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//AN// Hey guys! Like I said earlier these will be shorter because I'm leaving on vacation and I wanted to have some pre-written before I leave!

Also heads up I might write like Mike or El or Wheeler because I've been writing my Mileven story and I get confused so just comment and I can edit it


Finns pov

"Good morning Mills," I said groggily, we had stayed up for three hours last night studying after we got back from the cafe. Today was Sunday, the last day before finals week, which also meant it was the last week of school.

"Morning Finn," she said rolling over and pulling her pillow over her head.

"Nick is gonna come over for a few hours today if that's ok," I said, excited to see Nick again, I haven't seen him in a few months since he went back to college.

"Yeah, it's totally cool, oh and by the way dads coming back late tonight and Ava and my mom are coming back on Tuesday," she said with a yawn and rolled out of bed.


"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked Millie as I went to the fridge and grabbed a pan.

"How about pancakes?" she offered and grabbed flour and sugar from their large pantry.

"Sounds good," I said with a smile and grabbed a mixing bowl.

Millie measured out the flour and poured it into the bowl, I grabbed a pinch of flour and threw it into her face, coving her dainty features in the white powder.

"Finn!" she exclaimed and ran over to the mirror that hung on the wall.

"What, you look like your covered with snow!" I said with a laugh.

"No! It looks like I snorted a line of cocaine!" she yelled at me. God, she always looks so adorable when she's angry.

"You look adorable," I said and put a hand on her cheek and wiped away some of the flour.

We both began to lean in, then she reached behind me and grabbed a handful of flour, then threw it directly in my face.

"There, now you can look adorable with me," before leaning in, for real this time and kissed my lips.

She tasted sweet, like strawberries, but also, a little like flour.

"Come on, lets clean this up and finish cook-" she started before we heard a knock at the door.

"Nick!" I exclaimed and ran from the kitchen to the front of the house. I threw open the front door and threw myself on to my older brother.

"Finn!" he exclaimed, "how are you? And whats on your face... is- is that cocaine?" he said with a stunned expression on his face.

"Told you so!" Millie exclaimed walking into the foyer from the kitchen with a towel in hand. She came up to me and wiped off my face and dusted the remaining flour off my hair,

"It's just flour!" I told Nick with a laugh, "oh, and Nick this is Millie!" I said shoving her towards him.

"Nick Wolfhard, nice to meet you!" he said, "oh, you still have a little flour, uh right here," he said pointing to the side of his lip where Millie had flour stuck to her smudged lipgloss from when we kissed.

"Oh, heh thank you," she said with a chuckle and looked back at me with wide eyes, "Millie Bobby Brown, it's wonderful to meet you too, Finn talks about you all the time," she said.

"I can say the same about you!" he said with a laugh.

"Nick!" I exclaimed trailing out the I. She did not need to know that.

"Come on Mills, let's go finish up cooking, and then we can talk Nick!" I said pushing Millie back to the kitchen.

"Don't push me Wolfhard!" she said giggling and shoved me back.

We finished making our pancakes and headed to the Browns breakfast nook, which was an octagon shaped room that had windows on most sides. They had plants hanging in front of the windows and a large circular table in the middle.

"So Nick, how is college treating you?" Millie asked.

"It's going good, my junior year was tougher, but I only have a month left so I'm pretty excited to be finished," he said nodding and placed some strawberries on his plate.

"That's great!" Millie exclaimed.

I looked at Millie as she babbled on about school, her parents, and other random stuff. Then I decided to pay her back for throwing flour on me.

I slowly set my left hand under the table and slid it to Millie's knee. She kept on talking. I slowly slid my fingers higher, then her breath hitched and she stopped talking. She whipped her head to face me and elbowed me in the stomach.

"Hey! What was that for?" I asked, plastering on an innocent face.

"You know exactly what for," she said, as she finished her pancakes and placed her dishes in the sink.

"I'm going to meet Lilia and Sadie for some shopping and then lunch in a bit, but you guys are free to stay here and play video games, my dad just got some new consols and games and I'm sure he would be happy to let you use them," she said before heading upstairs.

"Thanks, Mills! See you later!" I said beaming at her as she disappeared up the staircase.

"Mills!" Nick exclaimed with wide eyes after Millie was out of an earshot.

ah crap

"What?" I asked and tried to shrug off whatever he was suggesting.

"You totally like her!" Nick said and elbowed me in the stomach.

"Why does everyone keep doing that to me!" I said holding my stomach.

"Come on Finn! You two were totally flirting with each other!" he said before heading towards the living room.

"No, we were not!" I said with a laugh and put on my best poker face.

"Really, Finn, then why when I walked in did you have lipgloss smeared over your face?" he said and laughed.

Damn it

"Uh, fine," I gave in, was it really that obvious? Am I really that head over heels for Millie Bobby Brown?

Yeah, I totally am


//AN// Hey guys! These next chapters will probably be mostly fillers and shorter because I'm like writing 3 at a time lol

Hope you enjoyed this update!

Stay Strange xoxo J

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