15 Going full out (Hiei/Yuko)

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Finally it's my turn. I've been waiting to blow of some steam ever since the kid and Zeru snuck into our hotel room the night before. That; plus a certain girl showing up here of all places has made me very unhappy indeed.

I jump up to the ring to face Zeru. He must be desperate to step forth as early as he did. But I don't mind. Ever since his display the night earlier I've been eager to show him how a real master of fire fights.

The sky darkens, thick rain clouds blocking out the sun as we face each other.

"I saw the cut you made in the cup you broke." I start, referring to yesterday. "It looked as though you had cut it with a sharp blade, but the edges were slightly melted. Your technique is pretty rough huh?" I taunt.

"So what about it? I don't recall how it's any business of some rat-reeking Jagan master." he counters, making me narrow my eyes at his insult.

"Begin!" the referee calls and right at this instance, flames flare up around Zeru in a silly attempt at intimidation.

"What's that look on your mug for?" Zeru hisses before upping his game. The flames spout up into the audience, making me sneak a glance to make sure at least she is out of the way. Luckily she is.

"I'm going to turn you to charcoal dust." Zeru states before sending his flames towards me. I scoff inwardly. I'd like to see him try.



We watch as Hiei jumps out of the way of the raging flames, moving in mid-air to avoid each attack before making it to the roof of the dome where the blast hits, making that part come down, but not before Hiei left the scene.

"Incredible huh?" Shizuru states in amazement as she watches the action happening up close.

"Hiei's way too quick to be caught up in that." I tell her confidently, making her glance back at me in question.

Hiei lands back into the ring, looking unimpressed so far. It is then that that guy, Zeru, nearly blows up his flames like an explosion, lighting and heating up the arena. He then looks to be absorbing the flames until he's glowing like a hot poker.

He then dives forward, his arm outstretched and it appears like he caught Hiei off guard as his hand pierces Hiei's abdomen. Hiei flies back, lit up like a candlestick.

My eyes widen in shock. No way! This can't be it! Someone tell me I'm not seeing this right! "Hiei...?"

I can feel Keiko grab hold of my left hand as she scoots closer. Botan has left a gap when she rushed down to aid Kuwabara after his fight.

To finish it off, Zeru shoots a blast towards the demon I hold in such high esteem, seemingly turning him to ashes. I start to feel sick to my stomach at the sight, but I can't tear my eyes away. All is silent but for the ringing in my ears.

I should probably be panicking, but there is something keeping me from doing so. Despite his smoldering body lying there, I still feel his presence. It's hard to explain, but after spending so much time with him, I can somehow just tell if he's near if I try to focus on his presence. Maybe it's because he has such a strong one being a demon.

Anyway, what I feel now doesn't indicate in any way that he is actually gone. And I wonder why that is if my eyes tell me otherwise.

My answer comes when the flames flare up higher than before when Zeru has turned his back and Hiei's form rises from those very flames. His outfit has seen better days, but otherwise he looks pretty much unscathed. He even carries a smirk on his face.

A purple flame starts at his forehead, burning away that headband he's been wearing ever since I met him. Underneath is what looks to be a third eye. I blink in surprise, not expecting that of all things hiding under there. I just thought it was some kind of fashion statement of his. Just shows how much I actually know about the guy.

He holds out his hand, gathering a dark flame in it as his eyes hold a look of blood thirst in them. He seems eager to pay Zeru back.

The sky turns pitch black and the ground starts to shake, making everything appear quite ominous. This is all Hiei's doing I realize in amazement. Jeesh, the damage he could've done every time something or someone pissed him off...

Hiei thrusts out his arm and releasing the dark flames, but instead of a blast like Zeru send earlier, the flame extends until its appearance resembles a dragon.

It hits the other demon head on, boring into Zeru's body before clashing into a wall on the other end, trashing wildly like a raging bull. The gust of wind it creates even reaches where we sit.

When the attack lets up, all there is left is Zeru's outline on the wall. Otherwise he has completely evaporated. Hiei wasn't saying half of it when he told me he's dangerous. This is pure overkill.

I feel a bit unsure at witnessing this side of Hiei. This isn't how I have gotten to know him over the past months at all. It's not that I feel afraid of him now. I just know he would never hurt me intentionally and I really believe he actually cares more about the people around him than he would ever care to admit, but this just shows that being a demon entails a life so different than that of a human such as myself. In the end he's doing what he can to survive and then some. I just can't find the fault in that.

Shizuru suddenly chuckles while the silence of awestruck demons is still high in the air. "You must really be looking forward to talking to your 'boyfriend' after this." she teases.

I throw a glare her way. "Knock it off already. It wasn't funny the first time." I tell her, pouting. "But no, I'm not. Not because what he can do, but rather what he might not. I just don't want him to stop talking to me because I decided to come here." I voice my worries with a sigh.

Keiki looks at me strangely before shaking her head in disbelief. "That's all you're worried about?"

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now