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//AN// Hey guys! Heres an update! I am going on another vacation so I'm going to try and pre-write a few chapters so the next few coming up maybe a little shorter 800-1000 words. Just a heads up!

This takes places the morning after the last chapter (Millie got drunk and got a little careless)


Millies pov

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head as I opened my eyes and the bright light of the tv that was still on hit my retinas.


"Morning Millie," Finn said with a chuckle and handed me a water bottle. I placed a hand on my left temple and reached out for the water.

"Thanks," I muttered and shook my head. I looked down and realized I wasn't wearing the same clothes as I was last night. No one else was home last night except for Finn.

shit, how can I not remember what happened?


did he see me... oh fuck

"Finn..." I questioned extending the n, "did you... I mean did I change... did you do," I stammered wondering what the fuck drunk Millie was thinking.

"Yeah, so you started changing, but I'm not a perv so I turned around," he said with a smirk.

"Oh my god..." I said setting my head in my palms. What was my thought process? All I can truly remember was eating pizza, drinking the first couple beers and laying down on Finn.

wait... what

I remember getting scared when something happened in Heathers and I scooted over and placed my head onto him... or near him? I really don't know, and I don't want to ask.

"Are you friends still coming over later tonight?" Finn asked swiving his chair around to face me.

"Uh, yeah I think so..." I said finishing my first water bottle and grabbing the second one, "I'm gonna take a shower, and uh I think we have food downstairs," I said squinting as I made my way to the bathroom.

I closed the door before I heard a reply from Finn and started the shower. I slowly began to strip off the clothes that I had changed into last night and climbed in. I let the steaming beads of water roll down my face an tried to remember what had happened.

I heard a knock on the door, "Finn?" I asked hoping that no one had broken into my house and was about to kill me.

"Yeah, it's just me... uh, I think I left my phone in the bathroom," he muttered.

"Oh, uh," I mean the shower curtain is closed so... "um, you can just come in and grab it," I said running my hands down my sides.

"Cool, thanks," he said slowly opening the door so that the room wouldn't get too cold from the outside air conditioning. I heard him walk across the floor and rummage around the counter in search of his phone.

"Hey, uh Finn?" I asked, knowing I may regret what I was about to ask.

"Yeah?" he muttered

"Uh, what really happened last night?" I asked running my hands over my wet face and cringing.

"Oh, uh," he started, "Well, we were watching Heathers, and we started to drink after a while, then you got super upset when Heather Chandler fell into the table, I think you started crying?" he said uncertainly, "then you came over and put your head on my chest... and then put your head on my lap... and then we went upstairs... and well, you changed, then I tried to leave but you wouldn't let me leave, then you fell asleep," he said with a laugh.

"Oh good lord," I said cringing even harder

"Its ok Millie, we all have nights we are not proud of," he said laughing and walking out of the bathroom.

I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a towel. My head was still hurting so I drank another cup of water. 

After, I changed into a green t-shirt and short jean shorts and headed downstairs.

"I am so bored," Finn sighed and slouched further into his chair.

"Uh, I guess you could invite some of your friends over too," I offered, "like, Gaten, Noah, and Caleb! Sadie would love it if Caleb came, they can't get enough of each other," I said with a chuckle.

"Oh, yeah, sounds cool!" he said whipping out his phone and started texting, "they are in!" he replied excitedly a few minutes later.

"Cool, do you wanna run out and get more food?" I asked.

"Sure, I can drive," he said and grabbed his keys to his white Land Rover.


"Maddie! Sadie!" I shouted and ran to greet them.

"Millie!" they both shouted back and hugged me. 

"How is it living with Finn?" Sadie asked excitedly and quickly glanced at the curly haired boy who was leaning against the front door. 

"Umm, I'll have to spill the tea later!" I replied quietly with wide eyes before heading back towards the large front door.

"Oh, I have a surprise!" I said turning back towards them, "Finn invited Noah, Gaten, and Caleb over!" I said and smiled. Sadie and Caleb have been dating for almost one year and Maddie has been crushing on Gaten for as long as I can remember.

"Oh my god really!" Sadie said and ran to hug Finn, "thank you so so so much for being friends with Caleb!" she said, "hey, now that Caleb and I are together, Maddie and Gaten can't stop flirting with each other... I feel like, maybe you and Millie..." she started before I stopped her by elbowing her in the stomach.

Me and Finn, yeah, right

As I walked past Finn he smirked.

As I approached up to him I cupped my hand around his ear and whispered,"oh you just wish Wolfhard," into his ear and slid my finger down his jawbone as I walked past.

Finns pov

"Oh you just wish Wolfhard," Millie seductively whispered and traced my jawbone as she walked past me causing a chill to run up my spine, but the good kind, that makes you want... more.

Stop Finn, she doesn't like you, and you just have a little crush on her its not like that means anything and you will get over it eventually... right?


Hey guys! that was part 1 of Friends in the next chapter tea will be spilled and a lot of fun will be had! See you soon!

P.S. what do yall think about Season 3 and how its being hinted at a SUMMER 2019 RELEASE DATE ITS SO FAR AH

Stay Strange xoxo J

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