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RED ALERT! JILLIE IS OVER! As most of you can tell I'm clearly NOT a Jillie shipper, but as long as Millie is happy, I'm happy.

This might be a few parts I'm not sure yet

Ummm so it turns out I lost over 1000 FRICKIN WORDS SO I GET TO RE-WRITE IT ALL WOOP

Millies pov

"Millie! Finn! Can you guys come down here please!" my mom shouted from down the steps to my room.

I sighed and pushed myself off of Finn and the floor.

"It's like your mom doesn't want me rolling around the floor with her daughter," Finn sighed with a small chuckle.

"Wow... really," I replied and fixed my hair and examined my neck to make sure nothing was... left behind if you catch my drift.

We walked down the large staircase and into the living room where my mom, dad, and Ava were sitting around the coffee table.

"Ok guys! We have a surprise!" my mom said and looked at Ava, Finn, and I, "since your dad and I have been out of town a lot, we've decided we're going down to our beach house for the week!" she said excitedly.

"Oh my gosh!" I jumped up excitedly, "I haven't been there since last summer! When are we going?" I asked.

"How does tomorrow at 7 pm work?" my dad said checking the plane tickets.

"Sounds great! Come on Finn lets go get packed!" I said and pulled my mom and dad into a hug.

I grabbed Finn by the forearm and dragged him up the steps.

"I'm glad their friends now," I heard my mom chuckle from down the steps.

I love packing. I like to make lists and organize everything, and sticking to a schedule.

"Ok, Finn I'm gonna grab suitcases, and start making a list, and then we ca-,"

"Millie," he tried to interrupt.

"Lay everything out by day and the-"

"Millie!" he shouted, finally shutting me up.

"Oh, sorry," I said, reaching up for my suitcase on the top shelf of my closet before I looked away and it came toppling down on me.

"Oh my gosh, Millie," he said with a sigh and ran to help me, "I was trying to say that I don't have any swimsuits!"

"Oh, well, that's ok we can go shopping tomorrow!" I said happily, I love a good shopping spree.

"Ok, sounds good Mills, now, I'm going to bed," he said and kissed my forehead.

"Night Finnie, I'm going to start getting packed but we can leave early tomorrow morning," I said and started grabbing clothes from my closet.

I grabbed some cropped t-shirts, jean shorts, a few nice shirts, and a few sundresses. I set them in piles on top of my suitcase, and climbed into bed, excited to shop and spend the day with Finn, tomorrow.


Millis pov

"Finn..." I whispered and poked the ball of curly hair.

All I got was a mumble in return.

"Finn..." I whispered and jumped onto the bed and climbed on top of him.

"What Millie," he grumbled and rubbed his eyes.

"Come on! We have to go shopping!" I said and planted a kiss on his forehead.

Dropping In: A Fillie storyWhere stories live. Discover now