Need You Now

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I think this is the third to last chapter before the epilogue, so savor it while you can : )


I woke up in the morning to blue light streaming through the cracks in the window shade. I look around the pale room, the cold light softening its appearance. I roll over to my left and there lies Finn still sleeping peacefully with his arm around my chest. The comforter and the sheets of my bed are all tangled together, the pillows were thrown carelessly around the floor. Our swimsuits, still damp after they were thrown off last night still sat on the floor, stood as a reminder of the events that occurred last night. 

"Mills are you ok?" he asked breathlessly as he began to slow down to check on me.

"Yeah, better than ok," I smiled as he got down on his elbows to leave a sloppy kiss on my lips, our bare chests pressing together, 

"I love you," he smiled.

"I love you too,"

I smiled at the thought, even though it happened only a few hours ago.

I pulled the covers back over me and pressed my bare skin up against Finns once again. 

"Morning Princess," he said in a raspy voice as he slowly awoke.

"Morning Wolfhard," I whispered back to him. 

"How are you feeling, you know after last night?" he asked slightly concerned, "It didn't hurt you know too much did it?" 

"A little at first, but at the same time it felt amazing," I smiled. He brought up a hand and began to caress my bare chest, the sensation making my skin prickle, and the burning sensation from last night return. 

"I'm glad," he smiled, "I love you," He leaned in to kiss my lips, keeping his fingers moving on my body. 

"I love you too," 



Last night with Millie was, well, simply indescribable. She is so amazing, so gentle, and so beautiful, I wish I'd never have to leave her. 

We fell back asleep together, only to wake up two hours later. The calming blue light from dawn was now gone, and it was replaced by a grey light, muted by the grey clouds that hung low in the sky. 

"Mills," I whispered in her ear, "We'd better get up, we have to pick up Ava from her friend's house in an hour," I said and crawled out of bed, and rushed to pull on a pair of shorts.

"Oh, yeah," she smiled and climbed out of her bed, grabbing her pink sheet and wrapping it around her, shielding her body from the air. 

"Mills, it's not that cold," I laughed at her as the sheet trailed behind her as she walked towards the bathroom. 

"I know, but you can't see me naked," she laughed and opened the door to her white and pink bathroom.

"Oh, so I only get to see you naked when we have sex?" I laughed at her as she removed one hand from the sheet to push her hair out of her face. 

"Exactly," she smiled, "but I am about to take a shower if you want to join me," she winked at me and dropped the sheet completely before opening the shower curtain. 

"I would like nothing else," 


We picked up Ava from her friend Mackenzies house at 12. 

"Would you girls like to get some ice cream?" I asked Millie and Ava before I turned on my blinker to turn into a small custard station that sat on one of the outer roads of Hawkins. 

"Oh yes please!" Ava shouted and jumped out of the car. Millie slowly opened the door and climbed out and began walking towards the building, with a slight limp in her walk. 

"Millie! Why are you walking funny?" Ava shouted loudly at her. We both looked at each other with wide eyes. 

"UM! We- she- um," I began to stutter.

"I-uh, fell, in the shower this morning. Yeah, Finn left his uh- soap, uh yeah soap on the floor of the shower," Millie said quickly. 

"Oh, well, Finnie, don't hurt my sister again," Ava said before going up to the window of the ice cream stand.

I walked up behind Millie and whispered in her ear, "wait, was it really that intense?"

"Yes, now shut up Mr. Fuckhard," she winked at me before slowly walking to the window. 


We got home about an hour later, and I decided that I really needed to tell Millie that I had to move. I can't keep delaying the pain.

Ava walked up the stairs to go to her room and play with her unicorns, Millie and I sat on the couch getting ready to watch a movie. Now is as good of a time as ever. 

"Mills, I uh- I need to talk to you," I said as we both settled in on the couch. 

"Oh, ok what's this about?" she smiled noticing the somber look on my face and grabbed my hand. 

A lump began to swell in my throat, my body flushed cold, my breathing turned rugged and hard, inhaling shapely and exhaling shakily. 

"Mills- I" I tried to press on, come on Finn just get it out in the open, "Millie, I'm mo- I'm moving," I finally pushed out. 

"Oh, why? I like your house. But hey maybe you'll move closer," she said not fully understanding how far I meant. 

"No, Mills I mean I'm moving to New York," I whispered, tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. 

"Finn- wha- what do you mean you're moving," she asked quietly, clenching her fists and blinking hard in an attempt to hold back a tear. 

"My mom, she thinks, she thinks that moving to New York will be good for us," I whisper and let my hands fall into my lap, "she told me a week ago," 

"Finn what the fuck!" she jumped up. I stood there shocked, I didn't expect this from her. 

"Why didn't you fucking tell me, gee I don't know! Before I fell completely head over heels for you! Maybe before I lost my fucking virginity to you!" she yelled. A dam broke in her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Is that all I was to you? Another notch on your belt! Another sleeping partner before you go away and you can brag about your fucking body count?" she yelled at me, wiping tears from her face.

"Millie no I-" 

"Save it," she spat, "You can stay here the last two days until your mom comes back, but I'm staying at Maddies. Please watch Ava until my parents come back in a few hours. I'm going to Maddies, and when I come back in two days, I want my room to be normal again, I want all your stuff gone, ok? I want it to be like you were never fucking here. I never want to see your face again Wolfhard," she spat before grabbing her keys phone and sped away in her car. 

"Millie?" Ava asked walking down the stairs, "Finn why was Millie crying?" she asked tugging on the hem of my shirt, "why are you crying?" I brushed away a tear that was falling down my cheek.

"Because we hurt each other," I sniffed before, picking her up and carried her back to her playroom.

 "I thought when two people loved each other they didn't hurt each other," she asked and reached out to wipe away another tear on my cheek. 

"I know," I sniffed, "me too," 


Noooooo sad : ( 

This book is coming to a close and I'm starting to get really sad about it, but I started planning out my new Fillie book I think you guys will like it. 

Stay Strange xoxo J

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