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Bianca's pov

"Hi princess how was school" my dad greets me as soon as I walk through the front door. I sigh and think about the events throughout the day. "Amazing!" I say and he smiles. "That's my girl, Stanford is going to kill to get you in their school." He states and I smile and walk into the kitchen to find a snack.

Basically my parents have my whole life planned out for me. Every bit of it, what college I'm going to attend, where I'm going to live, when Im getting married, when I'm having my first child. Everything.

"What do you think you're doing?" My mom asks me raising her eyebrows. "Don't be rude, Maria is making dinner for our guests we're having over tonight, dress as expected." She says and exits the kitchen so I sit on the island and see what Maria was cooking. "Need any help" I ask standing up. "No I'm going to be done shortly, go ahead and get your snack" she says whispering the last oart and winks at me. I smile and mouth thank you and grab an apple and run back up to my room.

My mom always has guests over for dinner so it was not surprising, it's usually my moms best friend Jane and her husband and son my age. He's one of my best friends but sadly he doesn't go to my school.


To mani
-soo when's my favorite guy coming over?

From mani
-we're not, mom made reservations why?

My mood instantly drops and I throw my head back.

To mani
-ugh now we can't count how many times my mom says "I" or "me" at dinner:,(

I walk in to my closet and begin looking through all of my dinner dresses. Since mani isn't coming over tonight that means I have to be even more presentable, mom is always so laid back when Jane and her family is over. I like her better that way but sadly I can't expect her to change I've been let down by the thought a countless amount of times.

I hear a knock at my door and peer my head out of my closet. "It's cool" I say and I see my mom enter my room. "Come in would be much more ladylike dear, and what will you be wearing tonight?" She asks. I hold up a red dress and she frowns. "It's formal at dinner when we have guests attending, that is something you'd wear with your father and I" She says and I mentally roll my eyes. "Yes ma'am" I say and she smiles. "Glad we could come to this understandIng" she smiles coldly and walks out.


I hear the door bell ring meaning that's my cue to walk down stairs. "You look beautiful dear" Maria says with a warm smile. She's always so nice and understanding I can go to her with anything and she'd help me through it. If I could I would probably trade her for my mom.
"Thank you Maria" I say and kiss her cheek then begin walking downstairs to everyone in the foyer where they were all talking.

The voices were unfamiliar and I didn't recognize their faces until one of them turned around and faced me.

Jack Gilinsky.

In a tux.

I can't lie, maybe liv was right.. or maybe it's just the tuxedo effect. He does clean up nice.

"Is this your daughter?" A woman around my moms age asks smiling. "Yes" She says turning and facing me and I instantly get a scowling look from my mother but then she goes back into fake mom mode"Bianca meet mr. and Mrs. gilinsky" she adds with a smile.

"You can just call me Katherine. Wow you're so beautiful, too bad my daughters couldn't make it they'd most likely adore you" she says and I smile. "Thank you" I say genuinely.

"Shall we start dinner?" My mom suggests and we all follow her into the dining room.

"Well you clean up nice" jack says with a smirk. "Not so bad your self" I say as we take a seat. Jack sat in front of me with Katherine next to me.

"You truly do have a beautiful home" Katherine says smiling and looks up at the chandelier. "Thank you" my dad says and I look over at my mom and she's still frowning at me. "I thought I told you to change, you've thrown off the families look dressing as down as you did" she says and I look down. "Well I"

"she's a senior, isn't she old enough to decide what she can and can't wear" jack interrupts me and my moms eyes go wide. "Jack Finnegan gilinsky! We are there guests" Katherine says sternly and jack just rolls his eyes. " right" he says bluntly and begins to eat his food.


"You know you really didn't have to say that earlier" I say as me and jack sit out side while my parents show off our 'finest wine'. He looks at me and laughs. "well someone had to say it. I saw the way she looked at you earlier when you first walked downstairs." He said and looked up at the sky. "Want to know something sad" I say and he looks back at me. "Go for it" He says. I laugh pathetically and sigh. "I don't even own one t-shirt" I say and he laughs. "That's going to change. We should go to the mall Friday and buy you your style of clothes" he says and I smile.

It would be nice not wearing something ladylike every single day. Even for bed I have matching silk pajamas. It's stupid that I have to live like this, I wish I could just change it all.

"I don't know... it seems kind of risky." I say quietly. "Come on it would be fun" he begs and I shrug my shoulders. "Fine" I give in and he smiles. "Nate, Johnson and Sammy will be with us though" he adds and I instantly regret signing up for this. I thought it was just going to be us. I'll just invite Olivia so she can get closer with jack, she was practically losing her mind over him earlier at lunch it was kind of sad

"Jack, let's go we're leaving" jacks dad says from the back door. I definitely know my mom didn't like that, she hates people standing in the doorways and she hates them yelling, yet it's okay when she does it.

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