yet?"

She shakes her head, leaving me disappointed. "I want to go find him." I state, making her eyes widen.

"Are you crazy? You just woke up! After what happened-...." she argues.

"Mom!" I quickly cut her off. I smile at her, letting her know I'm not upset. "I just need to know if he's okay."

My mother blinks at me slowly before sighing. "You're so stubborn you know that?"

I nod. "I got it from you." I point out, making her chuckle.

"I guess you did. Mh..." she hums for a moment in thought, resting her cheek in one of her hands. "You really love him don't you?" she questions, making my cheeks burn slightly, but I nod firmly in reply.

She smiles softly. "I'm happy for you, for both of you, that you have each other." she tells me, making me reach out and pull her into a hug, which she quickly returns.

"Thanks mom."


My search is cut short when I'm hallway through the quiet park. I pause in my steps when I spot someone approaching in the distance, before breaking out into a run. I skid to a stop just short from barreling over him.

Hiei looks pretty disheveled. He and the others must have had a tough time against Sensui. But once again they seem to have made it.

Reaching out, I rearrange some of his hair that had been sticking out the wrong way before wrapping my arms around him, needing to be close to him and make sure he's really all right. I feel his breath hit my ear as he lets out a tired sigh before his hands come to rest on my waist.

"You've gotten stronger." I can't help but note. His presence is even more prominent than before.

"Not strong enough." he sighs, pulling away and coming to stare at the quiet darkness behind me.

I hum, shaking my head slightly. "Are you ever going to believe you're strong enough?" He stays silent at that. I'm certain he doesn't even know the answer himself.

"I'm not sure of what to do." he confesses, confusing me for a moment. I look into his eyes, searching. What had happened?


He raises a hand, reaching out for me. His expression troubled like I've never seen before on him. I put my hand in his, letting his warm skin surround my cold hand.

At that moment I can't help but remember when we first met. We've come a long way since then. Our worlds have changed so much. But I feel like it will take a long time yet before Hiei feels complete, feels himself worthy to just be who he is. He still has a journey to make.

"It's okay." I tell him, making his eyes widen in surprise. "Whenever you'll want to see me... You know where to find me. Just promise you won't forget about me, alright?" I ask of him as I feel tears start to well up in my eyes, but manage to keep them contained.

I can feel his hand start to shake lightly in mine. "Yuko..." he breathes, his voice as shaky as his limbs. "I promise."

I smile at him, hoping he will be happy wherever he'll end up.



This is what I wanted all along isn't it? To return to the Demon realm? To grow stronger? I still do, but.... I never thought of what I would leave behind.

She steps back, her hand sliding from my grasp. I gasp at the loss of contact, taking a step forward, not ready to let go of her just yet. A thought comes to my mind making my heart slam against my chest uncomfortable.

I don't have to let go do I? Not forever. Looking into her eyes now, I feel that it's impossible. There will always be a string tied to the both of us, connecting us in a way that I never thought it could be meant for someone such as me.

Maybe I'm being selfish here, but can I not... have my cake and eat it as she would say? Just this once in my life?

"Hiei?" she questions, her voice laced with worry as the silence dragged on too long.

I step closer, closing the distance so the smell of her engulfs me; something undeniably sweet with a hint of salt from unshed tears. "Yuko, there is something I want to leave with you. But I wish to take something in return." I say, not hiding the emotion that surfaced.

She swallows thickly as I reach out, cradling her head; sliding my fingers into her hair with one hand and letting the other rest in her neck where I can feel the blood pumping through her veins at a fast pace.

"Spend one night with me."

Her breath hitches as I feel her skin start to burn and my eyes fall to her mouth as she bites her bottom lip in an innocent but enticing way.



I take a deep breath after stretching my sore muscles and smile. Yes, of course I'm sad that he has left for an undefined amount of time. But I know one thing for certain; he will be back one day.

Until then, I will have a clear memory of him to hold onto; one where his face isn't left in a scowl, but one of complete content before he turned and we parted, knowing he left with me something he was seeking to give; his heart. He chose to give it to me and me alone to keep, which I will dutifully do.

And I have given him mine to protect, which he swore to that he would on his life.

And so we will hang on to that part of each other until our next exchange.

I knew from the start that when the feelings made themselves known, that loving Hiei would come with difficulties, but I am willing to take them on for him, because when Hiei loves you in return, you want to keep it safe and cherish it with all your might, as there is no other thing like it.

This is the official ending. Thank you all for your support throughout this story. Although I enjoy writing, I enjoy other people's appreciation on it even more.

I will post something for those who feel unsatisfied at this ending later on, so don't worry. But it's time for me to turn my focus back to other stories and a course that I'm following to up my salary.

Finally, I want to share with you the love for our cat Pip who has tragically been hit by a car this week and passed away. I will miss my buddy cuddling up to me in the mornings. And our other cats will miss their play pal. Goodbye handsome man.

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My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now