25 Something precious (Yuko/ Hiei/ Shizuru)

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I can't help but notice that Hiei's being sloppy. All because it's me he's trying to protect. I don't want to have him do that for me, to take risks. He does so much for me, indeed a weak human girl... I don't want to be useless anymore, so he won't look down on me...

A claw swipes at Hiei but he jumps back at the last possible moment. It doesn't catch his skin, but it does cut something else...

My eyes follow the item, the dim light glinting off of it as it hurtles over the cliffside. Hiei's eyes widen. I don't think I've ever seen him look so panicked. Without thinking I throw myself after it, into the darkness.

String brushes against my fingertips and suddenly my body is developed by the freezing cold waves below. I gasp.




I swipe my broken blade to the side, stabbing the final demon deep in its eye-socket. Suddenly I find toying with it a waste of my time. I don't even bother to look back as it drops to the ground as my legs push me over to the edge.

I scan the waves, trying to spot a mop of brown hair among the wild white tips. Nothing...

I fling the blade into the soil before taking a plunge. The icy water tries to bite at my limbs, but I am hardly bothered.

The waters are too dark, I can't see a thing in front of me. Luckily I have more senses than just my eyes to guide me. Using my Jagan I swim in her direction. The fool is sinking like a brick.

Reaching out I wrap my hand around a piece of fabric, pulling it closer so I can wrap my arm around her waist. Once she's secured I swim back up as quickly as I can. Soon the moonlight can be seen steaming into the water before I break the surface.

I hoist myself and her onto a rock making it cut into my palm. That was the hard part. From here on I can easily jump back up the cliff.

With a huff I lay her down onto the mossy ground, now stained with purple blood. "Oi, girl!" I shake her shoulder, but receive no response. Her lips are so blue... I feel my body tense, something gripping at me like it's trying to choke me. Why did she have to go and do something like that for?

"Girl!" I try again. "Yuko!" I lay a hand on her chest, pushing. After a few tries she starts to couch violently, throwing up the salty water. She looks out of it still so I rake my knuckles against her chest bone.

"Ouch!" she yells, her eyes springing open. She gazes around in confusion before her eyes land on me.... My head is spinning. I'm so....

I grip her shirt, pulling her closer. "You bloody idiot! What the hell were you thinking?! You-...." My eyes fall on the necklace clutched in her fist as she holds it up in defense.

She smiles tiredly. "I always noticed...how little you had, so the few things you do own...must mean a lot to you right? I didn't want you to lose something precious." she explains. I swallow a lump that has gathered in my throat. Something precious...

She reaches out, both her arms around my neck, her cold shaky fingers working a knot in the string. I feel relieved when the necklace is hanging back in its place.

My eyes lock onto hers. Why did she do that? Why take such a risk to do me a favor? What is it with her?



"I'm cold." she states, making me snap out of my thoughts. She's shivering heavily, her lips still somewhat blue, but not from lack of oxygen this time.

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now