11 Breaking the rules never felt so good (Yuko/Hiei)

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It took one falsified piece of evidence to convince her mom that while they had been away, I had thrown a party. Having washed out a plastic cup with one of dad's beers from the fridge and leaving it sitting under the couch until mom vacuumed the day after returning....

First lying that I bumped into her precious vase and then discovering I had a 'party'... Oh man, she had a fit. But covering one lie with another was something that made sure the actual truth never would come out. Even Hiei admitted he was impressed by my master plan.

The sad result is that I've prolonged being grounded for at least a month. Damn.

Luckily Hiei doesn't much care about breaking the rules and when leaving my window open, he will appear from time to time, just like now for instance.

The wind blows in his musky scent as he sits perched on the windowsill. I try not to let it distract me as I read over the material for the next history lesson, half lying in my pillow pile as I call it. It's a corner in my room filled with fluffy pillows and stuffed animals, a place I can relax in.

I yawn loudly all of a sudden and in the process loose my grip on the heavy book, making it a victim to gravity and smack me in the face.

I groan while I believe a snort comes from Hiei's direction. "Idiot." he mutters.

I glare in his direction before sighing and giving up on my homework. "I wish I could go outside. I always get so sluggish from staying indoors." I complain, making him raise a brow.

"Then go." he states, making me shake my head.

"Didn't you hear my mom yelling from your place? Outside is the fun zone, and I'm on maximum security right now. One step outside that door after school beside going for dinner and she'll have my head." I tell him as I motion to my door, which has been shut tight for the past three weeks.

"Then don't use the door." Hiei rebukes calmly.

I blink before laughing, but not too loudly for 'she' might hear. "What are you suggesting? That I jump out the window?" I snort in disbelief.

Hiei stays silent, only lifting his brow further in challenge. I nearly choke on my own saliva. "Y-you're serious! Hiei, In case you haven't noticed, I'm not particularly demonic. I'll be flattened like a pancake when I hit the ground. I'm sure there are better ways to die then that." I point out, quickly looking away when a bad memory invaded my thoughts.

I hear Hiei sigh in an exasperated way after a moment, making me look over to see he is standing in the middle of the room now.

"Come on." he orders, making me eye him with a mixture of confusion and weariness as he holds out his hand. "This is a one time offer girl, so I'm not saying it again." he adds seeing my hesitation.

I don't know what possesses me, but I clasp onto his hand, it instantly heating up mine. He has always radiated an unnatural heat off of him and I suppose that's part of him being a fire demon. Yeah, I managed to worm that piece of information from him.

"But my mom..." I say in realization, glancing back at the door.

"Don't worry about it. You'll be back before she will notice you're gone and you can continue your ridiculous punishment like nothing ever happened." he assures bluntly as he drags me towards the window and I believe him.

Reaching the window, I look down hesitantly. It's three floors down. One wrong move...

"S-so how are we going to do this?" I ask, almost afraid to find out as I keep my eyes on the street below.

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now