Slipping through my fingers

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Trigger warning: Car accident, I know this doesn't seem to triggering to everyone but to anyone who has been in a super bad accident like me knows that the flashbacks can come with anything. Feel free to message me if you need to <3


I wake up suddenly, not quite being able to recall everything that happened before I blacked out, or maybe it was just so bad that my brain doesn't want to me to remember it. The car is facing into a large patch of super tall yellow glass.

No no no no

I look around. I'm still in the car, the window next to me is smashed. The lights in the car are on, the music is still playing over the speakers, but I can't find my phone.

Close your eyes, maybe this is all just a terrible horrible dream and you will wake up in bed with Finn


I look over to the driver's side, and he's not there


Shakily, I unbuckle my seatbelt and try to open up the car door. It's stuck.

I need to get out of this car, just in case, it was to catch on fire, or worse.

I look down at my arms and legs, small cuts cover all for of my limbs from shards of flying glass, but I can't feel the pain, too much adrenaline is coursing throughout my veins. I take a deep breath and rip off a piece of my skirt to brush the glass and slowly throw myself out of the car window that was luckily smashed in. Once I hit the ground, my left leg gives in and I fall to the earth, getting more cuts on my palms that little did I know would never go away, and would always serve as a reminder of what had happened, no matter how hard I would try and box it up and push it out of my brain.

"Come on Millie, get help, you need to do it, for Finn," I whisper to myself as I crawl my way out of the ditch grasping on the dirt, the grass, a plant, anything to get me to the road and signal for help. I stay at the side of the road, screaming, but it's like I'm just a small boat on the vast ocean, and no matter how hard I scream, no one can hear my cries.

God damn it, Millie, no one else is going to save you. You need to save yourself.

Find Finn, find phone, call for help

"Finn!" I scream out into the darkness, struggling my way around the small hill, "Finn!" I scream and scream and scream. Until I see something. I see Finn's shoe, those god damn black vans that he wears every single day, sticking out from a tall patch of grass.

"Oh my god," I try and run towards him, but I stumble every few feet because of my broken leg.

"Mills?" he whimpers as I push his beautiful raven curls away from his sweaty forehead. Below him, a large puddle of blood began to seep into the dry dirt.

"Oh my gosh, shhh," I whisper grabbing his hands, careful not to move his neck in case of a spinal cord injury.

"Mills, I- we we need help," he painfully forced out, "my phone, check my pocket," he whispered before closing his eyes.

I reached into his back pocket and swiftly dialed 911.

"No no no, Finn look at me, keep your eyes open," I cried as the operator picked up

"Hello? My name is Millie Brown, I've been in a car accident on double O road and the love of my life is slipping through my fingers," I cry into the phone and run my fingers over Finn's cheeks.

"Ok miss, stay on the line, I have officers heading along the road right now." the lady calmly told me.

"Finn, Finn baby please stay with me," I began to sob, "Finn come on you can't leave me now, we still have so much space for the rest of our lives please," I begin to cry out.

"Mills, don't cry," he whispered, "I love you, m'kay? I love you so much?" he shakily said.

That's when I heard the sirens coming closer.

"Finn, I need you to hang on, please, help is so close baby," I cried and brought it cold hand to my cheek, "Finn, I love you so so much," I sobbed before leaving the love of my life in the grass to flag down the police.

I tried to stand, but the pain in my leg was starting to be apparent since the adrenaline was beginning to wear off.

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT MILLIE!" I screamed at myself as I fell over one last time before crawling my way out of the ditch to where the police cars were approaching.

Many officers approached the scene, a few went to the other side of the road to search for the man who had hit us.

"SIR! YOU NEED TO HELP MY BOYFRIEND!" I began to plead as I pointed to where Finn sat in the grass and thickets, "his name is Finn Wolfhard, he is 17, and he's the love of my life and I don't know what I would do with myself if he doesn't make it,"

The rest of the scene is a blur. Officers rushing past, being lifted onto a stretcher and into an ambulance. Arriving at the hospital.



I can't close my eyes, or I have to replay the whole thing in my head


Stay strong, you're ok now


I sharply inhale as I get pulled out of the own head and back into the light yellow hospital room where my mom and I have been waiting for news on Finn for the past hour.

"Are you sure you're ok hon?" she sniffs and grabs my hand.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about him I guess," I sniff and look down at my hands and arms. They are more covered in bandages and dried blood stains than actually visible skin.

"The nurse said those scars will mostly heal with time," she smiled, she lied.

All of a sudden, I heard a knock at the door.

"Hello, are you Millie, Finn's um-"

"Girlfriend," I tell the doctor.

"Ah, yes, girlfriend," he smiled and addresses my mother with a nod. "I'm Dr. Owens, I'm going to be tending to both of you while you're here," he smiled and sat down in a chair by my mother.

"Um, how is he?" I asked, scared to death of the answer that he will provide me with,

"He was in critical condition due to a blow to the head and a significant amount of blood loss, but he's stable now," he smiled, "there is one thing though, the hit he took to the head when he was thrown from the car was very serious, and it caused a significant amount of damage to his brain, so currently experiencing a prolonged state of unconsciousness right now, or I guess I could say-,"

"He's in a coma," I sigh out and brush my fingers against my face.

"I'm very sorry Ms. Brown, I will have someone update you if this changes, but I'll let you settle in for a while," he smiles and walks out the door.

"Mills, I'm so sorry," my mom sighs and grabs my hand.

"It's ok mom, I think, I think I just need to sleep right now or I might lose it."


Sorry that crash scene was very vivid, it was coming from past experiences.

I hope to update again soon! Plus I just did two updates in like one night pretty extreme lmao

Stay Strange, xoxo J

Dropping In: A Fillie storyWhere stories live. Discover now