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Jacks pov

"Just ask Bianca ?" Johnson says as if he knows everything. "I don't know man" I say looking down and chuckling to myself trying to decide if I like this t shirt or if I need to donate it. "We haven't exactly spoken to each other since the other day.." I add and Johnson laughs. "Damnit gilinsky what'd you do" he says.

"Well for starters I let her get drunk" "let me cut you off right there.. you what?" He says shocked. "I know it was a bad idea but it was her choice I should have stopped her...anyways we were talking about sex or whatever she asked me if I'd ever fuck her and I ...I said no? I don't know" I reply.

This whole situation confuses me, if it were any other girl I'd do it in a heart beat but with Bianca it's different. I want to...she's hot. But she's also my best friend and I know her so well I wouldn't be able to do that to her, itd just mess up the whole friendship...

"To me it sounds like someone's got it bad for Bianca Davis...but I'm just Johnson and only catch everything that's in front of my eyes and knows everything but I don't know" he says throwing his hands up and I laugh.

"Bianca's my best friends j" I say throwing a pillow at him. "Just admit it you like her" he says catching the pillow. I roll my eyes and an unforced smile crosses my lips making me stop it quickly before he could notice. "Thought so" he says shrugging. "What no! I don't like Bianca, she's hot yeah but she's MY hot best friend." I say taking the shirt off and throwing it into the donate box.

"Then fuck her" Johnson says pouring the rest of the chips from the bag into his mouth. That's something i didn't think Id ever hear come from his mouth. "What if it messes up our friendship...what if feelings get involved." I say trying to make him change his advice and opinion.

"If you're scared of feelings developing and getting in the way then they're already there" he says bluntly grabbing his keys and walking out the door.

To Bianca
Yo we good?

From bianca
Yes Why

To Bianca
Nun want to come over after the game tomorrow

From Bianca
Yess :))

Reckless | Jack Gilinsky Where stories live. Discover now