Miss Yer Kiss

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Quite a bit of foreshadowing in this chapter heads up


"What do you think about this one?" I held up a grey t-shirt and a black skirt to show Maddie

"I mean, I don't really listen to rock indie music, but if that's the style I really like it" she smiled and applied more lipgloss to her pink lips. 

"Ok, thanks Mads, Finn's gonna be ready soon so I'm gonna get ready," I smiled and set the outfit on my bed.

"Don't forget, he needs to work hard to earn you before he can get in your panties!" she smiled as I choked and scoffed.

"Zeigler!" I screeched before she blew me an air kiss and hung up the face time call. 

I slid on the skirt and tucked the shirt into the waistline. 

"Mills! You almost ready to go?" I heard Finn ask from down the steps. Don't get me wrong I love getting to share a room with Finn, but sometimes I would like to get dressed in my room by myself without him constantly bugging me to hurry. 

"Yep! All ready!" I shouted throwing my sunnies, phone, and lipstick into a crossover purse and head down the steps.

"Bye Mom! We're heading out to the concert!" I shout from the foyer.

"Bye Mills! Bye Finn! Have a good time be safe and make good choices!" she yelled back from the kitchen. 

We climbed into Finn's car as he turned the keys in the ignition. 

"I have some cigarettes in the glove box if you want one," he smiled as he puts his arm behind the passenger seat to back out of the long driveway. 

"I don't think that's what my mom meant about making good choices but what can she do," I smiled and lit the stick as I held it between my teeth. 

"The drive to the amphitheater is 30 min away so we should have plenty of time," Finn smiled as he merged onto the highway. 

"Ah sounds good," I smiled and rolled down the windows to let the refreshing summer breeze rush over my body. 

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" I heard Finn shouted. I bolted up as I heard a white pickup loudly honk.

"Oh my god what happened?" I asked him slightly shaking. 

"That asshole tried to merge into me! It's like he didn't even check his blind spot," he sighed and refocused his eyes back on the road. 

"Jeez, at least we're all good, getting into a car accident is the last thing I need right now," I chuckled and re-adjusted myself back into my seat.


We arrived at the concert venue a few minutes early, and we were fortunate enough to find a parking spot fairly close to the entrance. 

"Are you ready?" Finn asked and squeezed my hand as we walked through the gates to join the sea of people.

"Yeah, I've been looking forward to this a lot," I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder as we strolled towards our seats. 

"Hello Indiana!" Cole shouted from the stage, earning a loud cheer from the crowd.

"Aw come on Indiana! Let me hear you!" Cole shouted into the mic once more time. 

"There we go!" he shouted excitedly, "ok Indiana! We're SWMRS, and let's get ready to Drive North!" he spoke one last time before the band started into D'You have a car?

The rest of the night was a magical blur, until their final song Miss yer kiss began playing. 

"Aw yes!" I shouted, "I love this one!" I grabbed Finn's hand and began slowly dancing with him in the sea of fans shouting out the lyrics.

"Coz we made a pact I'll try my best not to get attached, but you're so cool and I'm such a fool for it I missed your text, I miss your sex, I miss your kiss already!" Finn and I both sang along as he pulled me closer into his chest and we swayed together for what seemed like an eternity until the song came to an end. I looked up at him and began to rise up on my tiptoes so my lips could reach his. I wish we could've stayed there, just me and him for forever, but all good things come to an end.

"That was amazing," Finn smiled as we began to walk back towards the slowly emptying parking lot. 

"It sure was," I smiled and began to shiver as the lack of the sun and cool wind met my skin.

"Here, take this," Finn smiled and slid it over my shoulders.

"Such a gentleman," I smiled as he opened up the car door for me and I slid in. I inhaled Finn's scent that was all over his jacket, which smelled of peaches, cologne, and stale cigarette smoke, and I loved it. I felt a smile creep on my lips and Finn hopped in the driver's seat. 

"Why are you smiling Princess?" he smiled back at me and began to back out. 

"Oh. your jacket just smells like you I guess," I smiled as we began to drift down the long road towards in the middle of the countryside of Indiana. 

I plugged my phone into the aux and decided to play a song that we just saw live.

When I first saw you I made a mixtape,  I didn't know you'd do the same damn thing

I smiled looking over at the curly headed boy who was bopping his head along to the music.

  When I said goodbye to you, it went quiet 'Cause I didn't wanna feel any pain
The last thing I want is another debutante to take me away from my world  

He  looked back over at me and smiled

  And I know that wasn't us, but it still got tough so come on, come on  

We both sang along to the song winding down the dark road under the night sky

So tell me why'd you have to have such a damn good taste in music?

We were both so caught up in each other and the moon and the stars, we never saw the white truck heading straight towards us. 

Yeah if all my favorite songs make me think of you I'm gonna lose it


Aw sorry guys I had to do it! New update coming soon, but sadly this book will be coming to an end soon! I think I have 6 chapterts left : ( 

luckily I already have an idea for my next Fillie book that I think everyone will like! 

Stay Strange xoxo, J

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