9 When monsters are coming to get you (Yuko)

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I wash up the remains of my dinner. I've been eating alone tonight. My family is gone for the weekend to visit my aunt and I stayed behind, because well... I'm grounded. I received a bad grade, one the likes my grading list hasn't yet seen before.

Hiei isn't here to join me either. He's been gone for what? Maybe a week now? Bother. What is he even doing? I never dared to ask. He's usually so closed off, I'm sure if he won't answer if I do ask.

As it's getting late, I turn off the TV. The quietness suddenly hits me and I find myself feeling rather alone without my family here. I don't know why, but I'm almost reluctant to turn of the lights. I'm not usually like this, but there is a sense of foreboding creeping up in my mind, scaring me a little. Maybe it's all that has been going on lately that's bothering me.

I try to ignore it as best as I can. I don't want to act like a wuss and leave the lights on. I'm a big girl now. I can handle a night on my own in a house I lived in for at least eight years now. No need to get scared now.

So shutting everything off, I ready myself for bed before crawling in. I read a few more minutes to calm my mind and it seems to do the trick when my eyes start to droop. Putting the book on my nightstand, I sink deeper into the covers with a silent yawn, closing my eyes. Soon enough, I'm off to dreamland, no knowledge yet of my dreams turning into a real life nightmare real soon.


I must have been hyper aware, because I don't usually wake up so easily. Checking my alarm, I see I've only been asleep for an hour. What could have woken me up?

My ears suddenly focus when a small noise reaches them and my heart jumps to my throat. Jumping out of bed, I peek around in the hallway to see nothing. The noise seems to come from somewhere else.

With quiet barefooted footsteps, I sneak towards the living room and when I get there, I pinpoint the noise coming from the front door. Metal against metal.... Someone is trying to pick the lock! Who would....?! Could it be....?

I want to run for the phone, but it's a corded one, sitting inconveniently in the hallway by the door. I don't want to be caught there when it opens. My feet start to move on their own when I register that the person on the outside is making progress.

Running as quietly as I can back to my room, I grab a pair of scissors from my desk. I'm not sure why, but I closed my bedroom door behind me after leaving it again before rushing to the bathroom where I hide behind the door, leaving it open on purpose so I can see through the crack a little.

I'm in position just in time as the scraping sound stops and the door swings open judging from the draft. Suddenly it hits me that someone uninvited is in my house and when the first footfalls reach my ears, I stiffen, putting one hand over my mouth to mask my breathing, which I barely dare to do while my other hand clutches the scissors like a lifeline.

I can't begin to describe the fear that comes over me. It's too intense. There is this believe in my head that I could very well die today. It nearly renders me unable to think.

The footsteps on the wood change to the quiet crackle of tatami mats and halt for a moment. They must be standing in the middle of the living room now. They don't pause for long and I press myself into the wall further when they step into the wooden floored hallway leading to the bedrooms and bathroom.

Another pause outside my parents' bedroom... The door isn't closed if I can remember it right. They can see straight away it is unoccupied. The footsteps continue...

I nearly whimper when a shadow crosses my face but clench my jaw to keep myself from betraying my hiding place. From the faint light coming from outside, I see a glimpse of a face and I nearly faint right there. It's him! It's really him! Mamoru!

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now