Perfect Situation

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//AN// Hey guys! In this chapter, things will actually start happening again yay! I am mentioning the bands Weezer. Spendtime Palace, The Pixies and more (I highly recommend listening to all of these bands I've been a fan of all of these bands for years)


Millies pov

"I'm going to take a shower, Finn!" I said I closed the bathroom door and turned on the water. I picked up my phone and turned on an old playlist called Mills jam sesh. Cringy, yes but they were true jams. I hit shuffle and I heard the iconic intro of El Scorcho by Weezer come on. I began to quietly sing along when I heard a crash outside of the door.

"Finn?" I asked wrapping myself in a towel and stepping out of the bathroom.

"Wait, Millie is that El Scorcho?" he asked sitting on the floor.

"Uh, yeah, I like Weezer... did you fall off of your chair?" I asked with a chuckle and clutched the towel closer to my chest.

"Uh, kind of I guess, I didn't know you liked Weezer they are my favorite band, like ever!" he said and smiled.

"Oh cool!  I have tons of their vinyl, but I can show you that after my shower," I said, realizing that the towel that I had wrapped around me was fairly short.


I stepped out of the shower and pulled on a NASA t-shirt and some black spandex.

"Do you want me to show you all of my Weezer records?" I asked as I opened my cabinet that held my record player and my large stack of vinyl.

"Holy crap Millie where did you get all of this stuff?" he said astonished looking through all of the records.

"Well, some of them my parents gave a few of them to me, and then the rest I got from a little vinyl store downtown," I said picking up the Weezer blue album and placing it on the record player, My Name Is Jonas began playing.

"Wait, there's a vinyl store in Hawkins!" Finn exclaimed, "wait can we go?" he said jumping up.

"Sure!" I replied, to be totally honest I was kind of excited to be going out with Finn, just the two of us, "hey we can take my dads convertible since he's out of town, and we can go out to dinner since Mom and Ava are spending the night at my grandmas and I really don't feel like cooking." I said brushing out my hair.

"Sounds good! We can leave in 10 because I need to get ready," Finn said grabbing a different pair of jeans from the bottom dresser drawer.

I decided to play another song off of Millies Jam Sesh playlist, Where Is My Mind, by the Pixies.

"Holy shit!" Finn exclaimed, "You like The Pixies too!" he yelled taking off his shirt. Over the years his muscles got even more definition, leaving him with a faint six pack.

"Millie!" he said then followed to where my eyes were, "like what you see?" he said and flexed a tiny bit, making his muscles even more defined.


"Ha ha ha very funny Wolfhard," I said pulling my gaze off of his stomach. But what he said was actually true.

We walked into the garage and Finn climbed into the driver's seat of my dads white BMW convertible.

"Hand me the aux please!" I asked as I climbed into the passenger seat.

"Sure thing," he said and passed my the cord while he was backing out our long driveway.

I decided to play Sonora from Spendtime Palace.

"Mother of all that is holy," Finn said and moved his sunglasses up to his forehead, "you like Spendtime Palace too!" he exclaimed, his jaw dropped.

"I sure do!" I said with a laugh.

"And I thought you couldn't be any more perfect Millie Bobby Brown," he said and sung along to the chorus.

After that Buddy Holly came on (//AN//the first Weezer song I ever heard, and an actual bop)

When the chorus came we both shot our hands up into the wind and sang along.


"Ah stop right here!" I yelled, I forgot to give him more warning as we approached the small store, he smalled on the breaks, causing us to slightly jerk forward.

Finn jumped over the door and quickly walked over to my side.

"Here you go," he said and opened the door and offered me his hand.

"Such a gentleman Mr. Wolfhard!" I said with a giggle.

"Anything for you, Ms.Brown," he said with a laugh.

I kept a hold of his hand as we walked through the small glass door. Inside the store, there were shelves displaying hundreds and hundreds of records, ranging from the Beatles to Nirvana.

"Hey, I think Weezer is over here!" Finn said as he walked towards a shelf marked with a W.

"Ah cool! I still need their Pacific Daydream album!" I said and started looking for Weezer among all the bands.

"Cool! I'm gonna go look for Spendtime Palace," he said and dropped my hand.


We found our records and headed out to eat. We decided on The Peacock Diner, a large modernized diner that stood on a street corner.

We sat in a comfortable silence and continued eating our food.

"Hey, this is kind of like our first date," Finn said with a laugh and ate another french fry.

"Haha, you don't even know if I like you," I said crossing my arms and giving him a fake angry expression.

"Don't try and play with me Brown, I heard Sadie the other night, you guys aren't exactly the quiet bunch," he said with a giggle.

My heart began pounding, "well, you must've heard her wrong," I said and put on my best poker face.

"Well, if it makes any difference, I like you too," he said, not meeting my eyes.

holy crap

Finn Wolfhard likes me back

"Really?" I asked quietly and reached across the table to grab his hand.

"Yeah, a lot," he said looking up, our eyes meeting and he smiled.

"I like you a lot too, Finn"

Finns pov

Millie Bobby Brown, the most amazing, beautiful, caring, and badass girl in the world, likes me.


//AN// AWE I hope you enjoyed this! Get pumped for the next chapter because I think y'all are gonna love it ahhhh

Stay Strange xoxo J

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