18 Rigged (Yuko)

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It's nerve-wracking. I'm picking at my fingers and nails with my teeth as I watch Yusuke, Kuwabara and Mask battle out the next match. And meanwhile, Hiei and Kurama are nowhere to be seen. What could be keeping them?

"Hey, knock that off." Shizuru scolds, slapping my hand away from my mouth. "Have a little self control."

I blink in surprise. "Oh, sorry. It's getting to me." I apologize, making her smile understandingly.

"I know kid. We're all affected, but don't let it show. There are people here that will easily take advantage of it." she warns.

I nod slowly. "Yeah, I guess so." I muse before looking back down to watch the three on three match.

Beside Yusuke, Kuwabara and probably Mask, the three they are fighting are the only other humans competing. They are under the thumb of this doctor Ichigaki figure that is standing close by, a wide grin on his face. He's absolutely creepy.

But despite those three being humans, this fight seems to be extremely hard for our team. Something that Kuwabara mentioned this morning explains why; He believes them to be innocent men, forced to participate for the sake of someone they love. And they asked for his help though his dreams...

That is why Kuwabara and Yusuke are holding back and why Mask looks to be calculating over everything over and over again. Can they even win like this?

They're opponents are tough and leave them no room to dwindle. They need to do something, or they will get killed. Taking advantage of the boy's hesitation, the three men charge at them, but luckily the Mask steps in to save them from the onslaught.

Turning around to face the boys and scold them for their carelessness, I can't help but gasp. Mask's wrappings have come undone, revealing a young girls' face with big brown eyes and a head crowned with rich pink locks. A feeling of familiarity washes over me, but I can't quite pinpoint why. I feel like I should know her or something.

It takes a moment for everyone to get over the shock of the revealence, but I suppose everyone gets over it quickly when a dead demon followed by a broken down huge ass robot and Hiei and Kurama dropping from the sky helps.

"It seems they've been busy." Shizuru smirks, seeing the chaos left behind after their entrance.

"No kidding." I agree. I'd love to hear the story behind that entry.

But it looks like even though they're here now, they aren't allowed to fight. It's still up to Yusuke, Kuwabara and whoever that girl really is.

I cringe when Kuwabara is knocked out of the ring harshly after a desperate attempt to knock some sense into their brainwashed opponents. He couldn't get through to them. What will it take?

Yusuke sees no other way but to end their lives in order to release them from their nightmare, but Mask stops him after tying the torn cloth back around her face. It looks like she has something planned. Let's just hope she has what it takes.

I observe closely as she starts chanting and soon enough, at her fingertips a great amount of swirling Spirit energy gathers. My arm hairs stand on end at the feeling it gives me. I'm intrigued and sit on the edge of my seat while Keiko huddles closer to Shizuru and I.

Mask forms a dome around her, catching the men in it before jumping up to each of them and piercing their hearts. A fog seems to lift from their gaze when she's finished. But they also seem to loose all their energy. They drop like flies.

"A-are they dead?" Keiko asks shakily, squeezing my arm.

I shake my head slowly. "I don't know." I answer honestly. They're lying awfully still. I can't tell if they're still breathing.

Yusuke starts arguing with Mask, believing the men are indeed dead and she is responsible for killing innocent people. Not happy with how they have won the match, Yusuke then turns his anger to Dr. Ichigaki.

Feeling cornered, he threatens their master it seems like, but an elderly man has appeared inside the stadium, revealing to be said master. And although he looks less than healthy, he's no longer in Dr. Ichigaki's hold. Hiei and Kurama must have found him.

Now stuck in-between a rock and a hard place, the doctor pulls out a syringe, injecting himself. The result is instant. He grows to be massive.

"Talk about being on steroids. Those would sell well in the gym." I huff, making Keiko look at me disapprovingly and Shizuru roll her eyes. Yeah, not one of my finest moments.

Yusuke is too pissed off to be bothered by him for too long though and makes quick work of him, knocking him far up into the seats of the second ring.

With Ichigaki out of the way, the master mourns the loss of his pupils but Mask steps up before he finalizes their deaths. With wide eyes we watch them rise. And it seems that they've regained their senses too.

"Holy jeebies! Are you guys seeing this?!" I exclaim, making Shizuru nod tiredly and Keiko chuckle.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Shizuru urges, getting to her feet.

Keiko and I are ready to follow her when an announcement rings through the stadium: "I have an announcement from the administrations office; We will now hold the third round of the tournament."

"Third round? Does that mean...?" Keiko starts worriedly, making me nod.

"They are forced to go again immediately. That's insane. You ought to think there are rules against that happening." I complain.

Shizuru sighs in dismay, flopping back down on her seat. "I'm afraid these people make the rules how they see fit."

"Here we go again." I groan, sinking into my seat and hoping to all that is holy that our boys are making it through this day in one piece.

Sorry that it's a bit short and also for not updating last week. I have run out of chapters that I wrote down ahead of time and I've been reading other people's stuff while also working on other stories of my own. Busy, busy, busy.

And now, also occupying my free time is our new cat Pauline. When we came back from Japan, we found her underneath our couch and despite our efforts, she never left.

We found the one who owned her, and the story is complicated, but it comes down to it that she is staying with us from now on. So now we have three cats. Luckily they get along. But since she's still really young, she is a bit high maintenance.

So, a lot of stuff is going on and I might not be able to update weekly, but I will do my best to do so every other week at the least.

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