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Bianca's pov

One month later, Wednesday, September 4th

"So apparently I'm coming over for dinner again tonight" jack whispers to me as our teacher was giving us all a lessons how to not be disrespectful. Which means of course Jack Gilinsky of all people would be the one to go and do the exact opposite of what she's saying. He truly amazes me sometimes.

"Really? That means you'll get to meet mani, he's so great...you'll love him" I whisper back with a big smile. It makes me happy when I get to introduce mani to my friends.

"How are we dressing? Are we going against your moms standards?"he asks with a sly grin. "Hell yes" I say a little too loud as we give each other an even louder high five making everyone's eyes land on us.

"Miss Davis, mr gilinsky... I'm sure you two can high five about the fact that you two will be in detention together after school today and tomorrow as well" Mrs.brighton says lowering her glasses to the top of her nose, staring us down.

Jack shrugs and lifts his hand up to high five me again as my heart starts to race. I high five him quickly and look down as she begins to give another speech on our disrespectfulness. This would definitely be a first.

I dart out of the class room as soon as the bell rings to hurry up and get out of that class and away from that horrible teacher. She's always so rude.

"What's up with you?" Jack asks with a small chuckles at my sudden mood change. "I've never been in detention before... if my mom found out she'd kill me.. I still haven't even gotten the chance to wear normal clothes to school jack.im terrified" I say letting out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. "Relax it's fine.. we just don't go" He says guiding me to our last class of the day, art, which is super easy.

"Wow that's a great way to solve a problem. Yeah! Let's just go ahead and make another problem! Wow way to go jack great thinking." I say sarcastically and give him a couple of claps. He begins to laugh making me get mad. "I don't see what's so funny" I say stopping in the middle of the hall way putting my hands on my hips looking up at him with a stern look. "You're freaking out.. it's actually kind of cute"
He reply's making me roll my eyes. "There's plenty of other girls to hit on besides me, you were just making out with Jessie reed on Monday" I say raising my eyebrows at him so maybe he'd open up some. So far I've been the main one in this friendship coming to him about relationship problems..mainly ex relationship problems but that's irrelevant at the moment.

"That was just so she'd give me a blow job before the test we had in third period." He says shrugging. I roll my eyes and take a seat at our usual spots in the back.

"Do you at least still talk to her or text her?" I ask with some hope that he's not a complete douche that everyone makes him out to be. "Nope" he reply's with a small laugh.

"You're such a dick jack" I say shaking my head and he just shrugs. "They'll learn one day" He adds as he puts his feet up on the desk

"Have you even had one serious relationship?" I ask him and he laughs. "One yes but that's it, relationships aren't really my thing bee. In the end one of you will end up getting hurt so what's the point in destroying all your happiness because of one person" he reply's. He has a point so I can't argue with that.

We just sit quietly for the rest of the class period until the bell rings. "See you in 3 hours" he says standing up and hugging me I hug back and he squeezes me into his chest followed by him ruffling up my hair. "What the heck jack!" I say loudly resulting in him laughing as he runs off to get away from me. He's such a kid.

To jack
-be prepared for tonight.
-it's on.

I smile at my text and get in Olivia's car to hear her blasting the song beware by big Sean while she sings obnoxiously loud. I laugh as she starts using her hand as her microphone and begins to sing to me waiting for me to join.

"When you said it was over you shot right through my heart, why you let these hoes tear what we had right apart. Ohhh I was so mad I shoulda seen this coming right from the start...you should beware beware beware of a woman with a broken heart" I song loudly and she claps in satisfaction and drives off.

From jack
-mmm can't wait;)
-my pull out game is incredibly good babe

My eyes widen at his text making me realize how sexual my texts had seemed. I tell Olivia about it and she laughs. "You should do it bee, it will change your life.." she said nodding her head with a small grin. "You slept with jack?" I ask confused as to why I never heard of this and she laughs. "Oh nooo, I mean sex.. I'm kind of texting that Nash guy. We're meeting up Friday after school." She says turning the volume down so we can talk. "Ohh and no I'm not doing that I'm not even ready yet." I say as we pull into my drive way. She sighs and runs her fingers though her hair. "You'll have to do it eventually, but I'm not pressuring you or anything. Anyways have fun tonight bee love you!!" She says as I get out. I form a heart with my hands and she smiles and I walk inside the house and head straight to my room to find the right outfit for tonight

To jack
in your dreams Jack Gilinsky

From jack
only my wet ones Bianca Davis

To jack
-ugh you're so childish
-anyways we're still dressing way down right?

From jack
-look at you breaking rules and shit
-I'm a proud father

I playfully roll my eyes at his text and just leave him on read to find my outfit

Hellooo hope you're enjoying my book so far. Please keep voting and commenting your ideas and opinions on this so I know what I should keep doing. Much love!!💞

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