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biancas pov
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"okay liv...you were right" i say as soon as i step into her car since she was picking me up for school today. she smiles really big because i told her she was right.

"be more specific" she says smirking. "so um yeah. me and nate are going to try and work it out...? i don't know it's all super confusing right now it's just weird." i say quickly. and she laughs. "see i'm never wrong. what happened with jack" she asks looking over at me before i give her a look so she focuses on the road again because she definitely would have killed us. she gets distracted too easily and it worries me sometimes.

"told one of his old friends that i wasn't his girl and that i was just a quick fuck and tried to cover it up by saying he thought we were being lowkey. and then nate and same kinda just started talking and he came over and we went out for breakfast and talked about us and now we're taking it slow" i explain happily and she smiles. "he's going to treat you better this time bee by the way he's looked at you these past few months i just know he will." she says as we pull into the school parking lot.

i gather my things out of my locker and i feel a tap on my shoulder only to turn around and see nate smiling. "good morning beautiful" he says cheekily and i laugh. "aw good morning love muffin" i say teasing him and he laughs. we're already happy and comfortable and i'm digging it.

we walk together laughing and talking the whole way to my first period before he winks at me and we part ways. i earn a glare from jack as soon as i walk in and take a seat near the back to avoid him. he was one of my best friends in this class so it's going to be difficult at first.

he watches me the whole time i make my way to my seat and once our eyes meet he breaks the eye contact and starts to look at paige and she walks over and smiles at him and they begin conversing.

he knows how insecure she made me feel sometimes so he's only trying to make me upset.

to olivia
lol jacks trying to make me jealous with paige!

from olivia
get Nate to come in the classroom and give you like his jacket or something.

i smile at her brilliant idea and decide to text him.

to Nate
-i forgot my jacket and i'm freezing do you have an extra one i can wear?

from Nate
yes i'll give you that red one you always check me out in😏 i'll be there in a min

to Nate
probably won't look half as good as you do in it, but okay thank you :)

after a few minutes of just sitting around and the noise of the class getting louder nate walks through the door with his red jacket and a smirk on his face as he makes his way over to me.

"why are you alone??" he asks concerned as he takes a seat next to me. i feel jack staring at us he's probably pissed. i feel bad kind of. i always said nothing would happen between me and nate, but i guess i was wrong.

"jack was the only person i talked to" i say low as i put on his hoodie. "it smells like you" i add taking in the scent and he smiles. "it looks better on you than it does on me." he says matter of factly. this is what i liked so much about nate, is when we date he still flirts with me like he's trying to win me over everyday. "he's staring at you" nate says throwing his head in jacks direction as they both clench their jaw. i don't know why jack would be so mad when paige is technically trying to fuck him with his clothes on by the way she's sitting in his lap.

"ugh just ignore it, well both have to." i say and he nods. "well i should get back to class before i get in even more trouble after just walking out of class for you" he says kissing my cheek as he stands up making me blush extremely hard.

i look over at jack and we hold our eye contact for a second before he breaks it with an eye roll and turns around and pulls out his phone.

from jack.
enough games i know you don't like nate. i fucked up okay i'm sorry...

i scoff as i read his message. He really thinks he knows how to fix everything.

to jack
didn't i tell you to leave me alone and not row worry about me??

i smirk at my text message and put him on do not disturb.

it really hurt not being able to talk to jack about anything and everything, he always took my mind off nate when we first became friends until nate was never a thought in my mind. But when i'm with nate now, he helps take my mind off jack completely until he's not with me and the thoughts come swarming back.

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