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Alec sat in the cold, damp cell, elbows on his knees, looking very bored. His cold facade, though, was only that--a facade. Still, his mind was not in chaos anymore. He was oddly calm, despite the oncoming horror. And he knew what would happen, the villagers had made up their minds. The only thing keeping him sane was his beloved sister.

As predicted, they came for him, dragging him out of his cell and down the long, narrow hallway with excruciating slowness. He hated them touching him, holding him. As if he could escape if he tried. He decided he would never like somebody making contact with him, or his sister, except, of course, her herself.

When they shoved him outside, the cold wind hit him like a blizzard. He was surprised to find he was numb. Not only in body, but also mind. In fact, the only thing he had been for a long time was numb.

He saw the crowds first, yelling and holding torches high. It was dusk--not dark yet, but the last whispers of light were escaping from the heavens. Next, he saw the wood, built just right for three people to be burned.

His mother was tied to a tall, wooden stake. Oddly, she meant very little to Alec right then, because the next thing he saw was his sister. She struggled and screamed, but Alec knew it was in vain.

They were both yanked against the poles, hands tied with strong rope. It hurt Alec's hands. He hated that. He hated feeling pain. But he hated his sister's pain more. There was suddenly a strong urge in him to erase her pain, take everything away. Not make it better, but for her to not feel anything at all.

The villagers yelled louder, muffling the screams his family emitted next to him. The priest shouted torturous words over them, but Alec knew better than to listen. It happened then. Someone threw a torch at his mother's feet. And another. The priest didn't care. No one did. More were thrown, and Alec heard his mothers endless screams abruptly stop. He closed his eyes, then opened them.

His sister was cringing against the wood as the fire licked her feet. It was close to him as well. She looked at Alec, panicked. Then she looked away and screamed as the flames caressed her skin.

Alec closed his eyes.

Something In Between {Alec Volturi love story}Where stories live. Discover now