Opening up

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//AN// Hey guys! Here is the second chapter of Dropping in! I hope you're enjoying it! The spice won't start yet... but once it does... I think y'all are really gonna enjoy it!


The next morning

Finns pov

Jesus, Millie is a bitch. I just should've believed my first instincts and not even tried being nice to her, she's right... we're just sharing a room, it doesn't mean that we have to be friends, we just have to co-exist together. 

I woke up at 9 am. Unlike most teens, I never usually slept in past 10, it just seems like a major waste of a day. I checked my phone and saw a text from Hannah, a girl who I have been, flirting with for the past week, but after a while, she just started to bore me.

HannahR234: Hey Finn! Are you able to hang today ; )

ugh... no thanks

I left her on read and looked around Millies, well technically, our room. She had everything set in piles neatly, no clothes sitting on the floor, no empty bottles sitting on her desk. I moved my head towards Millie's bed and noticed she wasn't there. I guess she left to go hang out with her stuck up friends. 


I sat at the Browns giant kitchen island, enjoying the silence as I ate some toast and scrolled through snapchat. I came across some almost expired stories of me and Hannah making out at a party that my friend Gaten threw. She was an ok kisser... too bad that she was a total bore.

I stood up to set my plate in the sink when Millie came in through the back door. 

"Morning," she said grumpily and rolled her eyes at me as she untied her tennis shoes.

"Yep," I replied as I turned from the sink. Her face was a little red, I'm guessing she went on a run. Her face glistened with sweat and her hair was pulled back with a pink scrunchie and she wore short running shorts and a white tight tank top. 

"Excuse me pervert... but my eyes are up here," she said scoffing with a disgusted look plastered on her face.

Shit... I guess I was looking a little too long... I hate to admit it but even when she's out of breath and sweating, she still looks kinda pretty

 "What? No, I was just reading what was on your shirt," I said, praying that it would be a valid excuse.

"Fine then, what did it say?" she said, crossing her arms and tilting her head to the side.

Damn it

"I don't know, you didn't let me read it," I said and smirked turning away and heading to the stairs.

"Ha ha ha... very funny Wolfhard," Millie said and scoffed before she followed me up the stairs.

I began to unpack my clothes and set my school stuff and skateboard at the end of my bed. 

"You know how to skateboard?" Millie asked she sat on her bed eating a green apple and scrolled on her silver laptop. 

"Yeah, Nick taught me before he left for college a few years ago," I said and shrugged. Nick sometimes came and visited sometimes but I secretly missed him a lot once he left for school. He was my closest friend, and we used to do everything together, we played video games, skipped class, drove for hours, and randomly went out for taco bell at 2 am together. 

"I always wanted to learn how to skateboard," Millie said closing her computer and picked up the remote to her tv. I was shocked Millie Bobby Brown, the proper British girl, who drove her silver Audi around town with all her friends in the back seat wanted to learn to ride a skateboard, "My friend Sadie tried to teach me, but I accomplished was getting a scar on my knee,"

Sadie was one of the girls in Millie's posse, she had long red hair and was the most rebellious out of them all. She also was dating my friend Caleb. 

"Well, I guess I could try and teach you sometime?" I quietly offered, trying to be nice, and maybe have her open up to me. 

"No, its fine," she said tossing her apple core in the trash and washed her hands off in the bathroom that was connected to the room, "I wouldn't want to waste any of your time that you could be spending with your makeout buddy," she said and flashed me a fake smile.

"I was just trying to be nice!" I said grabbing my board, "and Hannah doesn't mean anything to me anyway, we are just friends and we were both drunk," I said. I tried to be nice, and I thought she was actually going to open up to me for a second.

"I already told you, Finn, we don't need to be friends, we just need to be able to share a living space for one fucking month," she said and ran her hand through her hair, "plus I know what you do, you flirt with girls get them to fall for you then all of a sudden, you get bored and ignore them, with no warning,"

I'm done, I grabbed my white vans and slammed her door as she stomped down the steps.


//AN// I hope you are enjoying this book so far! I promise it starts to move along faster in a little bit! 

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Stay Strange! xoxo J

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