19 New friend and panic attacks (Yuko/ Botan)

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My mind is reeling. After today I want nothing more then to bury my head in my pillow and just sleep.

After watching two rounds of fights that were cutting it pretty close for Yusuke's team, I'm just drained. My shoulders are in knots from stressing out after seeing Kurama almost die and the bump on the back of my head throbs from Shizuru smacking me after I spouted some pretty colorful language concerning that Ruka woman who locked Hiei and Mask in her fake medical tent during match two. It made Keiko blush. Mpfh. I don't care. Ruka can go suck it... with her fake boobs.

And if that isn't enough... we ran into a girl; a pretty little thing called Yukina. With her long teal hair, ruby eyes, which look awfully familiar, and soft-spokenness, she really sticks out of the crowd. She told us that she is an ice-apparition and is here to help the others with her healing abilities and also to search for her long lost brother.

Botan has met her before it seems, she explained to Keiko and I that Yusuke and Kuwabara rescued her from some people that were mistreating her. The idea makes my blood boil. Who could ever lay a hand on this sweet girl?

Since meeting her that afternoon, she has stuck to our side and Botan offered her a place to stay for the duration she is there, which she happily accepted. So now it looks like we have a new friend to join our party.

Anyway, the girls were eager to visit the boys after today's matches and despite feeling like acting like a couch potato until bedtime, my worry for them got the better of me and I joined them.

I glance over to Yukina, who is fidgeting nervously as we make our way over and smile. "Don't worry Yukina, you'll fit right in with our motley crew. There is no need to be nervous."

She throws her big doe eyes back up at me and smiles gratefully. "I hope so." I just want to hug her right there. She's the ideal little sister material, sweet and adorable. I can't help but turn big sister on her. Can't I adopt her?

Botan looks over her shoulder, smiling knowingly, causing me to perk a brow. She has been acting more scatterbrained than usually since we ran into Yukina and I get the distinct feeling she's not telling me something.

When arriving we find only Yusuke and Kuwabara there, making me feel a bit disappointed. I haven't talked to Hiei in a few days. However, my mood is quickly switched to amusement when Yusuke reveals something he calls his Spirit beast. Apparently it came from an egg hatched by his spirit energy. It's freaking adorable!

Also, Kuwabara shamelessly flirting and spouting lame one-liners at Yukina was a good pick me up after today.

I sigh when I crash onto my bed an hour later. I really need some sleep after today's impressions.

I close my eyes and turn...another turn... turn...sigh...turn....sigh... Dammit. Sitting up I frown, frustrated. Why can't I sleep? Maybe I need to go to the bathroom? Yeah, let's try that.

I relieve myself before washing my hands. Standing up straight, I glance at myself in the mirror for a second before turning to leave, only to find I can't move my feet. Somehow my heart starts racing, pounding like no tomorrow and making it feel like my whole body is pulsing.

Suddenly I feel my body shaking, like tremors from cold shivers but more violent. I feel light-headed and scared... What is going on? Why am I feeling like this?

There is a knock on my bathroom door. It's Shizuru. What? How do I even know?

"Yuko-chan?" she calls, her voice sounding worried. Soon after I hear another voice whom I recognize as Botan. I try to open my mouth, but my body feels so tense... If I grit my teeth even harder, my teeth will crack for sure.

I can only stand there, gripping the sink and look into my own eyes... My eyes... They look.... Oh help me...



Shizuru and I stand in front of Yuko-chan's door worriedly, both of us were near asleep until something feeling off woke Shizuru. She woke me up before darting towards Yuko's room.

Behind the bathroom door I can sense something out of place. It's Yuko, but her Spirit energy is set sky high for an unpracticed human. Something is wrong.

"Yuko! We're coming in!" Shizuru shouts before picking at the lock until it gives way. Swinging the door open she pauses, wide-eyed.

"Yuko-chan!" I call, rushing forward and wrapping my arms around her. She's...leaking Spirit energy out of every pore. Her eyes are even fogged up in a blue mist.

I purse my lips in concentration. I think I know what's going on here... Somehow Yuko possesses a large amount of dormant Spirit energy and it's fighting to get out.

Whipping out my compact I call Koenma for help. He answers grumpily, "Botan, don't you know what time it is?!"

"I'm sorry Koenma-sama, but it's Yuko! She's oozing out an incredible amount of Spirit energy. I'm afraid her body will give out. She's not trained to handle this." I explain shakily.

Koenma remains silent for a second, frowning. "I'll be right there." he answers before hanging up on me. I can only hold onto Yuko while we wait for him, hoping it somehow helps keeping herself together.

"There's more to her than meets the eye huh?" Shizuru muses as she tries to pry Yuko's hands from the sink. "Come on kid, time to snap out of it. You're freaking us out here." she urges, but there is no reaction aside from the tremble coursing through her body.

"Step back." a voice sounds from the doorway. Looking up I'm relieved to see Koenma adult form, but to my surprise, Mask is with him. That's odd...

Koenma steps up to Yuko, placing his hands on either side of her face, turning her head towards him. "Mmmh. It must have been exposure that is causing this. It must've started off subtly with only Hiei around, but with this overwhelming amount of demonic energy, the body wants something to protect itself."

"How is it possible that she holds such a large amount of Spirit energy Koenma-sama? And how do we hold her together?" I ask, now having retreated to a corner of the bathroom, looking to Yuko worriedly. I hope she will be okay. If something happens to her... Eek! Hiei will be so angry!

"Simple Botan. It's in her genes." Koenma states as a matter of factually. "As for helping her...well, that's all a matter of decent training."

"Koenma-sama! She can't start training like this!" I scold.

"Of course not you dimwit!" he shouts frustrated, making me pout. "And we don't have the time to either right now. So for now, we'll put a lid on it." he tells us before stepping back and leaving room for Mask to step up to Yuko.

She mumbles something under her breath before reaching up to Yuko's forehead with her index and middle finger. Immediately the Spirit energy ceases to overwhelm our senses as Yuko blinks tiredly, looking around befuddled before collapsing.

"She'll probably won't remember a thing in the morning. It's better not to remind her for the time being." Mask speaks up.

I sigh in relief. "Alright... I wonder who she got it from. They sure must be powerful." I muse.

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now