12 Bubblegum pink and cornflower blue (Yuko)

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The tension is running high during breakfast, everyone keeping well clear from mom as she tortures her toast before shoving it down her throat angrily.

"Grandma called last night." she suddenly states, making me and Reiji choke on our breakfast while dad gives his wife a pitiful smile. "I'm going over there today." she continues, making me balk.

"B-but mom! You can't stand grandma!" Reiji exclaims, earning a glare for stating the obvious. And it's true; mom has a dislike for the woman that birthed her, but for what reason, Reiji and I don't really know. I suppose only dad does.

Anyway, as a result, I haven't seen my grandmother in perhaps five years and so I don't know that much about her. I can recall her being short and stern faced most of the time with perhaps a little smile now and then, but that's about it. Reiji knows even less about her than I do.

"What did she want though?" I can't help but ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

Mom sighs. "Who knows? But I do know I'm not staying for long, no matter what she has to say." she says resolutely, before eying the clock.

"Curses, I have to hurry if I'm going to catch the train." she mutters, quickly downing her tea.

"I'll drop you off at the station honey. Now stop worrying, you'll be fine." dad assures her as he gets to his feet, planting a kiss on her temple before gathering the dishes, making mom smile a little.

Before they leave, mom turns to us. "Be good you two. Yuko, I want you to make dinner tonight if I'm not back in time." she appoints, making me nod. It's not like I haven't before.

Dad then hands her purse to her before they both step out, leaving us on our own. To be honest, I feel a pressure leaving me when mom's out the door. She's been keeping a rather close eye on me lately. It's gotten a bit stifling.

"Wanna go see what Hiei's up to?" Reiji suggests, putting his stuff in the sink.

I shrug in reply, copying him. "Yeah, sure. But I don't think he's home." I muse, making him question why I think that. I mull over it, not having a solid argument, "Just a feeling I have, I guess...."

Together we make our way across the hallway and Reiji is the first to knock on the door. As expected, there is no answer, but the door swung open by Reiji's second, more persistent knock.

"Doesn't he lock his door? Or do you think something's wrong?" Reiji asks a bit frightfully.

"I don't think he ever does, but if you're worried I can go check. Stay here okay?" I urge him, also wanting to go check to ease my own conscious. Sometimes that demonic boy worries me more than I would like to admit.

I step inside the apartment I familiarized myself with. I have stepped inside a few times now, but hardly anything ever changes. One glance makes me realize that there is really no one here and there isn't anything to fear for either.

I make my way back to Reiji. "All clear. Let's just go to the park instead okay?" I suggest, making Reiji shrug before he makes his way back across the hall. Before I can follow however, a small noise behind me makes me pause.

Reiji looks back at me questioningly when he notices I'm not following. I quickly smile disarmingly. "Er... Just give me a few minutes. His kitchen was a mess and it bothers me. Let me clean up a bit." I excuse, making him eye me like I've gone mad. I'm not much of a neat freak.

"Okay..." he hums awkwardly, but doesn't question it further before going back inside our home.

I turn back to face Hiei's apartment, stepping inside and expecting to see Hiei just having returned, probably through the window, but to my surprise, I see nothing there once again.

Thinking it odd, I step further inside, listening for any more noises. I swear I heard something earlier.

Shaking my head, I turn to leave before suddenly a kitchen cupboard swings open, only to have a girl with bright blue hair and hot pink eyes tumble out, landing in a heap.

She groans is discomfort before taking notice of me. She smiles awkwardly, waving her hand. "Er, hi there!" she greets with a bubbly voice, making me snap my jaw shut as it had fallen open in shock.

"Who the heck are you?"

The girl laughs, clearly feeling uncomfortable. "Well, you see...." she starts but falling short.

I shuffle a little closer, staring into her oddly colored eyes, not feeling threatened by her whatsoever. She just doesn't give me any bad vibes. "Are you... I mean... well... a demon perhaps?" I whisper the last part in case someone overhears.

The girl blinks for a moment before throwing her arms out. "Goodness no!" she exclaims before pausing, looking at me with curiosity. "You know about demons?" she wonders, tilting her head.

I nod silently, figuring there is no use in hiding it since she clearly isn't even shocked to hear about demons. She forms an 'O' with her mouth in realization.

"You must be a friend of Hiei's then. Curious... I didn't know he had any. He is usually such a cold jerk." she babbles before freezing. "Please don't tell him I said that!" she begs.

"Er... sure." I mutter. "But yeah, he's my friend. I'm Yuko. So who are you then?" I ask.

She smiles brightly as she jumps to her feet. "Grim reaper extraordinaire, Botan-chan to your service!" she introduces excitedly.

I blink at her in surprise. "Grim reaper?" I repeat, not sure I heard her right. She nods, grinning from ear to ear, making me sigh. "Sure, why not?" I mutter to myself.

"What is a grim reaper doing in a kitchen cupboard though?" I question, raising a brow.

"Er... hiding?" she tries, before letting her shoulders hang, embarrassed she did such a bad job at it for sure. "I was just here to see if Hiei left on his next mission yet." she mutters quietly, pressing her pointer fingers together as she looks to the floor.

"Ah!" I exclaim, startling her. "You are the one who sends him out to do who knows what!" I say in realization.

"W-well, I'm only the messenger." she counters before stepping back as she realizes I've closed in.

"Please tell me more."

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now