14 Demon overload (Yuko/Hiei)

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I am completely overwhelmed at the mixture of shouts, cheering and jeers when we step into the belly of the stadium. Keiko and I huddle close together as we try to take this all in.

"How do you handle Yusuke being caught up in all this?" I ask her; grateful for any tip she might give me.

"I'm not sure that I am." she replies shakily, running her eyes over all the faces around us.

Shizuru nudges me before pointing at some free seats. "Come on you two or we're gonna miss the kickoff." she urges before setting off after Botan who is already skipping towards the seats.

Keiko and I follow her down and as we do, I glance over the fighting arena down below only have my eyes catch sight of five people on one side of it, looking awfully familiar.

"Hiei." I breathe out, seeing him standing there among four other fighters, his arms crossed over his chest. He's looking towards the other side of the ring where five others have appeared.

It's hard to say what is expression is from up here, but his stance doesn't look to be one of worry. Then again, he never has looked worried about anything.

Seeing him standing there makes me realize that I am finally going to see what he's really made off. I already know he's tough, but I'm sure he's only shown me a hint of his real power. Somehow the thought of seeing the full brunt of his force makes me feel excited. I'm starting to question my sanity on moments like these. It's not normal to feel like that is it?


"Kazuma sure has risen up to a place where we can see him well, huh?" Shizuru muses before taking another drag from her cigarette.

I blink up at her at the strange statement, considering her little brother is held up at a precarious height against his will. Keiko seems to agree.

"W-wait a minute now! If he's dropped from that height..." she starts worriedly, not wanting to say the outcome out loud. She has been fretting over everyone and everything since we got here.

"He'll die. No doubt about it." Shizuru finishes for her; making the two other girls balk. I however can tell from the light twitch in her hand that she is more concerned than she lets on.

I flinch, getting ripped from my observations when Keiko starts yelling on my other side, "Yusuke! Hey Yusuke! Come on Yusuke!" she shouts at the top of her lungs, hoping to wake the dark haired boy who has yet to move a muscle since the match started. It's crazy that anyone can sleep at a time like this.

I look around at all the stunned faces looking back at Keiko as she continues to yell, making her displeasure known on him doing nothing while his friend is in danger.

"Er... Keiko, maybe you should sit back down." I try, not wanting her to get hurt. It's gotten clear very quickly that the Yusuke's team is not very popular to say the least.

Of course she won't listen and jumps from her seat instead, ready to go down there and give the boy a piece of her mind. She is stopped by a demon about trice as broad blocking her path.

Before he can literally bite her head off, Shizuru intervenes by pressing out her cigarette on his tongue, making him run of screaming for water.

The way now clear, Keiko dashes down, followed by a worried Botan. "That was pretty cool Shizuru." I compliment.

"Mh. Let's go after them before that girl's recklessness gets her killed." she muses in reply, lighting herself a new one.

"Right." I nod in agreement.



I can feel my eye twitch when a loud voice behind us yells at Yusuke for him to wake up and help that oaf up there.

Glancing over my shoulder I see that girl, Keiko leaning over the edge by the seats. Doesn't that fool know that her obnoxiousness could get her killed? What is she even doing here to begin with? This is no place for weak humans.

Three girls flank her side, one being that irritating grim reaper and one I don't know, but I freeze when I spot a head of long dark shiny brown hair among them. She must've felt my eyes on her and her eyes lower from Kuwabara's form to meet mine.

I look at her incredulously, before narrowing my eyes into an angry glare as she pathetically tries to hide behind Botan. What the hell is that girl doing here?! Does she enjoy looking for trouble?! I have half the mind to go over there and smack some sense into her. Maybe I overestimated her brain capacity?

With a growl I turn away from them, hoping that if I keep my focus off of her, it will keep me from doing something I will later regret.

"She is brave to face an environment like this." Kurama muses next to me, making me huff.

"Stupid is more like it." I tell him, making him smile amusedly.

A noise coming from the masked fighter on my other side makes me glance over to see them still looking over to where the group of girls is; their eyes widened. Seeing someone they know?

Not caring more about it, I turn back to look at the oaf dropping from the sky after being toyed with by a child half his age. It's pathetic. The kid has way more skills than that idiot Kuwabara. It'll a wonder if he'll survive.

Wow, I am amazed how this story is being received and the great feedback I'm getting. I hope this story will continue to please you guys.

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