Chapter 11 Return to Work

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Over the next few days, Fairy Tail worked hard to rebuild. At one point, Lucy went missing. After discovering a note at her house that said she was 'going home' Erza, Gray, Natsu, and Happy went after her. Upon their return Lucy explained that she had gone to warn her dad that if he attacked Fairy Tail again the whole guild would go after him, nobody argued with her on that. After that everyone returned to building the guild. A few days later Mira had an announcement, "Starting today we are accepting job requests again." she said smiling. The guild cheered and charged the request board.

Aviana turned to Cain and Katsandra, "We should try to take a job to. We'll run out of rent money if we don't keep working."

Then a table whizzed by and nailed Natsu in the head. "I dare you to say that again!" Erza snarled. She had been talking to Laxus who had just returned from a job. Another smashed table was the only thing separating them.

"I'll say it more clearly. This guild doesn't need weaklings. To be looked down upon by Phantom Lord it was so embarrassing to hear about when it reached the town I was in." Laxus said. Then he pointed at Levi and the rest of Team Shadow Gear, "I'm talking about you guys. I heard you guys were beat up by Iron Dragon Gajeel; you're a disgrace to the guild." Then he turned his attention to Lucy, who had moved to convert Levi, "And let's not forget the little princess who started all this."

Mira slammed her fist on her makeshift bar counter, "Enough! The master has declared the matter closed. You didn't return to help defend the guild so you shouldn't be adding oil to the fire."

"Of course I wasn't there. If I had been I definitely wouldn't have been beaten up as badly as some of you weaklings." Laxus retorted.

Erza looked ready to punch him but Natsu struck first, "Laxus!!" he roared and swung at him. Laxus smirked and then simply disappeared in a flash of lightning. He reappeared behind Natsu. "Stop running away and duel me!" Natsu shouted.

Laxus laughed, "You can't even catch me and you still talk about dueling. When I take over as master I'll get rid of all you weaklings and make Fairy Tail the number one guild in Fiore." Then he walked away still laughing.

Natsu was about to chase after him but Erza stopped him, "Give it up Natsu you can't defeat Laxus yet. Why don't we do a job to take your mind off this? Of course Lucy, Gray, and Happy should come as well. Ever since the Eisenwald incident, we keep ending up doing missions together."

Aviana shifted her attention of the formation of Fairy Tail's strongest team and asked Mira, "Why did Laxus sound so sure that he'd be the next master?"

Cain pulled his attention away from Erza and the others, "Yeah I was wondering the same thing."

Mira sighed, "He's the master's flesh and blood grandson," she explained, "That means he has a better chance than anyone else to receive the title. Rumor has it that the master won't retire because he doesn't want Laxus to take his place."

Aviana frowned, "I hope he doesn't become master otherwise this guild may end up like Phantom Lord."

Katsandra flew over holding a job request, "I hate to interrupt, but I found a job that we could do. Shouldn't we register it and get going?"

"You're right as usual Katsandra. What did you find?" Aviana replied.

Katsandra showed them the flyer, "It's a job to take out a monster that has been terrorizing some farmers. The town is just an hour-long train ride from here so it will be a little easier on Aviana and we'll be able to return sooner which means we'll still be able to help with the guild's reconstruction."

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