29 The dragon is unleashed (Yuko)

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"That is one big axe." I breathe as I eye Bui's weapon; a big weapon for a big guy. Hiei is dwarfed in front of him.

I clench and unclench my hands nervously. This is it; Hiei's final fight.

Hiei throws off his cloak in preparation and I spot some modifications on my carefully wrapped bandages. Why has he put charms on there? Is that dragon of his still fighting back against him?

I've seen it twice now, the large dragon tattoo curling around his arm. It seemed different the second time, like it's been moving as if it's alive. Perhaps it is. Anyway, I hope Hiei's gotten a grip on it. I figured he plans on using it again, but I hope it won't do so much damage this time around.

Before I can think more on it Bui is making the first move. He rushes forward with a speed one wouldn't expect from someone so heavily armored. He swings the axe down on Hiei. It slams into the large tiles that make up the ring as Hiei has already made his way behind Bui.

My eyes widen as Bui effortlessly lifts the axe with the tile still attached before swinging it at Hiei, making it detach and fly in his direction. Hiei dodges and the tile shatters against the far off wall.

He continues this procedure, not leaving much of the ring intact and hitting onlookers here and there as the tiles soar every which way.

Hiei doesn't seem very amused by these antics and stops dodging. Holding out his fist, his headband burns up, revealing his third eye. A flame covers his balled fist as he starts punching his way through. But he did not expect for Bui to follow up on an attack while his sight is limited.

Hiei however, instead of trying to dodge, meets Bui's axe with his fist. I almost expected him to be cut in half, but to my surprise, Bui's axe breaks down the middle, making the blade fly back, just missing Yuri by an inch before crashing somewhere into the second ring of spectators.

I can't help but smile. Sure, I feel a bit sorry for those helpless demon's lives, but that was pretty hardcore on Hiei's part!

Bui summons another axe, not standing still at the loss of the first one. He can somehow create them out of his demon energy.

This one he throws at Hiei, who catches it at the sharp and before literally vaporizing it with his power.

Hiei tells him to take it seriously and that is just what Bui seems to plan on doing. He takes of his armor, which is very heavy by the looks of it.

"This is your chance! If you put him away right now you could win! Right?" George the ogre calls, making us look up at him. I nearly forgot he joined us since Koenma is down there with the others.

"Think about Hiei's personality would you? He would never do that." Botan scolds.

"Besides, this is a fight between men after all." Shizuru butts in. "If he were to do such a gutless thing, what fun would that be?" Keiko nods in agreement.

George looks uncomfortable at the verbal lashing. "I wish I hadn't said anything..."

Shizuru then chuckles. "For someone appearing so ruthless on the surface, that Hiei is not all what he seems. He's a pretty passionate guy isn't he, Yuko-chan?" she questions cheekily, nudging me.

I blink up at her in confusion. "I guess so." I mutter, wondering what she is going on about. Botan too looks to Shizuru questionably while Keiko hides her smile behind her hand while patting Puu with the other.

Shaking my head I turn my eyes back on the ring to see Bui finally taking of his helmet to reveal a head of aqua hair and another significant mark on him is rift in the middle of his face. It looks like some scar or something.

His energy rises as a light surrounds him, his power crackling. He starts to detach himself from the ground, starting to float.

Looking satisfied, Hiei pushes off of the ground, punching at Bui but not getting through this armor of light. As Bui comes at him he tries to burn the man down, but Bui escaped the flames and send an energy attack towards Hiei that follows wherever to he runs.

Smirking he appears behind Bui before disappearing just as quickly, letting the attack hit Bui himself. Bui is slammed into the ring, disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

Hiei looks surprised when Bui appears unharmed. He looks happy however to oblige to Bui's taunt to use his Kokuryu-ha technique.

Tearing off the charms, Hiei starts to unwrap the bandage. Once revealed, his arm burst into dark flames. The dragon starts to lash out wildly as it tears itself free.

"Is this safe?" Botan squeaks in fright. I nod in confirmation. I'm sure Hiei wouldn't have released it if he couldn't control it, Yukina is sitting right here after all. He'll be damned before he put her in any danger.

Shizuru shivers at the sheer power overwhelming her senses. It's intense. "You sure know how to pick them." she tells me, but I'm too focused on what's going on below to comment.

The sky grows dark and ominous. Lightning slashes and the ground starts to shake as the power keeps building up. Koto is quick to get Yuri out of the danger zone before it's too late.

Hiei sends the dragon towards Bui who readies himself to counter it. He can't be serious?! That's suicide! He can't possibly think he can take it on. It's much more powerful than when Hiei fought Zeru. But Bui tries anyway and we look on with bathed breaths to see the results.

Bui seems to put the brakes on the dragon, but it's not giving up on devouring him yet. Hiei ads some power to keep it going, making it rage on as it tries to break through Bui's barrier.

It rampages on before it bursts out of the stadium and into the sky. Hiei is really wreaking the place. And Bui is still holding on.

To everyone's surprise he manages to turn it around and the dragon comes swerving back at Hiei who has jumped up there to see what's happening.

"What?! No!" I call out in shock, not believing my eyes when the dragon crashes into the place where Hiei is standing. The dragon roars before starting to dissipate, leaving a clear sky above.

However, before the final flames die out, Hiei's form emerges from it. I balk. Not that I'm complaining, but how has he not been eaten? Is his control that strong? There is not even a scratch on him. But where did he leave his dragon? It's not on him anymore, but I can sense its power still.

I feel Yukina cling to me as she shivers a little. It appears she's gotten a bit scared. I quietly console her for Hiei's sake. I don't want her to be scared of her own brother.

Bui looks shocked at Hiei standing before him. This is clearly not what he was expecting. When he steps closer, Bui actually backs up.

Desperately Bui starts to pummel Hiei, who lets him for a moment, amused at his efforts that do no harm to him whatsoever. When he's grown bored, he catches a punch and I'm not sure how, but the aura Bui has carried dissipates.

Hiei then throws him back with a blast before jumping after him. He punches Bui into the stands without any real effort. It's amazing. In just this fight Hiei seems to have advanced to a new level.

Hiei looks down at Bui as the man says a few words. I can see him look unimpressed before leaving Bui there to return to the ring in time. I'm a little surprised that Hiei spared Bui's life, but it's fine I suppose. I'd rather he didn't. Somehow, Bui doesn't appear truly evil. Not like his teammates.

Thank you all for the great feedback last time! And of course for sticking with this story for so long. I'm glad people appreciate my writing.

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