13 Roadtripping (Yuko)

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"It's kind off scary how elaborate you deceived your family like that. Making flyers and all that." Botan tells me as I walk besides her carrying a dufflebag.

"Yeah, I probably shouldn't be proud of that." I muse. I have gone out of my way to make them believe I will be going to a girl's soccer camp in the country for the summer, but in truth, I am forcing Botan to take me where Hiei is.

When she finally spilled that he and three others were challenged to participate in a tournament where they will be forced to fight for their lives, I nearly had a heart attack.

Knowing there is a possibility that I will never see him again if I don't go looking for him, I set up my plan. Botan was reluctant to say the least, but she was not hard to persuade to help me out.

"Who else are we meeting again?" I ask for maybe the third time. I guess I have been a bit distracted and not paying much attention. Can you blame me?

Botan sighs. "Keiko and Shizuru. Keiko is Yusuke's friend and Shizuru is Kuwabara's sister." she explains once more.

I grimace at my next thought. "They are humans right? Is it alright for humans to be in a demon tournament? Do they even stand a chance?" I question worriedly.

"Don't say such things!" Botan scolds. "You're making me even more worried than I already was." she pouts, tears in the corners of her eyes. I quickly zip my lips, feeling bad for making her worry.

"Here we are~." Botan sings after a few moments, knocking on the door of an apartment in a rather large building.

Within a few seconds the door swings open to reveal a tall brunette with a cigarette between her lips. "Took you long enough." she scolds Botan before turning her eyes on me. She smiles a tiny smile. "So you're a friend of that angry little demon are you?" I can't help but think Hiei has a bad rep. Botan couldn't believe Hiei had a friend as well.

"That would be me. " I state. "Takagi Yuko. Human." I introduce.

"Kuwabara Shizuru. Human as well." she introduces herself in return before stepping aside. "Keiko is waiting inside. Hurry on in." she urges, making Botan and I step inside.

Slipping off my shoes, I follow the both of them into the living room, finding a brunette girl with shorter hair than Shizuru. She's a little taller than myself and about my age it seems, whereas Shizuru obviously has a few years on me.

"Oh hello, I'm Yukimura Keiko. You must be Yuko." the girl introduces as soon as she spots me.

"That's right." I nod, not knowing what else to say as she stares at me for a moment.

She suddenly shakes her head, looking apologetically. "I'm sorry, I just never expected a guy like Hiei to have a friend like you." she explains. "Not that there is anything wrong with that, I mean... Oh, I'm rambling." she realizes, sighing as she gives up.

I smile warily as I look around at them. "Is it really that odd for me to be on friendly terms with him?" I question, receiving nods and a "Pretty much."


Botan hums as she thinks it over, "Well, he sticks to himself a lot. When he talks, it's usually insulting." she sums up.

"Not to mention that he tried to kill Yusuke when they first met and he's been convicted for theft." Keiko adds, making my eyes widen a little. Botan left out a few things it seems.

"In short, no pun intended, he's not your regular ball of sunshine." Shizuru says. "But I'm sure that whatever the reason you can get along, he's probably a good guy to have on your side, right kid?" she throws me a bone.

"Yeah. He is." I answer, taking the escape. "I know how he acts, and I would never call him a softy on the inside, because I'm sure he's not. But for whatever it's worth, I trust him with my life." I state, feeling very sure of my words.

Shizuru clamps me on the shoulder while the other two look amazed. "What more do you need? Now then, when are we headed out? I have a baby brother to kill for ditching me like this." she states, turning her eyes to Botan expectantly.


I put a hand over my mouth, breathing in through my nose. "I think I'm gonna be sick." I mutter, glancing towards Keiko who looks pale as a sheet.

"Sorry about that." Botan apologizes. "It was the fastest way to get here." she says, referring to the portal we just went through to get to the island where the tournament is held. I hope to never make use of one again.

Feeling my stomach settle, I manage to stand straight and look ahead to see a large building standing before us. To its left, beyond the tree line, I see the roof of something ominous.

"That's the stadium right there isn't it?" Keiki muses in realization.

"Let's ditch our stuff in our room and hurry over before we miss something." Shizuru suggests.

We do just that, leaving the marveling of the room and fighting over who gets which bedroom for later.

Making our way towards the stadium, Keiko and I stick close together, eying all the random demons wandering about. I guess not every demon is as subtle looking as Hiei. Some don't even come close to looking humanoid.

Botan and Shizuru hardly seem bothered though as they lead the way confidently.

When we reach the place, it's very busy. Demons are still trying to get tickets. Speaking of which; "Botan, who has our tickets?" I ask, wondering what we'll do if we haven't got any.

Botan smiles. "Don't you worry Yuko-chan~. Koenma-sama will be here soon. He'll have the tickets." she says cheerfully before looking around and putting her hands on her kimono clothed hips. "But where is he? Ah!" she calls, pointing towards a guy that is standing out like a sore thumb in his bright clothes. He's headed towards us.

"Koenma-sama! Yusuke and the others have already come out!" Botan calls impatiently, meaning that the team Hiei's on is ready to start on their first fight.

"Botan." the guy who must be Koenma states coolly. She told me a bit about him, being the ruler of the Spirit world and apparently being the one who gives Hiei his orders. Beside him stands an ogre with blue skin.

"You sure are popular sir." a demon speaks up behind Koenma. "Are all four of them your sweethearts?" he questions.

"They're the guest's relative and girlfriends." Koenma states unimpressed, though I feel myself growing red as Botan snickers. It's not like that!

He continues before I can speak up, "My dimwit assistant here let word slip out, and I was forced to bring them along with her." he says, glaring at Botan pointedly who has changed from looking mischievous to nervous.

Koenma then turns to our trio of brunettes. "Nice to meet you. Please accept my regards." he bows. "Well, shall we go?" he offers, taking the lead into the den that is surely to be filled up to the top with demon spectators. I would be lying if I didn't feel a bit vulnerable. Just because I trust Hiei, doesn't say that I feel the same about all of them and Hiei would probably remind me not to.

Speaking of Hiei, I wonder what he will think when he notices I'm here. I shiver. He will not be happy for sure. I just hope he won't blow up on me too badly.

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now