Epilogue: There's something you should know (Yuko/Hiei)

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A little epilogue for those who are interested. Thank you all for the great feedback on my story so far.

I come rushing out of the bathroom, my heart pounding. Barreling over towards Shizuru, I come to a halt before her.

"Did you manage?" she asks calmly, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"I think so." I breathe out meekly. "Shizuru, I've never been so scared in my life. I'm afraid to look." I admit.

She hums in acknowledgement. "I get it kiddo, but I guess this is one of those moments in life where you're better off by pulling of the proverbial band-aid quickly." she advises before turning me around and steering me back towards her bathroom.

"I guess." I sigh. "But will I feel stupid when it turns out I've worked myself up over nothing. I mean, what are the chances right?" I try to rationalize to keep myself from freaking out.

Together we come to a stop in front of the sink. Laying on the edge is a slim rectangular stick.

"Let's see what it says..." Shizuru muses, picking it up along the packaging so she can double-check the instructions.

I worry my bottom lip in between my teeth. "What does it say? Wait... I don't want to know! No wait... I do! Argh! Just tell me!" I beg her, not able to stand the silence any longer.

Shizuru turns to me. "I'm not sure whether to congratulate you or not since I don't know what you're going to be feeling about this.... but erm... happy mother's day?" she chuckles uneasily.

I feel the blood drain from my face. I'm not sure what the noise was that came out of my mouth, but it sounded pretty inhuman to my own ears.

"Yeah, let's sit you down for a bit kid." Shizuru states, making me sit down on the edge of the tub before fanning me. "Don't forget to breathe. In... out... in...out.... That's it. You'll be okay." she coos as I slowly get my bearings back, but that's when the waterworks start up.

"Shizuru, what do I do? I mean, I just got seventeen! I haven't even finished high school yet!" I gasp, "Mom's gonna kill me!"

Shizuru quickly holds up her hand to cut off my rant from continuing. "Listen; before you get to decide on anything, anything at all, at least let Hiei know you're pregnant. He may not be here, but he's got a vote too." she advocates for the absent demon.

Sucking in a deep breath, I nod slowly. "Right. You're right. He should know." I manage to agree before coming to a sad revelation. "But how am I going to let him know? I haven't seen him since he left. Last thing I heard he was in Demon world." I cry silently.

I can hear Shizuru hum in thought before snapping her fingers. "Got it. Come on, dry those tears; we have a fox to hunt down."

"I'm sure Kurama would take offense to that." I mutter, trying to compose my blubbering self.


"Don't worry, I've got things covered. As far as your family knows, you're staying at my place for a while. Just get out of there in one piece alright? Or else I'm gonna have a hard time explaining to your mom and Genkai what the heck happened to you." Shizuru warns, making me nod.

"Thanks for the trouble Shizuru. I won't let anything happen to her." Kurama promises.

Shizuru nods. "Good luck." she offers before the both of us make our way trough the barrier separating the human realm with the demon realm.

The sensation is so odd and I wonder what I will find on the other side, feeling a bit worried, but Kurama assured me I would be okay since I'm powerful enough to handle the atmosphere in the Demon world. I suppose I'll just have to trust on his judgement.

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now