24 Flipping my lid again (Yuko/ Hiei)

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I think I've been staring out at the ocean for hours without making much progress in putting order to the chaos in my brain. Instead I find myself going round and round in a cycle of anger, confusion and self-pity.

My life's been pretty much a lie. There are so many missing pieces that I need answered before I can make sense of my mother's actions and why my grandmother is the woman she is. And next to all that, I need to figure out what my plan of action in going to be. Now that there is more to my life than I thought there to be before, what am I going to do with that information? Am I fine with just being a simple high-school student after all this?

If only grandma came to talk with me I wouldn't have my head in such a jumble right now. Now that I have eaten a piece of this cake called information, I find I want the whole lot. Only then can I make up my mind.

I roll onto my back, looking to the clouds gusting by before feeling a light tremor in the ground. I feel Hiei's presence waft over the place as he trains some distance away.

Heh, who am I kidding? I can never go back all the way to being who I was before. Not if I'm not willing to give up the people I've gotten to know, not if I'm not able to cast Hiei aside like it's nothing. I could never do that. Grandma is right; I'm in pretty deep. So what options are left? What is my solution?

"Hm?" I sit up when a strange feeling overcomes me. There is something in the air, being carried along in the breeze. I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach. Something dreadful is happening.

Suddenly a sting in my heart causes me to gasp in pain. I double over. Something is slipping...

In my mind's eye, I look down at myself. I'm in my bathroom at the hotel. Something is happening to me. Shizuru, Botan... Koenma... Grandma... "Grandma!" I gasp out as the memory hits me hard. "Grandma Genkai! I'm slipping!" I shout in a panic as I realize what is happening.

I feel it expanding, sensing every being on the island. I need her now, quickly! Where is she? Why can't I find her?

"You're a good kid. Don't be afraid to make your own choices and you'll be okay." she tells me. Somehow those words hold a lot of weight. "A mother always loves their child, despite their choices."

"No-..." I choke. "She-..."

I look around in a panic. She's not there anymore to keep a lid on this. "Please help me." I whimper into the breeze.

Suddenly a pair of hands grab my face and my sight is engulfed to ruby red. "H-Hiei..." I barely manage to get out. I feel like I'm burning from the inside out. Please put a stop to this.



It's that same odd glow again, but this time engulfing her. So I didn't imagine it...

I don't know what's going on, but the girl has some explaining to do, after I make sure she won't drop dead on the spot because her body can't handle this.


Taking a deep breath, I look down at her sprawled out form lying in the grass, slowly blinking up at the sky.

"She's dead, isn't she?" she finally speaks up, her voice hoarse. "I could feel her life slipping. I could feel everything..." I frown at the amount of pain behind those words.

"How am I going to tell mom, that grandma was... m-murdered?" she chokes suddenly, quickly hiding her face behind her hands. My eyes widen in surprise. So that's the way it is, is it?

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now