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"Are we there yet?"

"Reagan, if you ask me that again, I'm ditching you at the next exit." Alec warned. I groaned, hitting my head back against the headrest.

"I can't do fourteen hours of traveling, Alec." I whined in protest. He forced me into a stolen car and onto a roundtrip plane back to Helena, Montana in America. I didn't know where we were going from there, and it royally sucked.

"Trust me." He encouraged, sending a small smirk my way.

"Say that one more time..." I grumbled, trailing off at the end. I didn't know how to correctly threaten a vampire. Especially one that I kissed on a regular basis nowadays.

The night swelled around us, the bright white moon illuminating the scenery around us. Despite my lack of livelihood, I was enthralled with the mountains and hills here. I admired mountains; the way they soared above everything else, that nothing could shift them but the earth itself. Forests were too dense and enclosed, while plains and fields were just flat, boring ground. But mountains...I loved the mountains.

I liked Montana. It was driving in a car with a thousand-year-old--I never could get over that--vampire who had nothing to say except 'trust me' that bothered me. And, of course, that I didn't know why we were in Montana in the first place.

To ease the tension, Alec popped in a CD and pressed play. I automatically recognized the song that resounded throughout the rented car.

"Really?" I asked incredulously, "You listen to Bonnie Tyler?"

A tiny smile crept up on his lips. "Jane does; I can tolerate her."

I shook my head, grinning from ear-to-ear. The image of Jane, ruthless and terrifying, listening to Bonnie Tyler, a singer from the seventies, was definitely one to remember.

 "Are we there yet?" I repeated, after ten minutes of Bonnie Tyler.

Alec's jaw clenched noticeably. "Reagan, behave."

"Or what?" I asked, testing him. I'm sure I was on thin ice.

He turned his head calmly to glare at me through his lashes. I shrunk back.

"Point taken." I told him. He smirked, reaching over to ruffle my hair.

We didn't talk for the rest of the long drive. The silence was unnerving, but not thick like the silence after a storm. Thick like the air during a storm--rough and windy. It was well past midnight when we arrived to our destination, but that was okay with me. As vampires often forgot about my needing sleep, so did I. I found I was running on less and less sleep.

Anyway, our destination. A tall building that, at first, I mistook for an apartment complex. In reality, it was a hospital.

Spencer, who'd been conveniently asleep the entire trip, chose that moment to inconveniently wake up. "Stay in the car," I ordered, getting up and out coolly.

Alec answered the question that lingered in the space between us. "This is the hospital you were born in. You lived with your mother nearby in a small, two bedroom house. She died shortly after you turned three, as you know, and you moved to Nevada. Then your father died and you moved with your brother to Massachusetts."

I gaped at him. "How do you know all that?"

He smiled warmly and my heart thudded offbeat in my chest. "What Aro couldn't extract from your memories, I learned from a very reluctant woman here in Helena. Do you remember when we went away for the mission Aro sent us on?"

I nodded glumly. I remembered how bored and listless I felt very clearly.

"When we finished, I took a day to come here and met up with Jane, Demetri, and Felix back in Volterra."

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